This young man called Xiaojun by Boss Sun is exactly Wang Xiaojun who met Lin Chen on the highway and at Yan Pengtian's birthday party.

Wang Xiaojun was also accompanied by his girlfriend. They had just come out of the Wanjun Hotel and brought a girlfriend of his girlfriend to the hotel to open a room for her girlfriend to stay.

"Boss Sun, what's the matter with you?" Wang Xiaojun frowned, stepped forward and asked.

This Boss Sun and his father are very good partners. Now that Boss Sun has an accident in Xuanbei County, Wang Xiaojun will naturally stand up and help.

Boss Sun said: "Hey, I met a bastard just now upstairs. Am I kidding him? He attacked me without any warning and broke my bones with one kick. I don't think so. Call the police and let the police do justice to me..."

Boss Sun's words were deliberately told to Wang Xiaojun. He knew that the Wang family was also very powerful in Xuanbei County. As long as Wang Xiaojun called out, he could call many people.

It is definitely better than the police to let Wang Xiaojun clean up that bastard.

After Wang Xiaojun heard the words, his face straightened, and he said, "There's no reason, someone dares to beat you, Boss Sun, for no reason..."

The male assistant said from the side: "That bastard is still talking nonsense. After he beat Boss Sun, he also said that we are going to continue to fight us."

Boss Sun deliberately sighed: "If this was in my county town, I would never be so angry."

Wang Xiaojun understood what Boss Sun meant, and he hurriedly said: "Boss Sun, you and my father are partners and good friends. I'm really sorry that you encountered this kind of thing in our county, so that's it. Don't call the police, I'll call some people and let them catch the person who attacked you for no reason, and give Boss Sun your breath."

When Boss Sun heard this, he immediately nodded: "Alright, I want him to kneel in front of me and apologize to me."

Wang Xiaojun said: "No problem, he's wrong first, it's not a problem to ask him to kowtow and apologize to you."

After Wang Xiaojun finished speaking, he took out his mobile phone and made a call.

The girlfriend standing beside Wang Xiaojun, at this moment, in her mind, she was still thinking about what she found in Wanjun Hotel before. Lin Chen's figure stood in the hearts of everyone present at the scene.

That is the person who can make the Yan family fall, and it is impossible to find out what background he has on the Internet.

A few minutes after Wang Xiaojun finished the phone call, two vans stopped at the door of this hotel.

The door opened, and the young men jumped out of the car.

4.2 A total of a dozen young people, because they knew they were only dealing with one person, they didn’t bring anyone with them, they all came here with bare hands.

When Wang Xiaojun saw the arrival, he said to Boss Sun, "Boss Sun, can you lead the way?"

Although Boss Sun was kicked by Lin Chen and his bones were broken, he was still able to endure the pain in order to vent his anger.

So he nodded and said, "No problem."

With the help of the male assistant, Boss Sun walked into the elevator, while Wang Xiaojun and the dozen people walked into the elevator next to him.

Soon, the elevator came to the 6th floor. After getting out of the elevator, the male assistant pointed to the corridor and said, "That bastard has entered room 612."

The group headed towards Room 612 in a mighty manner. When they reached the door of the room, the male assistant's hand banged on the door. .


1021 If it doesn't work, kick it open【Subscribe】

The male assistant knocked hard on 612's door and shouted, "Come out, get out."

The male assistant knocked and shouted many times, but the door of the room did not come.

Boss Sun clutched the broken bone and scolded: "Grass, wasn't that bastard just so arrogant, why don't you dare to open the door now?"

A young man pinched his knuckles and made a crackling sound. He turned his head to look at Wang Xiaojun and asked, "Brother Jun, do you want to kick him directly and pull him out?"

Wang Xiaojun said: "Knock again and see, if it doesn't work, kick it away."

The male assistant also heard this, and slammed his fist on the door harder, and the words in his mouth became more and more ugly.

"Boy, don't think it's useful to hide in it, get out when you're interested, don't be like a tortoise with a shrunken head, we have a lot of Boss Sun, you kowtow, apologize, and I'll forgive you." The male assistant roared road.

Boss Sun saw that it was useless for his assistant to shout for so long. He was worried that Lin Chen was so scared that he ran through the window.

But thinking that this is the sixth floor, Lin Chen couldn't climb the wall, so he felt relieved.

"Xiaojun." Boss Sun said to Wang Xiaojun, "Break the door open, clean up that kid, and let him pay for the door."

Wang Xiaojun agreed and ordered the people under his hand to smash the door open.

But at this moment, the door of room 612 was opened, and Lin Chen, who had just put on his clothes after taking a shower, appeared at the door of room 612.

Boss Sun and the male assistant were standing by the door, and they were the first to see Lin Chen.

After seeing Lin Chen open the door, Boss Sun immediately yelled, "Boy, I fucked you. You were crazy when you hit me just now, aren't you? Crazy, now you are crazy and show me."

Boss Sun has two beards on the corners of his mouth. At this moment, his smug look looks like a traitor in a TV series.

After scolding Lin Chen quickly, Boss Sun turned his head and said to Wang Xiaojun: "Xiaojun, it's this guy, let him kneel in front of me and kowtow to apologize, and I want him to pay for the medical expenses."

At this moment, Wang Xiaojun's whole person is petrified. He stands there like a clay sculpture and wood sculpture.

He had already seen Lin Chen, and the moment he saw Lin Chen, there was a buzzing sound in Wang Xiaojun's head, and it was instantly blank.

The person who beat Boss Sun, did Boss Sun slap him every bite, every bite of a bastard, is actually... It's actually Lin Chen...

Who is the most unlucky person in Xuanbei County today?Needless to say, it must be the Yan family. Many people are watching jokes.

But now, Wang Xiaojun felt that he was the second unlucky person in Xuanbei County today, and he was simply unlucky.

"Lin...Lin...Lin...Mr. Lin..." Wang Xiaojun stuttered, his voice trembling.

Wang Xiaojun's girlfriend was also beside him. The moment he saw Lin Chen, his girlfriend's phone almost fell to the ground.

Boss Sun was slightly taken aback. Judging from Wang Xiaojun's reaction, he felt something was wrong. Wang Xiaojun seemed to know this guy?

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