This afternoon's fishing, the results of everyone's battle are still very good. The small fish and the big fish have caught more than half of the bucket. These fish together are enough for seven people to eat together.


Enough fish, no more fishing, Shen Yue and the female classmate started to pick up these fish by the river with knives.

Shen Yue has recently learned to cook, and she is not slow to pick up fish, she is quite proficient.

The female classmate was also a frequent cook at home. Together, the two of them quickly cleaned up the fish.

On the other side, Guan Yuanxin and the others also prepared the charcoal on the grill, prepared oil and barbecue ingredients, and waited for the fish to start grilling.

While Shen Yue and the girl were busy together, a faint smell of fish wafted from the bank of the river.

Guan Yuanxin looked at the fish being grilled and felt hungry and thirsty at the same time.

The mineral water he brought has been drunk, so Guan Yuanxin asked Shen Xiaofeng: "Xiaofeng, is the water in this river dry? I'm thirsty."

"Yes." Shen Xiaofeng said: "There is a small reservoir in the upper reaches of this river, and there is no pollution in the upper reaches. We used to drink this water directly."

When Guan Yuanxin heard this, he used an empty mineral water bottle to scoop up a bottle of water, raised his head and took a sip of the river water.

After drinking it, he felt that the river water was really clean, and it seemed a little sweet when he drank it.

While others were drinking the water that Guan Yuanxin had scooped up, Lin Chen suddenly pointed to the upstream river and said to everyone, "Look."

"What are you looking at?" Shen Xiaofeng asked suspiciously.

Lin Chen narrowed his eyes slightly: "corpse.".


1030 Drifting corpse [2 more for subscription]

The crowd was drinking the water scooped up from the river. The temperature was too high during the day, so they drank all the water they brought, and now they were thirsty, so they could only drink the water from the big river.

While drinking the sweet-smelling water in the river, Lin Chen pointed to the river upstream and said two words, corpse!

These two words are not very rare to the police and forensic doctors, but to ordinary people like Shen Xiaofeng and Guan Yuanxin, they are very scary.

Several people immediately followed the direction Lin Chen was looking at, and looked towards the upstream river.

At this moment, the sun is about to set in the west, and the sky is a little darker than it was ten minutes ago, but it is still evening, and the light is still acceptable.

Through the residual light of the evening setting sun, they saw that there was a person "[-]" floating down the river upstream.

To be more precise, it should be said that it was a corpse, a corpse wearing a black top and gray shorts.

The corpse had very short hair, and judging from his figure and clothes, it should be a male corpse.

The moment they saw the male corpse that was floating down, Shen Yue, Shen Xiaofeng, Guan Yuanxin and the others were all stunned.

A corpse was floating in the river with its back turned to the sky. Combined with the dim light around it and the breeze blowing by the ear, it looked so terrifying.

The farther upstream of this big river was blocked by a hill. I don't know what happened on the upstream side, so the body floated down.

"Ah...dead people...dead people...there are dead people..." After being slightly stunned, Shen Xiaofeng's female classmate jumped up from the first place and screamed.

"'s really a corpse, how could there be a corpse in the river..." Shen Xiaofeng was on crutches. The moment he saw the corpse, he almost didn't grasp the crutch in his hand and fell. .

Guan Yuanxin and other young people also showed a strong look of horror in their faces and eyes. Today they came to Shen Xiaofeng, but they heard that he was injured and bought something to visit him.

After that, he was invited here by Shen Xiaofeng, caught fish for an afternoon, and prepared to have a barbecue here and spend a good evening.

But who would have guessed that when the fish was grilling and preparing for a feast, a corpse floated down from the upstream.

As the corpse got closer and closer, Guan Yuanxin and others also realized a problem at this time. A corpse, that is to say, the water you just drank can be regarded as corpse water.

Thinking of this, Guan Yuanxin and others felt nauseated in their stomachs. They even praised that the water in this river tasted a little sweet in their mouths. If they knew that there were dead bodies in the upper reaches, they would choose to bear it no matter how thirsty they were. , and drink it after going back.

"Crack..." A male classmate smashed the half bottle of water in his hand on the ground. Guan Yuanxin scooped the half bottle of water for him. He just took a few sips and thought it tasted good.

Shen Yue also held a bottle of water that Guan Yuanxin scooped up from the river in her hand, but she was better than the others, because she was busy cleaning up the fish just now and didn't have time to drink it.

Just as he was about to drink, Lin Chen saw the corpse floating down from the upstream.

Shen Yue saw that the male classmate threw away the mineral water bottle in her hand, and she threw the bottle away. Although the water may have nothing to do with the corpse, there are corpses floating upstream, and the water downstream will always make people feel uncomfortable. , dare not go to the next mouth.

"Fuck, I'm just here to catch a fish and cook a roast, how could I encounter a corpse..." Guan Yuanxin complained again and again, covering his stomach with one hand. Among these people, he drank the most river water. of people.

Shen Xiaofeng looked at the corpse in the river and panicked: "What to do, what to do, someone died here, what should we do?"

"Call the police, of course." The female classmate who jumped up on the spot also said in a panic, "If someone died, of course I have to call the police."

"Yes, call the police, if you want to call the police, you'd better call the police immediately, otherwise the police will think that this corpse has something to do with us." The timid male student said.

Guan Yuanxin took a look at the corpse in the river and said, "The police will definitely call the police, but this corpse has been drifting down. Now it's coming to us, but we have to wait for the police to come. This corpse is still there. Not necessarily where it went."

Others are also aware of this problem. The water in this big river is not turbulent, but it is not smooth. The speed of the corpses is still quite fast. It must take a while for the police to arrive. This section of the river is not bad. Some of the rivers go through the hills . .

It would be much more troublesome if the corpse floated into the river section between the mountains and forests and salvaged the corpse.

A male classmate directly picked up his mobile phone and said, "It doesn't matter where he goes, it's the police's business, we just need to call the police."

When Guan Yuanxin and the others heard the words, they felt that this was also reasonable. It would be fine to let the police do the work for themselves.

Shen Yue's eyes fell on Lin Chen, she knew very well about her boss.

When he encounters a murder, it usually arouses his interest.

Sure enough, when Shen Yue looked at Lin Chen, she saw that Lin Chen had already walked towards the river bank. He rolled up his trousers, and it seemed that he was going to intercept the corpse in the river and prevent the corpse from floating away.

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