"Mr. Lin, who's up there?" Fang Xiangxue was standing next to the wooden house, and he wanted to go up, but he couldn't find a suitable way, and he didn't have a flashlight. He didn't have the skills of Lin Chen, and he could run in the bushes and weeds. so fast.

Lin Chen, who was standing in the forest, did not respond to the words of the direction study, he took a step and chased after the sound coming from the front.

When the chase started, Lin Chen had the feeling that he was investigating the white chrysanthemum murder case.

When investigating that case, Lin Chen led the police up the mountain to find the murderer, but the murderer escaped first, and Lin Chen chased after him for a long time before chasing the murderer.

Also because of that pursuit, Lin Chen could see that the murderer was covering up another female murderer.

It's summer now, running like this in the forest at night is still very dangerous. If there is a snake lying there, and you step on the snake, the angry snake can't even lift its head and bite you.

Not only are there poisonous snakes, but there are also a lot of mosquitoes in the mountains and forests at night. When Lin Chen ran and chased the people in front, he had to drive away the mosquitoes that were chasing him.

After chasing for a minute or two, Lin Chen frowned slightly. The person in front was running quite fast in this forest, and he seemed to be very familiar with the terrain here.

It made Lin Chen, who was not familiar with the terrain, unable to catch up with them for a while.

The chase in the forest continued, and after Lin Chen chased the unknown person, Li Guo and the others drove to the open space at the entrance of the reservoir.

Standing next to the wooden house, he did not have a flashlight. When Lin Chen left, he stood alone in the dark.

After seeing Li Guo's car coming, he immediately smeared and trotted over there.

Direction Xue trotted and shouted, attracting the attention of Li Guo and the others over there.

After Li Guo and the others got out of the car, they heard the voice of direction school shouting.

Shen Yue took a strong light flashlight in her hand, she shone the flashlight in the direction from which the voice came, and saw that the direction school was running towards this direction, he was only one person, and there was no trace of Lin Chen.

Shen Yue threw the light of the flashlight in the past, so that the direction school could see the road under his feet clearly, and he ran even faster.

Upon seeing this, Li Guo and the others immediately greeted him.

Li Guo looked at the direction that immediately ran to him and said, "Where's Mr. Lin? Why are you alone?"

"Yeah, where's my boss?" Shen Yue didn't see Lin Chen, although she knew that he was good at it, she was somewhat worried in her heart.

Xiang Xiangxue took a few breaths and explained to everyone: "I took Mr. Lin to the wooden house where my dad lived just now, and when I got there, I heard movement in the woods behind the wooden house, and I didn't hear anyone. The voice, but Mr. Lin seems to have heard it, and he asked in that direction who was there."

"As a result, just after Mr. Lin finished speaking, the movement over there became even louder. It sounded like someone running in the woods."

"Mr. Lin chased after him with a flashlight. I didn't have a flashlight in my hand, and I couldn't chase if I wanted to. At first, I could see the light of Mr. Lin's flashlight shaking in the woods, but now I can't see it anymore."

Li Guo frowned when he heard these words, and said, "... Is there anyone in the woods behind the wooden house where your father lives?"

"Yeah." Fang Xue nodded his head vigorously and said, "The movement is because someone was in the woods. If it wasn't for someone, Mr. Lin wouldn't have caught up."

"It's getting dark, who would stay in this place, hide in the woods, and run away when they see someone?" a police officer muttered.

After hearing what he said, another police officer said, "Could it be the murderer? After the murderer killed someone, he didn't leave and stayed in the reservoir?"

Fang Xue heard the words, his eyes widened slightly, and he said, "The murderer? The murderer who killed my dad is hiding in that forest?"

After the direction theory was finished, he grabbed a stone on the ground, and was about to run over there, picking up the stone while cursing: "What the hell, why did the damn murderer want to kill my dad, I want to kill him, I want to Stone him to death with (Zhao Hao)."

Seeing that Xiang Xue was like that, Li Guo rushed up quickly, grabbed Fang Xue's arm, and said to him, "Mr. Fang, don't be so excited, now you are only suspecting the death of the person hiding in the woods and your father's death. It's related, not sure yet."

"Yeah, what are you doing so impulsive..." said the police officer who said that the person hiding in the woods might be the murderer.

His words immediately made the direction learn to say: "Impulsive? Your father is dead, let's see if you will be impulsive."

"You..." The policeman was annoyed by Fang Xue's words, which was a bit too ugly.

Just as he was about to speak, Li Guo glared at him, and Li Guo said, "Okay, just a few words less."

Hearing the words, the policeman said nothing.

Li Guodao: "I don't know who is hiding in the woods, let's catch up quickly, lest Mr. Lin be in danger.".


1038 Chase in the Mountains [2 more subscriptions]

The entire reservoir is pitch-black, surrounded by mountains and forests, and standing here feels empty and lonely, let alone chasing unknown people hiding in the woods in the mountains and forests.

Li Guo's heart was even more worried about Lin Chen than Shen Yue.

One reason is that he doesn't know much about Lin Chen's skills, and the other is Lin Chen's identity.

Lin Chen's background is so terrifying, it's easy to clean up the Yan family. If he suffers any harm from helping the Xuanbei County police solve the case, let alone Li Guo, even the county party secretary can't take this responsibility.

"Take us to the wooden house." Li Guo said to Fang Xue.

Fang Xue saw Li Guo's expression of nervousness, and immediately nodded his head wildly, pointed to the other side, and trotted: "Follow me, it's this side, not very far."

The lights of the police car were not turned off, and the lights of the three police cars added a bit of light to the dark reservoir.

In the hands of Li Guo, Shen Yue, and the others, everyone had a strong flashlight, and a group of people ran quickly in the direction of the wooden house.

After a few moments, a group of people came to the side of the wooden house. They looked at the somewhat dilapidated wooden house and asked the direction of the school: "Which direction did Mr. Lin chase out from?"

Fang Xue gasped heavily, and immediately pointed in the direction that Lin Chen left 700 just now, and said, "That's right there."

Upon seeing this, Li Guo waved his hand and ordered his opponent, "Follow me all and chase."

After saying this, just after taking a few steps, Li Guo glanced at Shen Yue who was standing in the corner of his eyes. He knew that Shen Yue and Lin Chen had a close relationship, and it was not appropriate to leave him and his orientation here alone.

So Li Guo patted a police officer next to him on the shoulder and said to him, "You stay here."

Hearing the words, the policeman agreed, stopped, and did not continue to run.

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