After riding a road with potholes uphill, Lin Chen and Xiang Xue finally went from the small road to the main road.

Ride a few dozen meters along this road, and you will be heading towards the reservoir where my father works.

Lin Chen and the others took a shortcut. After reaching the reservoir, Li Guo and the others hadn't arrived yet, and it was estimated that it would take a while.

"It's here." Xiangxue said to Lin Chen.

Lin Chen got off the motorcycle, the strong light flashlight in his hand was shining everywhere, and he looked at the reservoir that was shrouded in darkness.

The scale of the reservoir, ranging from large to small, can play the role of flood control, water storage and irrigation, water supply, power generation, and fish farming.

The reservoir in front of him, Lin Chen looked at through the strong light flashlight, and felt that it was not very big, just a small reservoir.

Of course, the observation at night is not as intuitive as in the daytime, and the area irradiated by the strong light flashlight is also relatively limited.

"The size of this reservoir doesn't seem to be large." Lin Chen shook the flashlight in his hand and said something to the direction.

The direction of the school's voice was hoarse, and the whole person looked very absent-minded. He said: "Well, this reservoir is only a small-scale reservoir, not a big one."

"Is the reservoir contracted privately, or is it in the village?" Lin Chen asked again.

Xiang Xiangxue talked to Lin Chen, and he said, "This reservoir used to belong to the village brigade. The village brigade bought fish fry and put them here, but the village brigade has no experience in farming, so there is nothing to gain from raising fish in the reservoir. The contract is over."

"Is your father the only employee in this reservoir?" Lin Chen asked Xiang Xiangxue.

Xiang Xuehun didn't give up and replied, "There are still a lot of people besides my dad, but this boss lost money after he contracted the reservoir, so he fired everyone else, leaving my dad alone. Look here, my dad is getting older, the boss left him to watch the reservoir, and the salary is less."

"He looks at the reservoir here, mainly patrolling the reservoir. Some people come here to fish for a fee, and then feed the fish. The job is quite easy. My dad has been swimming since he was a child, and his water is good. So I agreed with his job and let him do things here, but I didn't expect that today... actually..."

When Orientation came to this point, his voice choked up again.

Lin Chen nodded slightly and said, "Take me to where your father lives."

"Just over there." Fang Xue pointed his finger in a direction: "Mr. Lin, come with me."

Lin Chen followed behind Xiang Xue and walked towards the place where his father lived.

In the huge reservoir, there was only one beam of light at this moment, and that was the flashlight in Lin Chen's hand.

The reservoir is surrounded by mountains and forests. In this dark night, the reservoir looks very lonely.

From time to time in the mountains and forests, some birds chirped, and some birds flapped their wings and flew over the reservoir.

Before the deceased died, he had to be brave enough to stay behind to work in this reservoir.

Most people don't dare to stay here at night.

Lin Chen followed the directions and walked along the edge of the reservoir.

Walking in the front direction, he learned 670 and said, "Mr. Lin, why haven't those police comrades come yet?"

When Lin Chen heard the words, he turned around and glanced behind him, it was pitch black and there was nothing behind him.

After turning around, Lin Chen said, "How do I know, I haven't been to this reservoir before, don't you know the approximate time of coming to this reservoir from the road?"

Orientation said: "When I came to see my dad, they all came on motorcycles, and they all came from the side roads, and rarely from the main road, but I guessed that it's all now, and the cars of the police comrades should arrive. Ah, what happened to them on the way?"

Lin Chen didn't worry about Li Guo and the others. They had three cars and a dozen police officers, so nothing would happen.

Soon, the two came to the front of a relatively simple-looking wooden house.

The size of this wooden house is average. The wooden hair of the wooden house is black and rotten, and it looks like it can be blown down by a strong wind.

The top of the wooden house was covered with a layer of plastic sheeting and some tiles. The plastic sheeting was torn and some of the tiles fell off.

The direction school pointed to the wooden house and said, "My dad lives in the reservoir when he sees it."

Just as he was speaking in the direction of learning, there was movement in the forest behind the wooden house.

Lin Chen turned his head and looked in the direction of the movement: "Who's where?".


1037 The person hiding in the woods 【Subscription】

The two had just arrived at this shabby-looking wooden house. Originally, Lin Chen was going to take a look at the deceased's residence. Maybe in the house where the deceased lived, he might find something.

As soon as he arrived at this house, the direction learned that this house was where his father usually lived, and there was a clatter in the mountains over there.

After the clatter, there was a slight ouch.

Although the ouch was small, Lin Chen's hearing was keen, and he could still hear the ouch clearly.

When Lin Chen looked at the direction of the movement and said who was there, he was taken aback by the direction.

In this dark reservoir, is there still people in the forest next to it at night?

Orientation only heard the clatter, but did not hear the slight ouch.

Before the Orientation School could respond, the movement in the forest became even louder, rustling, as if someone was walking in the forest.

At this time, the orientation study can determine that there is someone in the forest behind the wooden house.

Lin Chen also rushed towards the mountain forest when the movement in the forest just became louder.

The straight-line distance between Lin Chen and the place where the movement came is only about fifty or sixty meters, but this is in the mountains, and there are various trees and weeds growing in this straight-line distance. Those weeds and trees, walk through.

Although Lin Chen's speed was already very fast, when he pushed aside the weeds and trees and came to the place where the noise came from, the person who made the noise just now ran towards the deeper part of the forest.

Lin Chen had a flashlight in his hand, and it shone in the direction of movement. There were people running and there were lights and shadows, but because of the obstruction of trees and weeds, no one could be seen.

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