"It seems that you have made all possible preparations." Zheng Yong shook his head, sighing for this subordinate.

Li Guoze said: "Captain Zhuo, if you want to bring down Yan Zong, there are other ways. Your approach... is too extreme."

Some of Li Guo's words made her back pain when she stood and talked. Zhuo Zishan waited for 21 years, how could she have thought of other methods, that is, she thought other methods were too risky or completely unworkable, so she waited until Now.

Zhuo Zishan did not respond to Zheng Yong and Li Guo again. Her face always had an intriguing smile on her face. Her eyes were blank, and she did not move in one direction.

It seemed that in the direction she was looking, an image of her mother appeared, and she was looking at her mother and smiling.

After Yan Pengtian reminisced about this, he pointed at Zhuo Zishan and said, "Even if Dad raped you, it's not good for your mother and daughter, but you can't do it. You say Dad is not as good as a beast, what about you? ?who are you?"

Yan Pengtian's words are full of selfishness.

When Lin Chen heard the words, he directly kicked Yan Pengtian's face.


Yan Pengtian's face was originally swollen into a pig's head by Lin Chen, but now he was kicked by Lin Chen, Yan Pengtian felt like his head was about to explode.

After Lin Chen retracted his feet, Yan Pengtian stretched out his hand to cover his bleeding nose, not daring to say a word.

Seeing this scene, Zhuo Zishan laughed haha, she pointed at Yan Zong and Yan Pengtian, and said, "I used to see you doing whatever you want, but now that you've been cleaned up like this, you don't even dare to give a fart, I really think it's funny, hahaha..."

Yan Zong and Yan Pengtian were full of despair at Zhuo Zishan's remarks.

Lin Chen's eyes swept over them, and said to Zheng Yong: "Strictly investigate the entire Yan family, what bad things the Yan family has done, and dig them out. You will not encounter any obstacles in the process of law enforcement."

Zheng Yong heard the words and immediately understood the meaning of Lin Chen's words, that is, all the backers of the Yan family had been settled by Lin Chen, and the police just went to investigate, and no one dared to stand up and say a word for the Yan family.

Zheng Yong said: "Mr. Lin, you have solved the difficulty of this case. Please rest assured that the rest is. I will investigate it thoroughly and give justice to those who have been wronged."

When Zheng Yong speaks, he is still so righteous and full of justice. His official accent is still very useful to ordinary people.

Lin Chen took a step, turned and walked towards the interrogation room. Now that the matter involved in this case has been revealed, he doesn't need to spend any more time to deal with it, just let Zheng Yong and the others handle it.

When Lin Chen and the others were interrogating Yan Zong and the others, several teams of police had already gone to the various villas of the Yan family to arrest all the members of the Yan family.

Yan Pengtian's mother was still in the villa because she had some matters at hand. After she had handled things and dressed up, she was ready to go to Wanjun Hotel to attend her son's birthday party.

But when she was about to go out, a group of policemen rushed in with a bad expression.

Seeing this, Yan Pengtian's mother frowned and said, "...What are you police officers doing here?"

The leading policeman looked at her and said, "You are Yan Zong's wife, right?"

"Nonsense, in the entire Xuanbei County, who doesn't know that my husband is Yan Zong." Yan Pengtian (Li Qianhao)'s mother said quite proudly, and she was also very rude to the police.

The policeman immediately showed his credentials and said, "It's just you, this is an arrest warrant, you can see it clearly, our police now suspect that your Yan family is involved in illegal crimes and drug dealing. Yan Zong, Yan Pengtian and others have been brought to justice. , I will now arrest you and return to the bureau to cooperate with our investigation."

Yan Pengtian's mother was stunned when she heard this, her eyes widened, she didn't expect these policemen to come to arrest her.

Moreover, her husband and son have been arrested.

"Take it away." The policeman gave an order, and a pair of cold handcuffs were placed on Yan Pengtian's mother's wrist.

Yan Pengtian's mother cried, yelled, and threatened, but the police were indifferent and arrested him.


PS: The case is over, how about writing some simple daily routines and pretending? .


1018 How to repay 【Subscription】

Yan Pengtian's mother was arrested. This woman was involved in the drug business during the rise of the Yan family, and she also got a bullet in her end.

All over the Yan family, different scenes were being staged at this time. The original arrogant Yan family seemed so powerless in front of the police officers. Although they cursed for disbelief and resistance, they still All were taken away.

Few of the members of the Yan family were clean, many were to be shot, many were indefinite, and many were sentenced to ten years in prison.

This night was destined to be an unsettled night. The Yan family was finished. People in the business world were talking about it. They saw a behemoth fall, which made it difficult for them to calm down.

Everything was going on in an orderly manner. Lin Chen and Shen Yue said goodbye to Zheng Yong and the others, and walked out of the building of the County Public Security Bureau.

It's already more than nine o'clock in the evening. It's not too late, but it's not too early. Because it's summer, the temperature is still not low. Zhi Zhi is chirping on the trees, and in the moonlit sky, there are always Birds fly by.

Shen Yue, who walked out of the Public Security Bureau Building, exhaled a long breath with a relaxed look on her face.

She glanced at Lin Chen and said, "Boss, thanks to you 567 times, if it weren't for you, my family would only suffer from the Yan family's involvement."

"Of course, thanks to me." Lin Chen smiled, looked at Shen Yue, and asked, "I helped your family a lot, how are you going to repay me?"

Shen Yue was watched by Lin Chen, and when she heard Lin Chen's words again, the first thought in her heart was that it was like a plot in a TV series, and she said that she promised herself.

However, this girl, Shen Yue, is thin-skinned, but she can't say such words.

"Well..." Shen Yue thought for a while, and then said to Lin Chen, "Boss, I... I'll give you a massage, cook for you, and invite you to have fun in our county, can you see? ?"

Lin Chen heard the words and said, "Okay, since you've come to your hometown, just play for two days before leaving, and deal with some things by the way."

Shen Yue knew that Lin Chen was talking about dealing with some things, which meant dealing with the Yan family.

She said, "Boss, Yan Zong and Yan Pengtian, should be pulled and shot as soon as possible, right?"

Lin Chen took out the key and opened the Maserati's door. After hearing Shen Yue's words, he stopped what he was doing and said, "Shoot him?"

"Yeah, this father and son are full of evil, they should have been shot earlier, there are two less scourges in this world." Shen Yue said.

"No no no." Lin Chen waved his hand slightly and said with a smile, "It would be too cheap to pull Yan Zong and Yan Pengtian to be shot so quickly. I have already figured out how to deal with them."

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