Shen Yue originally sat close to Lin Chen with a smile on her face, but after hearing what Lin Chen said, her face changed suddenly.

After a soft snort, she moved the pony, and was farther away from Lin Chen.

With Lin Chen's mind, how could he not see what Shen Yue was thinking? He smiled and said, "You are sitting too close to me to throw the rod, and our fishing line is easily entangled. Together."

557 Shen Yue, who was originally a little gloomy, had a smile on her face again after hearing Lin Chen's words.

"Boss, I used to go fishing with my cousin and the others when I was young. Don't worry, my fishing line won't get tangled on yours." Shen Yue said quite contentedly.

As soon as her voice fell, the float of Lin Chen's fishing rod moved. At the same time, Lin Chen, who was holding the fishing rod in his hand, also felt that a fish was hooked.

In this kind of river, the fish is not that big, and Lin Chen can also feel the force from the fishing rod, it is just a small fish.

Lin Chen raised the pole quickly, and as Lin Chen raised the pole, a hooked fish jumped out of the water.

It swayed its body frantically, trying to get rid of the hook in its mouth, but the barb on the hook made it impossible to get rid of it.

"Wow, I'll be fishing so soon." Shen Yue exclaimed in surprise, although the fish is small, it's a happy thing to be able to catch a fish.

Shen Xiaofeng also came over and said with a smile: "The first fish of the day was caught so quickly. It seems that today's harvest should be very good."

Lin Chen took the small fish off the hook and threw it into the bucket.

At this time, there was a sound from the river bank behind. .


1027 Several classmates 【Subscription】

The sound coming from behind the river bank was the sound of a car's engine.

The sound of the engine went from far to near, and it was getting closer and closer to Lin Chen and the others.

Originally, she wanted to bring the bucket in front of her and take a good look at Shen Yue who caught the small fish. After hearing the sound of the engine, she looked towards the side where the sound came from.

Soon, Shen Yue and Shen Xiaofeng saw that a commercial vehicle was rapidly driving along the river bank towards this side.

When Shen Xiaofeng saw the car, a smile appeared on his face. He recognized the car as his friend's.

Lin Chen's eyes also glanced over there, then withdrew his gaze and began to change the earthworms on the hooks.

The commercial vehicle quickly stopped more than ten meters away from the open space, the door opened, and three youths and a girl got out of the car.

When Shen Xiaofeng saw them, he immediately walked towards them on crutches.

"You guys came to see me specially, you really have your heart." These classmates have a very good relationship with Shen Xiaofeng. Shen Xiaofeng is naturally very happy to see them.

"I heard that you were injured, of course I have to come to see you. What if you die? We won't be able to see you for the last time," said the young man who was driving.

The young man who was driving was named Guan Yuanxin, who was Shen Xiaofeng's classmate when he was in school. From what he said, it could be seen that the relationship between the two was very good. Ordinary friends would not make such a joke.

"Damn, you just died, and you're the last time." Shen Xiaofeng rolled his eyes and cursed.

Shen Xiaofeng and his classmates chatted and said hello. Lin Chen and Shen Yue were not familiar with them. Lin Chen was fishing while Shen Yue was squatting beside the bucket, teasing the little fish that Lin Chen caught.

That Guan Yuanxin was stunned for a moment after seeing Shen Yue, and was amazed by Shen Yue's beauty. He stayed there for a few seconds, and felt that Shen Yue looked familiar.

He reached out and patted Shen Xiaofeng on the shoulder, and asked him, "Hey, Xiaofeng, that girl looks familiar, who is it? Your girlfriend~"?"

"Go away from your sister." Shen Xiaofeng scolded Guan Yuanxin and said, "What kind of eyes do you have, and your girlfriend, she is my cousin Shen Yue, you came to my house when you were in school, you didn't meet their sisters. two?"

Being reminded by Shen Xiaofeng, Guan Yuanxin immediately remembered that when he was in school, he came to play with Shen Xiaofeng, but he had met the two sisters Shen Qiu and Shen Yue.

Guan Yuanxin's eyes that looked at Shen Yue shone brightly, and he muttered, "I didn't see it when I was a child. Your cousin grew up to be so beautiful, she's even prettier than the stars on TV."

When Shen Xiaofeng's other two male classmates saw Shen Yue, they also praised that Shen Yue was good-looking. She was really an [-]-year-old girl. When she was a child, she couldn't see how good-looking she was.

"That's it." Shen Xiaofeng said: "In terms of makeup, how can those stars compare to my sister."

The female classmate on the side heard Shen Xiaofeng, Guan Yuanxin and the others complimenting Shen Yue here. Although she was a little jealous in her heart, she had to admit that Shen Yue was much prettier than herself. She looked so good without makeup. what.

"I remember that Shen Yue and Shen Qiu are twins, that is to say, the two sisters are now equally beautiful?" Guan Yuanxin asked.

"Well, it's exactly the same, ordinary people can't tell them apart, but I can tell them apart after watching them grow up." Shen Xiaofeng said.

After a few chats, they walked towards Lin Chen and Shen Yue.

Lin Chen and Shen Yue all said hello to Shen Xiaofeng's classmates.

Lin Chen was sitting near the trunk of the tree. Although he greeted Shen Xiaofeng's classmates, they didn't see Lin Chen's face clearly, and they didn't care about the stranger Lin Chen.

After a simple greeting, Guan Yuanxin walked over to Shen Yue and said to Shen Yue, "Shen Yue, do you still remember me?"

Shen Yue glanced at Guan Yuanxin's face and said, "Remember, I saw you when you were playing with my cousin when you were young."

Hearing that Shen Yue said that he remembered himself, Guan Yuanxin felt a burst of joy in his heart.

He really didn't expect that his classmate's cousin was so beautiful now that he didn't have a girlfriend, so he immediately wanted to pursue Shen Yue and make her his girlfriend.

The conditions of Guan Yuanxin's family are not bad, and the character is also good. The commercial car of more than [-] yuan that he drove today was also bought for him by his father.

Guan Yuanxin took the initiative to talk to Shen Yue, and Shen Yue responded casually, not very cold to this Guan Yuanxin's approach.

Shen Xiaofeng saw Guan Yuanxin's enthusiastic appearance. As an old classmate, how could he not see some of Guan Yuanxin's thoughts.

So, Shen Xiaofeng pulled Guan Yuanxin aside and whispered to him, "...Fuck me, why are you trying to date my cousin?"

Guan Yuan laughed and said in a low voice, "Haha, you can see it? Xiaofeng, you know what the conditions are in my family. Your cousin doesn't have a boyfriend, right? I pursue her, nothing inappropriate. Yes."

"If it was in the past, there's really nothing inappropriate, but now..." Shen Xiaofeng only said half of what he said, and the rest was left unspoken, which made Guan Yuanxin feel uncomfortable for a while.

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