"What's the matter now? Shen Yue has a boyfriend?" Guan Yuanxin asked.

"Look over there." Shen Xiaofeng stretched his finger in one direction, pointing to Lin Chen's Maserati.

Guan Yuanxin didn't see the car at all just now, but when he saw it now, he was slightly stunned.

Before he could speak, Shen Xiaofeng continued: "Did you see, that is a Maserati worth [-] to [-] million yuan, and it belongs to the boss who was fishing over there. The boss is named Lin Chen, who is about the same age as my Xiaoyue, this time. When there is trouble in my family, (Wang Wanghao) is solved by people coming back from Mohai City."

"So young, so handsome, driving a luxury car of [-] to [-] million, with a super big company in his hand, old classmate, you should put your heart away, I can see that my cousin has a heart... "

Guan Yuanxin looked at Lin Chen's car, and then looked at Shen Yue who was next to Lin Chen, he couldn't help but sigh deeply and said, "Damn, this guy is so awesome? Hey, it's really good cabbage that pigs give it to. arched."

When Shen Xiaofeng heard this, he slapped Guan Yuanxin on the back of the head and cursed, "Go away."

Shen Xiaofeng and Guan Yuanxin whispered for a while, Guan Yuanxin had just ignited the idea of ​​pursuing Shen Yue, but was destroyed by Shen Xiaofeng's words and disappeared.

Knowing that he was out of play, Guan Yuanxin sighed and went to get a fishing rod and started fishing.

Lin Chen and the others brought a lot of fishing rods, and these people could have one per hand. .


1028 The method is wrong [2 more ask for subscription]

When Guan Yuanxin and the others were about to start fishing, Lin Chen's hook was hooked again.

The fish that came up this time was a bit bigger than the one just now.

Shen Yue saw that Lin Chen had caught the second fish, so she hurriedly came over to help Lin Chen unhook the fish hook from the fish's mouth.

After untying it, Shen Yue said: "No, I have to get off the rod quickly, otherwise the boss will catch all the fish in a while."

Hearing this, Lin Chen smiled and said, "There should be no fishing in this river for a long time. These fish are less vigilant and easier to be hooked."

"That's right." Shen Xiaofeng walked over with a cane and said in agreement, "If it's a place where people are often fishing, the fish in the water are all scoundrels, and it would be very difficult to get them hooked."

While listening to what her cousin said, Shen Yue threw her own fishing rod, but after the rod was thrown, the direction was a bit wrong, and the hook and line were directly wrapped around Lin Chen's fishing line.

Lin Chen saw that the fishing line thrown by Shen Yue was entangled with his own, he glanced at Shen Yue speechlessly, and said, "Didn't you just say that you have been fishing since you were a child, and you won't be able to entangle the fishing line on me? Something on the fishing line?"

Shen Yue was sitting near Lin Chen 580 just now, and Lin Chen asked her to stay farther away, because she was afraid that Shen Yue's fishing line would get entangled with her own.

When Shen Yue heard what Lin Chen said, she said that her skills were not bad, and she would not do that kind of thing.

Now, the fact hit Shen Yue in the face, and the first pole thrown caught Lin Chen's fishing line.

Shen Yue's face was a little embarrassed, and she said, "Boss...that...I don't know how to leave you there, mistakes, mistakes..."

Lin Chen shook his head and retracted the fishing line, so that the two fishing lines were not tangled too tightly, and he untied them as soon as he untied them.

Lin Chen threw the pole, and Shen Yue threw the pole after Lin Chen threw the pole.

This time, the embarrassing thing happened again, Shen Yue's fishing line was still thrown towards Lin Chen, and it was entangled with Lin Chen's fishing line again.

Shen Yue scratched her head, her pretty face was a little red, and she muttered, "It was thrown like this when I was a child, why do you always go to your boss's place."

Lin Chen said: "The way you throw the pole is wrong, let me teach you."

Immediately, after untying the fishing line, Lin Chen came to Shen Yue's side, and taught Shen Yue how to throw a rod hand in hand.

Guan Yuanxin and the others on the side saw Lin Chen and Shen Yue throwing their hands on the pole, and they felt envy in their hearts, thinking how good it would be for the person who taught Shen Yue to be their own, but unfortunately, the famous flower has an owner.

When they saw Lin Chen teaching Shen Yue hand in hand, Guan Yuanxin and others also saw Lin Chen's face clearly. Under this clear view, they had to sigh at Lin Chen's handsomeness. Compared with him, they It's really different.

Rich and handsome, no wonder Shen Yue fell in love with him.

Under Lin Chen's teaching, Shen Yue's throwing technique has obviously improved a lot, and she will no longer throw the fishing line on Lin Chen's line, causing the two fishing lines to become entangled.


"Mine was hooked too."

"My fish is bigger than yours, haha..."

After Shen Xiaofeng, Guan Yuanxin and the others threw the fishing rod, they also caught fish one after another. The fish in this river were probably hungry, and the hook rate was very high. If they were thrown down, they would immediately bite the hook. .

Fishing people don't necessarily like to eat fish. They are just obsessed with the feeling when the fish is hooked. Although the fish caught by everyone are not big, they are all very happy.

At this time, Guan Yuanxin said: "Hey, today our fishing can be upgraded."

Hearing Guan Yuanxin's words, Shen Yue, Shen Xiaofeng and the others all looked at him.

Shen Xiaofeng asked: "Upgrade? What upgrade?"

Guan Yuanxin put down the fishing rod in his hand and said with a smile: "I went to a picnic with my family two weeks ago. The barbecue racks and coals are all (bbfa) in my trunk. Since they are all here to fish , why don't you just fish and bake now, let's have a grilled fish for a picnic today?"

When Guan Yuanxin said this, he looked at everyone and asked everyone's opinions.

Lin Chen doesn't care, he was here to relax, and it's not bad to have a meal of grilled fish.

"Okay, let's hurry up and catch the fish. In the evening, let's cook the fish and eat it. I'll bake it for you." Shen Yue agreed.

Hearing this, another female classmate raised her hand and said, "Shen Yue and I will bake together, but there are seven of us. These fish are not big. Are the fish we caught enough for us to eat?"

"Don't worry." Lin Chen glanced at Shen Xiaofeng's female classmate and said, "There are still quite a lot of fish in this river. Although there are seven people to eat, we also have seven people to fish, which should be enough."

This female classmate of Shen Xiaofeng had been peeking at Lin Chen from time to time, but now that Lin Chen was talking to her, her pretty face turned slightly red, and she looked a little embarrassed by Lin Chen.

"Yes, we have seven fishing rods, it's definitely enough to spread out some fishing." Shen Xiaofeng clapped his hands and said.

"Okay, since everyone agrees, then I'll go to the trunk and take those things down." Guan Yuanxin ran to the place where he parked, and another male classmate was afraid that he would not be able to take it alone, so he followed.

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