After seeing Lin Chen calling himself, Zheng Yong immediately dropped his work and picked up Lin Chen's phone.

"Mr. Lin, do you have any orders?" Zheng Yong asked. He felt that Lin Chen's call might be to inquire about the progress of the investigation of the Yan family.

Lin Chen said, "I was fishing by the river, and a corpse floated down from the upstream just now. You should call the police."


1032 Preliminary judgment [2 more subscriptions]

Zheng Yong thought that Lin Chen's call was to ask how the Yan family's affairs were going, and he was ready to respond.

But he didn't expect that Lin Chen called him because he found a body and asked him to call the police.

After regaining his senses, Zheng Yong said quickly: "Okay, Mr. Lin, I will send someone to lead the police team immediately. You guys can wait for a while."

Lin Chen told Zheng Yong about the approximate location here. After Zheng Yong wrote down the location, he hung up the phone.

Putting down the phone, Zheng Yong quickly called Li Guo, and he said to Li Guo, "Call the police immediately, there is a murder case."

Li Guo on the other end of the phone sneered slightly. Usually, there are tasks that are notified by the police station. Deputy Bureau Zheng personally notified them. Could it be that some big case is not completed?

Li Guo asked: "Zheng Bureau, is it a major case? Why did you issue the notice."

Zheng Yong explained quickly: "Mr. Lin was barbecuing with others by the river. A corpse floated upstream just now, and the corpse has been salvaged by Mr. Lin. You should lead the team to deal with it immediately, hurry up and don't let Mr. Lin Awaited."

When Li Guo heard the words, he didn't know what to say. He knew something about the cases that Lin Chen had solved before.

He was sighing, why does this Mr. Lin go anywhere, there will be a fatal case, is it a coincidence?

Li Guo didn't have time to think too much. After taking over the task of dispatching the police, he immediately greeted the police officers under his command and a forensic doctor and walked towards the river where Lin Chen and the others were.


By the river, Lin Chen threw the phone on the ground again after finishing the call.

No way, the water level in the river was almost under his armpit, his clothes were soaked through, and he couldn't put his phone.

"Mr. Lin, will the police be back soon?" Shen Xiaofeng asked when Lin Chen finished the phone call.

Lin Chen glanced at him, nodded and said, "Looking at the distance from the Public Security Bureau to here, it's about half an hour"~.

Guan Yuanxin only dared to use the corner of his eye to look at the corpse on the ground. He could smell the stench in his nose. He asked Lin Chen, "Then should we leave now, or wait until the police arrive?"

Lin Chen's response was straightforward, and he said without raising his head, "If you are afraid, leave first. I'll just stay here and wait for the police to come."

Hearing Lin Chen's words, Guan Yuanxin and others were going to leave first. This corpse was too scary, but after the corpse was carried ashore by Lin Chen, they stood farther away and smelled a stench. , this stench is uncomfortable to smell from a distance, let alone standing next to a corpse.

But when they turned to leave, they stopped again.

Guan Yuanxin said to the classmates: "We are all witnesses, or we should wait until the police arrive before leaving, or else the police will find us in the future, which is very troublesome."

The two male and female classmates really wanted to leave. As for the grilled fish, they were too lazy to eat.

But after hearing what Guan Yuanxin said, they felt that what Guan Yuanxin said was reasonable.

Seeing Lin Chen squatting beside the corpse, Shen Yue knew that the boss was examining the corpse.

Everyone else stepped back, only daring to look from afar.

Lin Chen squatted beside the corpse, held his nose, and tried to breathe lightly with his mouth to avoid inhaling the stench from the corrupted corpse.

His eyes carefully observed the corpse.

The corpse has already appeared in the initial giant conception. The corpse stinks and the corpse spots on the skin are also obvious. This shows that the corpse died not just now, but at least 10 hours ago.

Another point to judge that the corpse is not just dead is that the corpse floated all the way.

The density of the human body is slightly higher than that of water.

After drowning, the human body spit out the air in the lungs, and when the air cannot be inhaled, the human body will sink.

When a person is immersed in water for a long time, after the skin is corroded, the volume of the person becomes larger, and the corresponding density will decrease.

The density of human and water is similar to that of water, but when the volume becomes larger, the density becomes smaller than that of water!It floated up naturally.

Regardless of whether a person drowned or died, as long as the corpse is decomposed and the density of the body changes, it will float on the water if it is thrown into the water.

Lin Chen judged the approximate time of death of the corpse, he stretched out his hand and grabbed the left hand of the deceased.

When Lin Chen was about to observe the corpse's left hand, Shen Yue's voice came over, only to hear her timidly say: "Boss... Did this person drown?"

When Lin Chen heard Shen Yue's question, he raised his head and glanced at Shen Yue, and said, "From the outside, the deceased's face is distorted, his expression is painful, his palm is grasping, and he is struggling before death. There are no signs of fatal trauma on the body surface, and it looks like he died from drowning."

When everyone over there heard this, Guan Yuanxin said, "... This person looks quite old, that is to say, he accidentally fell into the water and drowned?"

Shen Xiaofeng moved the position of the crutches in his hand, and he said, "It should be that some parts of this river are still very deep. He is short and does not know how to swim, and if he is old, there is a high possibility that he will stumble and drown. of."

"Hey..." The female classmate sighed: "I don't know whose old man, this slipped and drowned, and drifted so far..."

When Lin Chen heard Shen Xiaofeng, Guan Yuanxin and the others, he said, "It doesn't necessarily mean that the body drowned. My assumption that the body was drowned is only a preliminary inference. Whether it is drowning or not requires anatomical analysis. It was drowning, or it was possible that someone drowned in the water."

(Li Li Zhao) Lin Chen's words were quite professional to Shen Xiaofeng, Guan Yuanxin and the others. After they heard the words, they all nodded slightly to show that they understood.

After Lin Chen briefly said a few words to the others, he continued to observe the hand of the deceased.

The corpse showed a preliminary view of giants. His hands were also swollen and swollen, as if he was wearing a larger rubber glove on a small hand, but the 'glove' of the corpse was human skin. rather than rubber.

The deceased's hand was rough, with obvious deep palm lines, and some wound scars on the palm, but they were all old wounds left over from the past.

Inside the nails of the palm, some sand was found, and the sand was deeply embedded in the nails. You can imagine how violently this man struggled when he was drowning.

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