Wang Xiu's hand holding the cup froze in midair, neither picking it up nor putting it down. Being ignored in front of so many people made her feel shameless and embarrassed.

Wang Xiu didn't have the ability to relieve the embarrassing situation of those in the workplace, she just stood like that, a little helpless.

In the end, someone else brought up another topic, and Wang Xiucai sat down and started drinking alone.

Seeing her aunt Wang Xiu's shriveled appearance, Shen Yue had a smile on her face.

After eating, Lin Chen walked to the well at the door of the house and washed his face with cold well water. Suddenly, the hot weather faded away a lot.

Shen Yue's cousin came over with a cane at this time, and he said to Lin Chen, "Boss Lin, I heard from a person in our village who knows cars, the car you drive costs [-] to [-] million yuan?"

Shen Yue's cousin is a very simple and honest person, Lin Chen heard the words, wiped the water stains on his face, and said, "Well, almost."

"What kind of company do you run? How can you afford to drive such an expensive car? Xiaoyue never told me." Shen Yue's cousin asked curiously.

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Lin Chen chatted casually with this Shen Yue's brother. In the eyes of the Shen family, Lin Chen, the big boss, is capable, good-natured, and has no pretence, which is really rare.

Shen Yue was helping her mother Liu Yingmei wash the dishes in the kitchen. At this time, Liu Yingmei leaned over to Shen Yue and whispered: "Xiaoyue, tell your mother honestly, is your relationship with Boss Lin not a superior or a superior? object?"

Shen Yue, who was washing dishes seriously, was stunned when she heard what her mother said.

She hurriedly said: "Mom, what are you talking about, I didn't have a relationship with the boss..."

"No?" Mom Liu Yingmei asked suspiciously, "Why didn't you come back last night without you? I called you this morning, and I heard Boss Lin's voice on the other end of the phone. You two slept together last night. Bar?"


Shen Yue was speechless for a moment, she really slept in the same bed as Lin Chen last night, and she also slept with Lin Chen all night, but nothing happened to him and herself.

"No, Mom, don't think about it." Shen Yue lowered her head and continued to wash the dishes.

Mother Liu Yingmei smiled and said: "You two must have made a target, otherwise such a big boss would come all the way to help our family? You and your sister are both beautiful, and you are both adults. It is support, let alone Boss Lin, you and Mr. Lin are in a relationship, both your father and I are in favor of it."

Shen Yue lowered her head and stopped talking, thinking that she likes the boss, but there is no shortage of women around the boss. In his heart, he doesn't know how to treat himself.

In fact, after waking up this morning, Shen Yue felt a little lost, that is, she was hugging the boss like that, and the boss didn't do anything...

After Lin Chen and Shen Yue's cousin chatted for a while, Shen Yue came out, and then Shen Yue suggested to go fishing in a big river near the village after waiting for the sun to be less vicious.

Lin Chen didn't have any opinion, Shen Yue's cousin also leaned on a cane and said to go, he hadn't been fishing for a long time.

When Lin Chen and the others brought their fishing gear and drove to the river to stop, cousin Shen Yue's expression changed slightly, and he said, "Don't park your car here.".


1025 How to know the location [2 more for subscription]

Lin Chen drove the car to this position by the river, which is relatively flat and has a relatively large space. Parking the car here is slightly better than other places.

After hearing what cousin Shen Yue said, Lin Chen glanced at him and asked, "Why don't you park your car here?"

Shen Yue's cousin was sitting in the passenger seat, and after hearing the words, he glanced over there and said, "It's nothing, it's just that a person has died here, I feel that it's unlucky to park in this position, I suggest It's better to drive the car a little further."

When Shen Yue heard what her cousin said, she immediately asked curiously: "Is there any death in this position? When did it happen? Why haven't I heard of it? When I was a child, you and I and my sister came here often. play here."

Shen Yue's cousin said: "It seems to have happened more than two years ago. At the time of "May [-]", you and your sister had already gone to other places to look for work, and they were not in the county town. Naturally, I didn't hear about it. Remember, it was rumored at the time that a group of people came to the river with fishing gear to fish, and they chose this location and were going to throw their rods and fish here."

"As a result, after getting out of the car, I saw the body of a man lying on the edge of the river bank. I heard that the man's body was swollen by blisters. It was as big as the original two."

When Shen Yue heard this, she imagined the scene in her mind, and felt a little scary, but Lin Chen knew that the corpse that cousin Shen Yue said was swollen and doubled in size. , the giant concept will appear.

"It sounds a bit scary..." Shen Yue sighed, there was a person who died on the river bank here, I didn't know it was okay, but now that I know it, I can't help but feel panic in my heart.

"It's not the most frightening." Shen Yue's cousin continued: "I heard that the reason why the man's corpse was lying on the bank of the river, so it was not easy to be seen, was because it was inserted into his body. He took a few bamboos, sharpened bamboos, inserted them into his body, and fixed his whole body to the river bank, so as not to let the water flow away, because of the angle of the river bank, if you don't pay attention, you won't be able to find it."

"Then what?" Shen Yue's curiosity was piqued.

The cousin continued: "Then the group of fishing people called the police, and the police rushed to the scene to deal with it, but it seems that the case has never been solved, and the murderer has not been caught."

"If the murderer is not caught, then it will be an unsolved case. The murderer kills here. People living in the nearby village are really a little panicked." Shen Yue muttered.

"Who said it wasn't." Shen Yue's cousin smiled and said, "After the case happened, many people in the neighborhood didn't dare to go out at night, and they stayed at home honestly. The police never solved the case. When people talk about this case, they scold the police for being incompetent."

Lin Chen heard the conversation between the two and said, "Every city has more or less unsolved homicides. As far as the United States is concerned, the average detection rate of criminal cases in the United States is more than 30%, and the homicide rate is more than 60%. The Fabulous US Federal Bureau of Investigation, also known as the FBI, has a detection rate of only 40%."

Shen Yue's cousin heard Lin Chen talking about the FBI in the United States, and immediately said: "What, the FBI's case detection rate is only 40%? So low? Every time I hear the words FBI on TV, I always feel He’s so awesome, he’s very high, and he thinks that as long as the FBI is involved, there will be no cases that they can’t handle.”

"Yes." Shen Yue said: "The FBI, the police department, should be the one with the widest range."

Lin Chen turned the car key, turned off the car, and explained, "The case detection rate is different every year. The FBI department alone has a 40% case detection rate, which is not too high. Compared with some other countries, it is not bad. already."

Shen Yue asked curiously, "Boss, is there a country with a very low crime detection rate?"

"Yes." Lin Chen nodded.

"Which country?" Shen Yue asked, his cousin was also quite curious about this, and wanted to know which country in the world had the lowest crime detection rate.

Lin Chen smiled and said, "The football in this country is not bad, but the detection rate is very low, only 8%. This country is Brazil."

"8%?" Shen Yue's cousin shook his head and said, "Out of [-] cases, only [-] can be solved. This case detection rate is too low."

Shen Yue said: "It's normal, the security in Brazil is not very good."

Lin Chen nodded his head in agreement and said, "The gap between the rich and the poor in Brazil is very large, which is one of the reasons for the high crime rate in Brazil. Even the police dare not approach the slums in some parts of Brazil. , and some police officers are even more embarrassed by gangs and commit crimes together. There is a saying in Sao Paulo, the largest city in Brazil: If you have never been robbed, you are not a real Sao Paulo..."

What Lin Chen said, Shen Yue and her cousin had never had contact with her before, so when they heard Lin Chen say this, they all listened with relish.

After learning about the country with the lowest case-solving rate, Shen Yue asked the country with the highest case-solving rate again, and asked if the country with the highest case-solving rate was the United States.

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