"Xiaojun, why are you standing still? Let him kneel and kowtow to me and apologize." Boss Sun urged.

"Fuck you!" Unexpectedly, after saying the words urged by Boss Sun, Wang Xiaojun jumped up and slapped Boss Sun's chubby face with a slap.

With a snapping sound, it was crisp and sweet. Boss Sun, who had been kicked by Lin Chen to break his bones, stumbled and fell to the ground.

Boss Sun's male assistant was stunned, didn't he come to clean up this young man?Why did Wang Xiaojun do something to Boss Sun?

Boss Sun on the ground covered his face with one hand and shouted loudly, "Xiaojun, what are you doing, I asked you to clean up the guy in the door, what are you beating me for?"

At this moment, in Wang Xiaojun's heart, there are [-] grass and mud horses galloping past.

Wang Xiaojun waved his hands in a panic, and a dozen youths under his opponent said: "Yes, hit me, beat this Boss Sun to death, if he is injured or maimed, I will be responsible for killing him. Hit me and kill him!"

Wang Xiaojun shouted hysterically. After the dozen or so young people didn't understand and were stunned, they quickly carried out Wang Xiaojun's orders.

A dozen people surrounded Boss Sun in the middle, and slapped Boss Sun all over his body, beating his head and face without money.

"Ah... stop hitting... ah... help... help..." Under the fists of a dozen young people, Boss Sun could only scream and beg for mercy.

The male assistant on the side grabbed Wang Xiaojun's arm and said, "Wang Xiaojun, what are you doing, why are you hitting Boss Sun?"

Wang Xiaojun couldn't tell the horror and anger in his heart. Who is Lin Chen? That's the insignificant person in front of the Yan family. How can such a person be offended by himself? If he gets angry, his whole family will follow him. .

After hearing what the male assistant said, Wang Xiaojun said to the dozen or so young people, "Come out in a few people and beat this guy to death. If he kills it, it's mine."

Boss Sun's male assistant was stunned for a moment. Before he had time to speak, the dozen or so young people who beat up Boss Sun divided a few people, grabbed the male assistant by the collar, took him aside, and started beating him. .

The voices of Boss Sun and his assistant echoed on the sixth floor of this hotel. Some guests who lived on the sixth floor did not dare to come out to watch the fun after hearing the screams.


Wang Xiaojun wiped the moment he saw Lin Chen on his forehead, and was scared out of cold sweat.

He looked at Lin Chen in the door, and said quickly, "Mr. Lin, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, my dad and this boss Sun are partners. I met him downstairs just now. He said he was beaten for no reason, so I just I wanted to find justice for him, but I didn't expect that it's actually... it's actually you..."

Wang Xiaojun's girlfriend also walked up to Lin Chen and bowed her head to apologize to Lin Chen.

Lin Chen's eyes swept over Wang Xiaojun and his girlfriend, and he said, "This partner of your father, just insulted my friend, and I beat him."

After Wang Xiaojun heard this, he knew that what Lin Chen said was the truth. Unlike what Boss Sun said, Lin Chen beat him for no reason.

"Your surname is Sun, you lied to me, okay." After Wang Xiaojun finished speaking, he joined the crowd beating Boss Sun and kicked Boss Sun in the face.

Compared to offending Lin Chen, this Boss Sun is a fart in Wang Xiaojun's heart. This kind of idiot with no eyesight, he doesn't know how to die.

Wang Xiaojun's girlfriend is smarter. After apologizing to Lin Chen, she took the initiative to walk to Shen Yue's side in the door, took Shen Yue's hand, and apologized to Shen Yue.

Seeing Wang Xiaojun and the others so nervous, Shen Yue knew in her heart that they were all afraid of the boss. .


1022 Can stop [2 more for subscription]

The dozen or so people under Wang Xiaojun's hands were ruthless towards Boss Sun and Boss Sun's male assistant.

At this moment, Boss Sun, although his head hurts terribly, but his mind is sober, and he also understands that he is provoking someone who should not be provoked.

The young man who kicked his own bones with one kick must not be easy, otherwise Wang Xiaojun would not have seen him, and he would have seen a ghost, and then tried his best to let people beat him.

Boss Sun thought in his heart, who is this young man, who can scare Wang Xiaojun like this.

Boss Sun is also blaming himself for drinking for a mistake. If he had been sober before, he would definitely not have gone up to Lin Chen and said that, thinking that Shen Yue was a miss.

After drinking a lot of wine and drunk, he saw Shen Yue's beautiful face, the sperm was on his head, and he went up to say that kind of thing in a confused way.

If he didn't get drunk and didn't provoke Lin Chen, he probably would have been hugging the girl in that clubhouse to have fun.

After Boss Sun and his male assistant were beaten to the death, Lin Chen saw that they were almost done, and said, "It's alright."

Wang Xiaojun has been waiting for Lin Chen's words. He let the two of them beat Boss Sun, just because he was afraid that Lin Chen would be angry. If Boss Sun and the others were really beaten to death, Wang Xiaojun couldn't afford it.

"Mr. Lin said it's time to stop." Wang Xiaojun said immediately.

More than a dozen young people were also tired and sweaty. They stopped and stepped aside, leaving Boss Sun and his male assistant lying on the ground unable to move.

Boss Sun and his male assistant, with bruised noses and swollen faces, could no longer see what they looked like. They were panting slightly, mumbling in their mouths, not knowing what they were talking about.

Lin Chen glanced at Boss Sun and the two of them, and didn't say anything more.

Wang Xiaojun asked the two of them to come over and apologize to Lin Chen.

Although Boss Sun and his male assistant were unwilling, they got up wisely, knelt at the door of room 612, and apologized to Lin Chen and Shen Yue.

Lin Chen asked Boss Sun, "I'm sober now~~?"

Boss Sun nodded his head hastily: "Sober, sober, I'm really sorry just now, I drank too much and said nonsense, sorry, sorry..."

Boss Sun's male assistant also apologized, expressing that his words and actions just now were very problematic.

Lin Chen didn't bother to bother with these two, and said, "You can get out."

Boss Sun and his male assistant asked questions, such as being amnesty, and hurriedly crawled towards the elevator entrance.

Seeing that Lin Chen was about to enter the house, Wang Xiaojun asked worriedly, "Mr. Lin, I hope you don't get mad at me..."

Lin Chen glanced at him and said lightly, "It's none of your business, you can go."

Lin Chen's words made Wang Xiaojun heave a sigh of relief, the door of room 612 slammed shut, Wang Xiaojun immediately waved to the people under his opponent, took Boss Sun and his assistant, and entered the elevator.

Wang Xiaojun, Boss Sun and his male assistant shared the same elevator. Wang Xiaojun looked at the miserable two and said, "Boss Sun, don't blame me for doing that just now, I was saving you."

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