Li Guo and his party also quickly rushed into the forest. The mountain road was very difficult to walk. There were branches, weeds and thorns everywhere. Several police officers had just rushed into the forest, and they were scratched several times. DC.

Fortunately, the wounds that the thorn leaves scratched were not deep, just some cortical bleeding.

Shen Yue Xiang Xue and the police officer stayed where they were.

Shen Yue frowned slightly, her eyes were tense, and she was worried about Lin Chen.


When Lin Chen chased the person in front for three or four minutes, the light and shadow in front began to divide into two groups, one group ran down the steep mountain, and the other group walked along the straight road.

Lin Chen saw the light of the separation of the two regiments. He understood that there were at least two people on the other side. It seemed that they felt that they couldn't get rid of their pursuit. On them, you can only catch one.

Lin Chen's footsteps didn't stop. Since the other party ran in two paths, and he didn't want him to catch two, he would just catch one.

If you can run, the monk can't run away from the temple. If you catch one, don't even think about running away.

"Brush brush..."

Running in the woods is much more difficult than the open flat ground. The steep and uneven terrain, and the potholes hidden by leaves and weeds may cause you to suddenly fall.

As time passed by, Lin Chen stared at the guy in front of him who was running in a straight line and didn't stop.

As Lin Chen accelerated after getting familiar with some terrain, the man in front was getting closer and closer to Lin Chen.

After chasing for five or six minutes, the man in front was a little weak, but Lin Chen's speed was running faster and faster, it seemed that he would not be tired at all.

As the distance got closer, Lin Chen also clearly saw the figure of the man running away in front of him. It was a man who looked like he was in his twenties or thirties. He was running hard with a flashlight in his hand.

The flashlight in his hand was not bright, it was much darker than Lin Chen's bright flashlight. After being pulled closer by Lin Chen, he turned to look at Lin Chen while running, his breathing was very short.

"You stop honestly and go back with me now, I can consider not doing anything to you." Lin Chen said calmly to the man in front. (bbaa)

Hearing the words, the man in front turned to look at Lin Chen in the back again, and he yelled: "Go, go, don't chase me, you will kill you if you chase me again!"

After Lin Chen heard the man's threatening words, he shook his head slightly, and if he didn't eat a toast, he could only eat a fine drink.

The road ahead was relatively flat, and Lin Chen's speed instantly increased. Under the terrified eyes of the man in front, Lin Chen only took a few breaths before catching up with him and coming to his side.

After Lin Chen came to the man's side, he stretched out a leg to the place where his feet were about to land next.


As the man stepped out, he was tripped over by Lin Chen, let out a panicked scream, and fell to the ground full of weeds in a dog-biting posture.

"Ah... oops... oops..." The man fell hard this time. After landing, he rolled forward for some distance due to inertia. Finally, he hit a small tree with his back and stopped. down.

Lin Chen stopped, looked at the man whose mouth was covered in blood, and said, "Are you still running?"

The man had already fallen to pieces, covering his bleeding mouth with one hand, not daring to say a word.

Lin Chen took a step, walked to his side, and illuminated his eyes with a strong flashlight, so that his eyes could not be opened.

Lin Chen asked, "Why are you hiding in the forest next to the reservoir in the middle of the night?"

The man's eyes couldn't be opened. He blocked the strong light with one palm and said vaguely, "I can't come to the reservoir to play? I want you to care, who are you?"

Hearing this, Lin Chen raised the corner of his mouth slightly, and said, "After chasing you in the woods for so long, who do you think I am?"

As soon as Lin Chen finished speaking, the man's eyes narrowed suddenly, then he suddenly got up from the ground, turned his head and rushed in one direction.

Looking at this man's appearance, he didn't want to be caught by Lin Chen, and wanted to continue to escape.

It's just that this guy was too flustered and didn't see the road at all. After turning around abruptly and rushing a few meters away, he slammed into the trunk of a tree with a bang.

The trunk of this tree is very hard, and the fatigue of running just now, coupled with this all of a sudden, made the man roll his eyes and pass out.

Seeing this scene, Lin Chen shook his head, quite speechless in his heart.

He walked to the position where the man passed out, and reached out to probe the tip of his nose and the aorta of his neck. After confirming that the guy was all right, but just passed out, he reached out and grabbed the belt around his waist and gave him the whole body. picked up.

In the dark forest, there were only Lin Chen and this unconscious man, Lin Chen led him with one hand and looked around with a flashlight in the other.

When I was about to go back, there was a rustling sound not far away. .


1039 Kick Flying 【Subscription】

After Lin Chen heard the rustling sound, he reacted quickly and looked at the flashlight in the direction of the sound.

Because of the shelter of trees and weeds, although the rustling sound was not too far away, Lin Chen couldn't see the sound caused by something moving on the ground.

The rustling continued slightly, in this lonely dark mountain forest, it seemed so abrupt.

Seeing that the rustling continued, Lin Chen let go of the unconscious man, walked towards the side where the rustling came from, and walked over.

Lin Chen's walking pace was very light, and he approached the other side step by step.

As Lin Chen got closer, the rustling sound became clearer. The rustling sound seemed to be something tumbling the soil. Apart from the rustling sound, it was also accompanied by a little humming.

"Crack, click..."

It is summer now, there are not many dead leaves in the forest, but there are still a lot of dead branches. When Lin Chen's feet landed on those dead branches, the dead branches broke and a sound was heard.

When Lin Chen got closer and closer to the position where the rustling sound was heard, and when there were no trees blocking his sight, the strong light flashlight in Lin Chen's hand shone towards that direction.

As the light of the flashlight fell on the position where the sound came from, the position became quiet, and there was no more rustling.

At this moment, what appeared in Lin Chen's sight was a wild boar that was not very large.

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