Hearing this, Shen Yue was quite curious and said, "Boss, how are you going to deal with them?"

Lin Chen got into the car and said, "Aren't these father and son very keen on dating women and raping them, don't you rush them to the court for trial, put them in the detention center for a year first, the people in the detention center will like them."

When Shen Yue heard Lin Chen's words, she immediately understood what Lin Chen meant, and the smile on her face became even bigger, and she said, "Well, boss, you're doing a good job, I think it's very good."

Lin Chen's idea was not to rush the father and son Yan Zong and Yan Pengtian to trial and execute them, and let them be detained in the detention center for a year.

This year, let the father and son be locked up with those condemned to death, who are also gay.

Locking Yan Zong and Yan Pengtian with them, you don't have to think about what will happen. At that time, the father and son will not be able to die, and they will live in pain. One year is enough for them to experience the unspeakable pain, and they will come again at last. A bullet that ended their filthy lives.

This is the idea that Lin Chen is going to implement, and it is also the ultimate fate of Yan Zong and Yan Pengtian.

After Lin Chen and Shen Yue said a few words, Shen Yue also got into the car, and Lin Chen drove towards the road.

The case is over, Lin Chen and Shen (bbef) found a milk tea shop, sat down to drink milk tea, and then looked at the night scene of Xuanbei County, which was a leisurely enjoyment.

Lin Chen's Maserati, worth more than [-] million yuan, was parked next to the milk tea shop. The owner of the milk tea shop and some customers who were drinking milk tea kept looking at Lin Chen and Shen Yue from time to time.

Some men see that Lin Chen drives such a good car and Shen Yue is so beautiful, and they think that this is a typical second-generation rich who relies on money to pick up girls. Within three months, Lin Chen will get tired of Shen Yue and give it to her. abandon.

After taking a few sips of milk tea, Shen Yue took out her mobile phone and started a video with her sister Shen Qiu.

This time, Shen Qiu also wanted to come back, but the company couldn't live without the leadership, so she stayed in Mohai City and used the phone all day to contact Shen Yue and her parents.

Shen Qiu knew the progress of the 726 extermination case clearly, but when Shen Yue told Zhuo Zishan's true actions, she also asked Shen Qiu in shock how it could be like this.

Shen Yue said: "Sister, you didn't expect it? That Zhuo Zishan, who we've scolded many times, actually kept thinking about bringing down Yan Zong and the others."

Shen Qiu smiled and said: "I really didn't expect that the woman's scheming is really deep enough. Fortunately, the boss is there, otherwise, I really can't see it."

Shen Yue smiled and said, "Of course, it's not the boss, our father will definitely be imprisoned."

The two sisters chatted for a while, and Shen Qiu started a video chat with Lin Chen in a good mood again.

Shen Qiu reported some company situations to Lin Chen, all of which were small and insignificant.

When he was about to hang up, Shen Qiu suddenly asked: "Boss, you said that Zhuo Zishan, will she be executed?"

Lin Chen asked back, "Do you want her to be executed?"

Shen Qiu tilted his head, thought for a while, and replied, "I thought at first, I thought she was right and wrong, and deliberately reversed black and white. This kind of person deserved to be shot."

"However... After hearing my sister tell me about her life experience and experience, I feel that she is hateful and pitiful, and that she is not a death sentence, and it is acceptable."

Lin Chen smiled and said, "Zhuo Zishan has never dealt with Yan Zong's drug trafficking business. That woman is probably indefinite."

Listening to your Lin Chen's estimate, Shen Qiu snorted, but didn't say anything.

After the chat was over, Lin Chen hung up the video and returned the phone to Shen Yue.

Shen Yue glanced at the time and said to Lin Chen, "Boss, it's getting late. Let me open a room for you in the hotel. There was only an electric fan in my house last night, so it must be uncomfortable."

Lin Chen has no opinion on staying in a hotel. In this weather, it is indeed much more comfortable to have an air conditioner.

Shen Yue then smiled and said, "Boss, you go to the hotel to take a bath, and I'll massage you after that. I know you must be exhausted today.".


1019 Why do you want to die [2 more subscriptions]

Lin Chen only arrived in Xuanbei County last night. This morning, he started investigating the 726 slaughter case. After all, it only took one day to get in touch with the case and solve it.

Today, Lin Chen~ is really tired.

So Lin Chen nodded and said, "Okay, just book a hotel near here."

This girl, Shen Yue, was willing to massage herself. How could Lin Chen have any reason to refuse? Naturally, she agreed.

Lin Chen's cup of milk tea had been drank, Shen Yue's milk tea still had half a cup in his hand, Lin Chen got up and walked to the car, Shen Yue followed behind with a cup of milk tea.

Under the leadership of Shen Yue, Lin Chen's car drove to the door of a hotel in Xuanbei County with a good sanitation.

After entering the hotel, Lin Chen and Shen Yue walked to the front desk to open the room.

Lin Chen handed the money and ID card to the lady at the front desk. After the lady at the front desk got Lin Chen's ID card and made a registration, she said to Shen Yue, "Miss, where is your ID card?"

Shen Yue's small mouth pecked the straw of the cup of milk tea in her hand. Seeing the lady at the front desk asking her for an ID card, she smiled and said, "I don't live here, just go up there, don't you need my ID card?"

When the lady at the front desk heard this, she shyly smiled and said, "Miss, many couples who came to our hotel, the woman said the same thing, they said they went up and sat down, but once they went up, they came out together the next day. Check the ID card registration, miss, please don't embarrass us."

The attitude of the front desk lady was still very polite, but her words made Shen Yue blush a little.

She treats herself and the boss as a couple, thinking that she and the boss are going to do that kind of thing.

Shen Yue opened her mouth to defend, but Lin Chen said to the lady at the front desk first, "She will leave in a while, so she doesn't need to be registered."

After hearing this, the lady at the front desk glanced at Lin Chen, and said nothing more, helped Lin Chen to register, and handed the room card to Lin Chen.

Lin Chen took the room card and walked towards the elevator of the hotel.

Shen Yue, who followed Lin Chen, muttered, "Boss, why are the men and women who come to the hotel, the women are not willing to take out their ID cards and only use the man's ID card?"

Lin Chen turned his head and glanced at Shen Yue, and asked, "Do you know this thing about opening a room?"

Shen Yue nodded and said, "It's just that the room is opened, so there will be records?"

"Yeah." Lin Chen gave a soft graciousness, and explained to Shen Yue: "On the internal network of the Public Security Bureau, you can check everyone's lifetime record of opening a house. It is also possible through some websites that exploit loopholes, or other methods. can be found."

"For example, let's take an example. A young man has been very good and honest since he was a child. He is also a good person, and his family conditions are also good. His family gave him a blind date, and he fell in love with a very beautiful girl."

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