"Hey..." Guan Yuanxin sighed and said, "I just heard him say that his father was in the upper reaches to show people the reservoir, and I doubted whether the deceased was his father, but I didn't expect... it was really _ …”

"I don't know what to say, I was in a good mood today, but I encountered such a thing, hey..." Shen Xiaofeng also sighed.

Several people looked at the man crying in pain, and they all sighed for a while.

The man was crying while hugging his father's body, and after a while, his shrill cry became a little smaller.

Seeing this, Lin Chen said to him, "What's your name?"

Tears fell from the man's eyes, and after hearing Lin Chen ask his name, he said without looking up, "My name is Orientation..."

After Lin Chen heard the man say his name was Fang Xue, he was about to speak, and Fang Xue asked first: "How did you find my dad's body? Why did he die? He is fine, why? Will he die?"

Lin Chen originally wanted to talk about this with Fang Xiang, but after hearing his question, he responded, "Just now, a group of us were preparing for a barbecue by the river. It was caught in the river, and the police have been called, and the police will be here soon."

Fang Xiangxue heard the words, and said with a loud voice, "My dad is fine, why did he die, why, why..."

Lin Chen looked at the direction and said, "Preliminary judgment, your father may have drowned and drowned."

"Impossible, absolutely impossible." Lin Chen said that his father died of drowning. As soon as he said this, he was immediately refuted by Xiangxue, he said, "Although my father is old, his water is very good. He started swimming since he was a child, and has always had the habit of swimming. It is absolutely impossible to say that he drowned and drowned. My father is so good at water, even if he fell into a big river with fast water flow, he would not be flooded. dead."

Lin Chen heard Fang Xue's saying that his father was good at water, and has the habit of swimming until now, and suddenly felt that the death of this old man might be something else strange.

Of course, he did not rule out the possibility of drowning himself. After all, the deceased was also old, and sometimes he did not warm up before swimming, and his legs cramped, and drowning was not certain.

"Death by drowning is only a preliminary judgment. As for his own drowning and death, it was someone else's work. This is to be brought back to the forensic laboratory for anatomical examination." Lin Chen said to Orientation.

At this time, Xiangxue raised his head slightly, looked at Lin Chen, and said, "You still judge whether you died from drowning? Are you a policeman?"

"I'm a detective." Lin Chen replied.

"Oh, it turned out to be a detective." Fang Xue said: "My dad is very good at water. I learned to swim with him since I was a child. I absolutely don't believe that he will be drowned by water, maybe he was deliberately killed. dead."

"I said, I can't rule out this possibility. Now I just saw a corpse. I still need to go to the reservoir where your father works and to check on the road along the way." Lin Chen said.

After briefly saying a few words to Fang Xue, Lin Chen didn't say any more. When Fang Xue encountered such a thing, it would be better for him to be quiet.

Lin Chen stepped aside and waited for the police from the County Public Security Bureau to arrive.

After holding the corpse for a while, Xiang Xue also put the corpse down.

On the side, Shen Yue, Shen Xiaofeng, Guan Yuanxin and the others saw that some students in this direction did not dare to look at the distorted and painful face of the deceased. They probably couldn't bear to see his father in such pain.

After Xiang Xue put down the corpse, he immediately took off his short sleeves, wiping his tears, while covering his short sleeves on his father's face.

· · Flowers · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·?????

After covering his father's face with clothes, Fang Xue sat weakly beside the corpse and muttered to himself, "No, no, my dad won't drown, it must be Someone hurt him, someone must hurt him..."

Lin Chen walked to the river and washed his hands, Shen Yue came over at this time and said to Lin Chen, "Boss, the son of the deceased doesn't seem to believe that his father drowned, and thinks that someone killed him. Dad's."

Lin Chen said: "He knew that his father's water was good, so it was difficult to accept it. Maybe it was as he said, his father's death was caused by others."

Shen Yue gave a sigh of relief, and then asked Lin Chen, "The boss... Do you want to intervene in this case?"


After Lin Chen heard this, he reached out and patted some dirt on his body, and said, "Since it happened, let's find out the cause of this old man's death."

Shen Yue understood that the boss was going to intervene in this case. If this case was caused by drowning, it would be simple and there would be nothing to investigate.

But if it is being harmed by others, it takes time to investigate.

There are so many people and forces involved in her own case. The boss can solve the case in one day and reveal all the truth to the public. Shen Yue believes that this case is estimated that the boss will be able to solve the case in a shorter time.

Shen Yue had a pack of napkins in her pocket. Seeing that Lin Chen had some water stains on her face, she took out a tissue and went up to wipe the water stains on Lin Chen's face.

After helping Lin Chen wipe the water stains on his face, the phone in Shen Yue's pocket suddenly rang.

Shen Yue took out her mobile phone and glanced at it, and saw that it was her mother calling. Shen Yue's mother called this phone and asked them why they hadn't gone back for dinner. Waiting for them to go back to eat.

Shen Yue told Liu Yingmei about the situation encountered here, and then hung up the phone.

At this time, there was a faint sound of a siren in the distance, and a few minutes later, the flashing police lights began to appear in everyone's sight.

Soon, three police cars parked on the bank of the river, the doors opened, and Li Guo walked out of the car with the police officer and the forensic doctor. .


1035 Go to the Reservoir [2 more for subscription]

Li Guo brought people and went straight to Lin Chen, greeted Lin Chen politely, and said, "Mr. Lin, there was a traffic jam on the road just now, we are late."

Lin Chen waved his hand, pointed to the river bank a little above, and said, "The body is over there, you go to collect evidence and check."

After Li Guo heard the words, he immediately asked the forensic doctor and several criminal policemen behind him to examine the body.

The forensic doctor of the Xuanbei County Public Security Bureau originally went to study abroad, leaving only the intern forensic doctor who played no role in the 726 killing case.

In the 726 extermination case, the intern forensic doctor was also involved. He accepted the benefits given by Zhuo Zishan, but did not examine the body carefully. He was already investigated by the Public Security Bureau. .

This forensic doctor who followed Li Guo and the others "May [-]" came back from another place. Although he was still relatively young, he was much better than the previous trainee forensic doctor.

The forensic doctor carried the toolbox, and went to the body with the police officers. When the direction school saw the police officers coming, he shouted: "My father is very good, he can't drown, police comrades, you guys. Be sure to find out, and give my father justice."

The trainee forensic doctor put his toolbox on the ground. He wore a mask and learned from the opposite direction: "Sir, don't get excited. Our police will find out the truth and give justice to the deceased."

After hearing this, Fang Xue nodded, then turned around and wiped away his tears silently.

The forensic doctor lifted the short-sleeved sleeve that was covering his father's face, stretched out his hand to open the eyelids of the deceased, and began to examine it with a flashlight.

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