Several police officers questioned Shen Xiaofeng, Guan Yuanxin and the others about the procedure and made some notes.

Shen Xiaofeng, Guan Yuanxin and the others had very few things they could provide. They just said that they were barbecuing together here just now. After hearing Lin Chen's voice, they followed the direction Lin Chen was looking at and saw the body floating down from the upstream.

Lin Chen also briefly explained the situation here with Li Guo. After Li Guo heard it, he said, "Mr. Lin, do you think the deceased drowned because of his own reasons, or did someone else do it?"

Lin Chen glanced at the deceased's son and said, "According to the deceased's son, his father's water is very good, and it is impossible for him to drown. He thinks that someone killed his father. How to go to the deceased in a moment? Check out the working reservoir, maybe something.”

"Yeah." Li Guo nodded slightly and said, "Then work hard, Mr. Lin, and we will go to the reservoir where the deceased worked."

The forensic doctor was examining, and Lin Chen and Li Guo started chatting, talking about the progress of the 726 killing case and the Yan family investigation.

These were originally what Zheng Yong wanted to report to Lin Chen, but since Lin Chen asked, Li Guo told Lin Chen some of the progress he knew.

After Lin Chen listened, he nodded slightly, but he said nothing in his mouth, but he said in his heart that the speed of processing was quite fast.

After the police's interrogation of Shen Xiaofeng, Guan Yuanxin and the others ended, Shen Xiaofeng, Guan Yuanxin and others came to Lin Chen.

Guan Yuanxin said: "Mr. Lin, then we will go back first, if you have time, we will invite you to dinner."

Lin Chen nodded, and it was considered a greeting. After Shen Xiaofeng's other classmates also said something to Lin Chen, they all walked towards Guan Yuanxin's car.

Seeing that Shen Xiaofeng and Shen Yue were still standing there, Lin Chen said to them, "You two don't stand either, take their car back."

Shen Xiaofeng was stunned for a moment, and hurriedly asked, "Mr. Lin, aren't you going back now?"

Lin Chen shook his head and said to Shen Xiaofeng, "I have to find out about this case, you go back first, go back and tell your family, let them eat, don't wait for me."

Shen Xiaofeng wanted to ask Lin Chen to go back for dinner, and Shen Yue said at this time, "Brother, take your classmate's car and go back, and I'll stay too."

Lin Chen turned his head and glanced at Shen Yue, and asked, "Why don't you go back together?"

Shen Yuebei bit her red lips lightly, and said expectantly, "Boss, you are interested in this case, and so am I. I want to follow you and see you investigate the case."

When Lin Chen heard the words, seeing Shen Yue's expectation, he did not refuse. Anyway, when investigating this case, there was no danger. If Shen Yue wanted to follow, let her follow.

Seeing this, Shen Xiaofeng knew that what he said was superfluous, so he had no choice but to nod his head and said, "Well, Mr. Lin, Xiaoyue, be careful, I'll go back first..."

After Shen Xiaofeng finished speaking, he limped towards Guan Yuanxin's car with a cane.

After they all got into the car, Guan Yuanxin started the car, and the commercial car he was driving quickly disappeared from everyone's sight.

Shen Xiaofeng, Guan Yuanxin and the others have just left, and the forensic doctor's preliminary autopsy of the deceased has ended.

The forensic doctor stood up from the ground, his eyes swept over Li Guo and the others, and finally fell on Lin Chen, saying: "According to my preliminary examination of the body, the time of death of the deceased should have been 12 hours ago. Time can be extrapolated, but it needs to be brought back for an autopsy."

"I found a lot of wounds on the corpse, but those are old wounds, and there are no new wounds. If there is any new injury on the deceased, it should be his hands."

"Before the deceased drowned, his hands struggled very violently, and the nails and fingertips of both hands were damaged to a certain extent... As for whether the deceased drowned himself or was caused by others, this needs to be further investigated. Further inspection is required."

The deceased's son Xiang Xue heard the forensic doctor's words and muttered: "What you said is similar to what the gentleman said."

The gentleman in Xiangxue's mouth naturally refers to Lin Chen.

Li Guo heard the words and said 5.7: "That's natural. Mr. Lin's autopsy experience is no worse than that of a professional forensic doctor."

The forensic doctor who met Lin Chen for the first time today knew about Lin Chen's previous analysis of the corpse, and also knew that Lin Chen had cracked those cases before. He also secretly admired Lin Chen's ability to decide cases.

Lin Chen said, "Send this body back to the forensic laboratory first, and now go to the reservoir where the deceased worked."

"Okay." Li Guo agreed, and there was a car behind to transport the body, leaving two police officers here to guard them, and they were ready to go to the reservoir.

Lin Chen asked for directions and said, "Along the river bank, can you reach the reservoir where your father works?"

Direction Xuedao: "This road is relatively close, but motorcycles are fine, but cars are better.".


1036 Reservoir Cabin [3 more subscriptions]

After Lin Chen heard that the direction of the river bank can only be driven by motorcycles, he said, "Then you ride a motorcycle and take me along the river bank to the upstream reservoir, and the others drive along the road."

Xiang Xue reached out and wiped a handful of tears, nodded, and said yes.

Li Guo and others also got into the car, and Shen Yue also got into the car. They drove the car from the river bank to the cement road next to it, and set off along the road towards the upstream reservoir.

Fang Xue finally glanced at the corpse on the ground. He walked to the motorcycle, got on the motorcycle, and said to Lin Chen, "Mr. Lin, get in the car."

Lin Chen sat on the back of the motorcycle and glanced at the two bags of stale fruit that Fang Xue bought for his father. Judging from the stale fruit and the clothes of Xue Xue, the conditions of their home should be is relatively general.

The conditions were average, and he was thinking of buying some fruit for his father to eat, so he could be considered a dutiful son in this direction.

After starting the motorcycle, Lin Chen said to him, "Don't go too fast, I want to check the river along the way."

"Yeah." Fang Xue gave a sigh, and the motorcycle started, heading upstream.

With Lin Chen's instructions, the speed of the directional learning 11 was not fast. In Lin Chen's hand, he was holding a bright flashlight brought from Li Guo.

When the body was found, the sun had not yet set in the west, but now, the sun has completely set, and the light is much dim. Without a strong flashlight, it is impossible to see the river below.

While the motorcycle was driving, Lin Chen raised his flashlight to check the river. At first, the river bank was relatively flat, and the motorcycle was easier to ride.

However, when we got to the back, there were upslopes and potholes on the river bank, and the motorcycles trembled when riding on it. Generally, people who have never ridden on this kind of road are really easy to fall on this kind of road.

Lin Chen has been observing the river, but he didn't find anything. After riding for a while, he asked the direction to learn: "How far is it from the reservoir?"

The direction learnt to ride the bike attentively, and replied, "Come on, the next step is going uphill, Mr. Lin, hold on tight, it will be there soon."

Lin Chen nodded, holding the handrail of the motorcycle with one hand, and still holding the flashlight in the other hand to check the river.

The river was rushing, and the sky was getting darker and darker. Gradually, the figures of Lin Chen and Xiang Xue were completely shrouded in the darkness.

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