
Lin Chen, who took off his shoes and rolled up his trousers, jumped into the big river. The sound of jumping into the water also attracted the attention of Shen Xiaofeng and Guan Yuanxin.

Where Lin Chen was standing, the river was no longer shallow, and it was about to reach his creaking nest. This was still Lin Chen's height. If he were a short person, it was estimated that the river would have submerged 5.2 above his head.

"Mr. Lin, this corpse is so scary, what are you doing down there? Let the police handle it." Guan Yuanxin persuaded Lin Chen when he saw Lin Chen preparing to stop the floating corpse.

"Yeah." The female classmate said, "The thigh of the corpse was so swollen that I didn't dare to look at it, let alone get the corpse up."

Seeing this, Shen Yue said, "It's alright, my boss is a detective and often comes into contact with murder cases and corpses. He is not taboo about this."

Hearing the word "detective", Guan Yuanxin and the others were all stunned for a moment. Shen Xiaofeng told them before that Lin Chen came back to solve the problem after the family accident, but they thought that Lin Chen was rich and solved it by relationship, but they didn't know. Lin Chen will also solve the case.

The corpse in the river was getting closer and closer to Lin Chen. When it was about to reach Lin Chen, the corpse suddenly....


1031 Go back a little 【Subscription】

When the corpse was about to arrive in front of Lin Chen, Lin Chen stretched out his hand, ready to grab the corpse and not let it go with the flow.

But at this moment, the corpse, which was originally facing down with its back to the sky, suddenly turned over on the river with a loud clatter.

Originally, he was facing down and his back was facing the sky. Instead, he was facing the sky and his back was facing down. A pale, bloodless face with a painful expression appeared in front of everyone.

This corpse floated down in the river, it was already quite scary, and now the corpse suddenly turned over in the water, revealing that terrifying twisted face, which made Shen Xiaofeng Guan Yuan on the shore even more. New they feel creepy.

"The corpse is cheated, the corpse is cheated, there is a ghost..." The timid male classmate, seeing the pale and painful face of the corpse, screamed, and was less timid than the female classmate.

Hearing the words "deceiving corpses and ghosts", Shen Xiaofeng, Guan Yuanxin and the others all had goosebumps, but they were better than the male classmate and didn't scream. 11

It would be fine to see this corpse when the sun was shining brightly during the day, but it was already evening, which made people feel a little timid.

Shen Xiaofeng, Shen Yue and the others were worried about Lin Chen in the river at the same time. If this corpse is really a corpse, then the first unlucky person will undoubtedly be Lin Chen who is standing in the river at this moment and ready to pick up the corpse. .

Lin Chen was still standing in that position in the river, his body was motionless, he looked at the corpse that had suddenly turned over, and his eyes quickly looked at the corpse.

The corpse was slightly swollen as a whole. His face was pale and bloodless, and his eyes were half-closed. Through the half-closed half, one could see that the eyeballs were full of red blood.

The expression on his face has been frozen, it is a face of panic, pain, and panic.

His face was pale and blue, and his mouth was slightly open.

Although the corpse had already begun to decay, and there was a preliminary giant view, Lin Chen could still see the age of this man from his face and some gray hair, at least in his fifties.

After Lin Chen quickly observed, the corpse came to him. He stretched out a hand and grabbed the corpse's ankle, not letting it float down with the water.

Hearing the exclamations of the people on the shore, Lin Chen raised his head slightly and said to them, "This corpse turned over just now and is not a corpse, it just happened that the water flow in that section was swirling, and the body turned over following the swirling water flow. It's just the body."

On the shore, Shen Yue, Shen Xiaofeng, Guan Yuanxin, and the others, after hearing Lin Chen's words, their originally terrified mood improved a little.

A corpse suddenly turned over. This is indeed terrifying. They stood on the shore and did not see the swirling current, so it was normal to be scared like that.

"It turned out to be the cause of the water flow, huhu..." Guan Yuanxin patted his chest and breathed a sigh of relief: "I thought it was really a corpse."

The male student who was the least timid and screamed first seemed a little embarrassed at the moment.

Lin Chen grabbed the corpse's ankle with one hand, and began to walk towards the shore with his feet. As he walked, he said, "When a person dies, he dies, and there is no such thing as a ghost, and there will be no corpse deception. "

Shen Xiaofeng, Guan Yuanxin and others, they saw Lin Chen grabbing one foot of the corpse and walking towards the shore, and they admired Lin Chen quite a bit in their hearts.

The corpse was swollen and rotten, and it was floating in the water. He was able to hold one foot of the corpse indifferently and drag it to the shore.

At the same time, they also had to sigh that Lin Chen, the rich boss, has a special love. Other rich bosses play with cars and women, and play with all kinds of women.

But Lin Chen, the big boss, loves to deal with human corpses.

"Boss, do you need help?" Shen Yue asked when she saw that the place where Lin Chen was going to go up was very steep.

As soon as Shen Yue said this, Guan Yuanxin and the other boys all took a step back.

Just kidding, Shen Yue asked Lin Chen if he wanted help. Judging from the steepness of the place where Lin Chen was going to go ashore, he definitely needed help. He could climb on such a steep river bank by himself, but how could he come up with a corpse? .

Lin Chen needs help, but the girl Shen Yue can't help, so they must be the men who want to go.

Let them touch the corpse, they would never dare.

Seeing Guan Yuanxin and the others taking a step back, Shen Xiaofeng didn't have any contempt in his heart, he also stepped back, and he didn't want to go up and help Lin Chen at all.

Shen Yue naturally saw the little actions of her cousin and his classmates, and she wouldn't complain about it. Since they didn't want to, then she must have the courage to help the boss.

Although Shen Yue was also very scared, afraid that her delicate body was trembling slightly, but if Lin Chen needed it, she would be obliged.

Lin Chen stepped out of the water with one foot and stepped on a raised spot on the bank of the river. Seeing that Shen Yue was obviously scared and wanted to help himself, he chuckled lightly and said, "I am a People are fine, if you are afraid, back away, if you dare not look, look away, so as not to have nightmares."

After Lin Chen finished speaking, under the surprised eyes of everyone, he carried the corpse and quickly climbed up from under the steep river bank.

When they climbed up, the corpse was always held by Lin Chen's ankles. The corpse did not touch the river bank. They were thinking, what kind of strength Lin Chen must have to prevent the corpse from touching the river bank and the ground. what.

After Lin Chen carried the body ashore, he placed it on a flat position.

The reason why Lin Chen didn't let it touch the river bank and the ground when he brought the corpse up was because he didn't want to destroy the corpse. If the person killed him, there might be some favorable evidence left on the corpse.

After the corpse landed on the shore and lay on the ground, Shen Yue and the others all stepped back, keeping a certain distance from the corpse.

When Lin Chen saw that a male classmate of Shen Xiaofeng was about to call the police, he said, "Put down the phone, you are too slow to call the police, I will call the county public security bureau to call the police."

After Lin Chen finished speaking, he picked up the mobile phone that had been thrown on the bank just before going down the river, found the phone number of Zheng Yong, deputy director of the county public security bureau, and dialed it.

Deputy Director Zheng Yong is currently busy with the Yan family and the cases involved in the Yan family. He is so busy this day that he almost has no time to eat.

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