Lin Chen gave these two laymen a little bit of science on the detection rates of various countries.

After speaking, Lin Chen opened the car door and said to Shen Yue's cousin, "Go, get out of the car and have a look."

When Shen Yue's cousin heard this, he didn't hesitate. He opened the car door and walked out of the car slowly. Now it's the noon sun, Lin Chen and the others are all there. Just get out of the car and take a look. There's nothing to be afraid of. I just feel that standing here, my heart is stunned.

Shen Yue saw that both Lin Chen and her cousin got out of the car, so she also stepped out of the car and followed behind them.

The banks on both sides of this river are full of mud and sand. It is fine in summer, the soil is hard, and you can drive on the banks. Once the rainy season arrives, the banks on both sides will become muddy. The mud of the feet makes it very inconvenient to walk with a 4.7.

Shen Yue's cousin leaned on a cane and came to the edge of the river. He freed up a hand, pointed to the river bank below, and said, "Well, it's at that location."

Lin Chen and Shen Yue looked in the direction Shen Yue's cousin pointed, and saw the place he pointed.

The river is about five or six meters wide. The banks on both sides are higher and protrude outwards. The lower bank is sunk inward because of the river water.

If the corpse is fixed in the recessed position under the river bank with bamboo poles, it is not easy to find the corpse if you don't pay attention.

The location that cousin Shen Yue pointed to was a sunken place.

After reading it, Shen Yue suddenly looked at her cousin and asked, "Brother, didn't you just hear that people died here? How did you know it was in that position?".


1026 Friends are coming [3 more subscriptions]

After Lin Chen heard what Shen Yue said, he also looked at cousin Shen Yue's face.

When Shen Yue's cousin faced Shen Yue's question, his expression changed and he was about to speak when the phone in his pocket rang.

Shen Yue's cousin, Shen Xiaofeng, reached out and took out the phone from his pocket, pressed the answer button, and started talking to the phone.

"What? Are you at my door? Hey, I'm not at home now, where am I? I'm by the river, the river near our village, do you want to come over?"

"Afraid of heatstroke? I'm afraid of the hair. If you want to come, come and play. You're afraid of the sun, like a bitch, hurry up, we're here."

Although Lin Chen and Shen Yue couldn't hear what the person on the other end of the phone was saying, from the words of their cousin Shen Xiaofeng, they could tell that it was his friend who came to play with him. When they arrived at his door, he didn't. at home.

Shen Xiaofeng put down the phone, moved the crutches in his hand, and said to Lin Chen with a smile: "Boss Lin, a few of my friends came to see me today, and they happened to like fishing, so I asked them to come here, please don't mind."

Lin Chen said: "It's nothing to mind, it's more lively with more people."

Because of the episode of Shen Xiaofeng's phone call, Shen Yue also forgot the question she asked just now and did not continue to ask.

The riverbed and riverbank two years ago, after more than two years of river scouring, have changed a lot.

Lin Chen couldn't see anything at the crime scene that year. After all, more than two years have passed, and times have changed, and many things have changed.

After taking a few more glances at the former crime scene, Lin Chen said, "Since you think that people have died here before, and if you are fishing here, let's drive a little further and find another location."

"Okay, other positions are good, I'm a little afraid of this position." Shen Yue's cousin Shen Xiaofeng said with a smile.

He leaned on crutches, got back into the car, and sat in a luxury car of [-] to [-] million yuan, which made him feel good, not the kind of taxi that can be compared.

If Shen Yue knew that her cousin was comparing Lin Chen's car with a taxi, she would probably be speechless and not knowing what to say.

The car followed the river bank again and drove forward for a distance, which was several miles away.

There is a large open space here, and on the other side of the open space, you can drive your car onto a concrete road.

Lin Chen put the fishing gear and Shen Yue and Shen Xiaofeng on the river bank, and then drove the car from the river bank to the concrete road.

After parking the car and returning, Shen Xiaofeng was already sitting on a ponytail and started to get bait.

Ordinary people do not have as many equipment and tools as fishing enthusiasts and professional fishing professionals, and the bait they use is also the simplest and easier to use earthworms.

The earthworms were dug from the pigsty in the village, and dozens of them were dug up. Shen Yue felt a little disgusted when she saw the wriggling earthworms, and she was afraid to look at them, not to mention cutting off the body of the earthworms with her fingernails, and then wearing them. onto the hook.

Shen Xiaofeng knew that his cousin was afraid of this since he was a child, so he deliberately shook the earthworm in front of Shen Yue's eyes.

Shen Xiaofeng handed the wearing rod of the earthworm to Shen Yue, and said, "Here, take it, what is there to be afraid of earthworms, since I was a child fishing with your sisters, I did the work of wearing earthworms."

Shen Yue smiled and said: "Who told you not to be afraid of earthworms, if you are afraid, my sister and I will not let you do it."

After Shen Yue finished speaking, she happened to see Lin Chen parked the car and came back, so she said to Shen Xiaofeng, "Brother, you can wear one for the boss too."

When Shen Xiaofeng heard the words, he promised to wear bait for Lin Chen.

Seeing this, Lin Chen waved his hand and said, "No need, I'll do it myself."

As soon as Lin Chen finished speaking, he also walked to the two of them, grabbed the hook on the fishing rod, and began to wear earthworms.

Lin Chen is very skilled at this, Shen Yue saw it, tilted her head and said to Lin Chen, "Boss, don't you think earthworms are scary?"

Lin Chen smiled and said, "What's so scary about this, you haven't seen a rotting corpse covered with maggots."

Shen Yue heard the words, and then she remembered the boss's hobby to solve the case.

When solving those murder cases, contact with corpses is definitely indispensable. The boss is not even afraid of corpses and maggots. These earthworms are really nothing to be afraid of.

There are several big trees in the fishing location Lin Chen and the others chose. In this hot weather, if they are not under the big trees, a layer of skin will be scorched off.

"Wow wow wow..."

The river is very deep, not turbulent, but not gentle, and the current is moderate. This kind of river is more suitable for fishing.

Lin Chen also took a maza, sat beside the trunk of a tree, threw the hook, and started fishing.

Seeing Lin Chen sitting there, Shen Yue also picked up a maza and sat beside Lin Chen, sitting very close to Lin Chen.

Lin Chen turned his head and glanced at Shen Yue who was sitting very close to him, and said, "Sit a little over, don't get too close."

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