On the phone, Yan Zong, Yan Pengtian, and the others talked about the things they were going to move in a rather cryptic way. Even if the call recording was spread, it would not have much impact on them.

Zhuo Zishan had no effect until such a recording, so during the call, she quietly explained their illegal things very clearly and clearly.

Yan Zong, Yan Pengtian, and his 11 members saw that Zhuo Zishan was so straightforward. They just thought that Zhuo Zishan was safe because there were no outsiders beside him. They never thought that Zhuo Zishan would deliberately leave criminal evidence and ruin it. them.

During the years when Zhuo Zishan was a police officer, he helped Yan Zong, Yan Pengtian, and the Yan family to do a lot of illegal things. Take your future and even your life very lightly.

Yan Pengtian's mother also asked Zhuo Zishan to do several things. Zhuo Zishan pretended not to remember those things when she was a child. Very well done.

In this regard, Yan Pengtian's mother also praised Zhuo Zishan, saying that she was very good.

As the years passed, Zhuo Zishan also collected a lot of criminal evidence of Yan Zong and the Yan family, but she simply did not have the ability to make these evidences available to the public.

The Yan family in Xuanbei County covered the sky with one hand, and had a close relationship with the city leaders. If he directly announced those things, he would not be able to tell if it would work, and he would put himself in.

Zhuo Zishan told herself in her heart that she must be patient and wait for the opportunity. Those previous grievances and sufferings cannot be in vain, and her mother cannot die in vain, and they must pay the price.

Zhuo Zishan's heart has always been filled with hatred. Over the years, she has never had a boyfriend or a relationship, because her heart is very repulsive of men, and she feels that all men in this world are all Not a good thing.

During the long wait, Zhuo Zishan never found a good opportunity, and her heart filled with hatred began to become a little distorted.

She began to deliberately handle some cases as unjust cases, and let those people go to jail for wrongful convictions. The cases were handled by her, and if the cases were overturned in the future, she would be the one who would be held responsible.

And she is Yan Zong's daughter. In some cases, Yan Zong can't escape from it. Zhuo Zishan is ready to use this method to damage one thousand himself and eight hundred enemies.

Over the years, Zhuo Zishan, who is mentally distorted, has done many unjust and wrongful cases, and has also helped Yan Zong to do many wicked and illegal things.

She wants to let herself be full of evil and let Yan Zong and the others hold the evidence of their crimes in her own hands.

As a criminal police officer, Zhuo Zishan has been in contact with a lot of various cases. By coincidence, she noticed a case on the Internet, and that case was the case of dismembering the corpse in the girls' dormitory of Donglin University in Tianhai City.

This case caused the local police to be devastated. It was Lin Chen's appearance that allowed the case to be solved quickly and the murderer caught.

It was through this case that Zhuo Zishan began to pay attention to Lin Chen. In the days that followed, she also kept an eye on Lin Chen, and knew something about every case that Lin Chen cracked.

When Lin Chen assisted the local police in solving the case, the leaders of the local public security bureau and the government were very polite to Lin Chen. Most people saw those pictures and photos and thought it was Lin Chen's strong ability to solve the case that was respected by those leaders. .

But Zhuo Zishan could see from Lin Chen's case-solving documentaries and the small details and actions of the leaders that those leaders did not respect Lin Chen, but obeyed and revered.

And when Lin Chen cracked the rainy night serial murder case, the local county party secretary was immediately suspended for inspection, and Zhuo Zishan also saw from it that it seemed to have a lot to do with Lin Chen.

Based on the performance of the local police in Lin Chen's cracking of each case, Zhuo Zishan became more and more clear that Lin Chen, a detective, was not simple, not only with strong ability, but also with a terrifying background.

When she watched Lin Chen's case-solving documentary, she wondered if one day she would be able to meet Lin Chen who solved the case like a god.

I thought it was impossible to meet in this life, but what I didn't expect was that because of this 726 killing case, I actually met with Lin Chen.

When Lin Chen brought Shen Yue and Shen Yue's mother to the Public Security Bureau, he first negotiated with a male police officer. Zhuo Zishan, who was passing by, saw Lin Chen's face, and then saw that Lin Chen was killed because of the 726 murder case. After arriving, Zhuo Zishan was extremely excited.

In Lin Chen, she saw the hope of overthrowing the Yan family and letting Yan Zong and the others fall into the abyss.

In her mind, she still organized various strategies, and at the same time, she suppressed her inner excitement, walked towards Lin Chen with a look of disdain, and began to offend Lin Chen, making Lin Chen hate herself and the Yan family deeply. .

As Lin Chen said, on the surface, she was acting with Yan Zong and Yan Pengtian to cover up the truth of the 726 annihilation case.

In fact, Zhuo Zishan was planning a big play in which she was the protagonist, and Lin Chen was naturally also a member of her control in this play.

She believed that with Lin Chen's mind, all that could happen, so that Yan Zong and the beasts of the Yan family would be finished.

What Zhuo Zishan didn't expect was that Lin Chen not only discovered the evidence of the Yan family's crimes, but he also saw through the drama she had planned.

Before Zhuo Zishan did this, he had several plans. The worst plan was to be shot together with Yan Zong and Yan Pengtian.

Another plan is that her crimes will not lead to death. After Yan Zong, Yan Pengtian and some members of the Yan family are shot together, she can still live, indefinitely or for ten or twenty years, she can accept it. .

If it is the second plan, maybe after many years, I will be able to get out of the prison, go to my mother's grave, put a stick of incense on her, make a Qingming, and tell her that I have brought down Yan Zong. , brought down the entire Yan family. .


1017 will not encounter any obstacles [3 more for subscription]

No matter what kind of result, Zhuo Zishan can face it calmly, because her world was completely gloomy when she was 7 years old, the day her mother passed away.

When Zhuo Zishan was narrating these, tears could not stop falling from her eyes. Her nose was red and her eyes were covered with red blood, but her mouth never let out a single cry. .

This woman did not cry when she talked about such a tragic past, which shows how hard her heart is.

After listening to Zhuo Zishan's words, everyone present fell silent one after another, and their hearts were mixed.

This Zhuo Zishan, her childhood and past were so tragic, hearing about her past, she couldn't help but want to sympathize with this woman.

But under her distorted psychology, among her various methods of revenge against Yan Zong, she deliberately tried to unjustly, falsely and wrongly sent innocent people to prison, and made those innocent people go to prison for wrongful punishments that should not have been wronged. of suffering.

She also assisted Yan Zong in doing so many illegal and immoral things. This woman is hateful.

A poor and hateful woman will inevitably make people sigh and sigh, not knowing how to evaluate this person.

At this moment, Yan Zong's face is completely bloodless, his eyes are blank, his body is shaking like a sieve, and his lips are trembling.

Although Zhuo Zishan is only a one-sided statement, it can be judged from Yan Zong's expression that what Zhuo Zishan said must be true, otherwise Yan Zong would not be like that.

Lin Chen looked at Zhuo Zishan, who was crying silently, and said, "Everything you've done in the past 21 years, whether it's good or bad, your goal has now been achieved."

There was a smile on Zhuo Zishan's face that had never appeared on her face, she raised her head, looked at Lin Chen, and said, "My goal has been achieved, thank you, since I followed you online, others Just call you a detective, and now I have experienced it myself, and I have to say that their evaluation is not wrong.”

Lin Chen heard the words, there was no expression on his face, and there was no expression.

Zheng Yong looked at Zhuo Zishan, sighed, and said, "Zhuo Zishan, you deliberately made the case unjust, false and wrong, have you ever thought about how bitter and miserable the hearts of those you wronged are? "

Zhuo Zishan smiled coldly and said, "As long as it is possible for Yan Zong to fall in the future, I will not let go of an opportunity. I have a lot of unjust, false and wrongful convictions, and I also cooperate with Yan Zong, Yan Pengtian and the others. I've done a lot of illegal things, and I'm willing to take responsibility for everything I'm sitting on."

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