The fur on this wild boar is black, with its limbs stepping on the ground, two canine teeth protruding from its mouth, and with those black eyes, it looks a bit fierce.

The rustling sound Lin Chen heard just now was precisely the wild boar arching on the ground with its nose, and a big hole had been arched out by it on the ground.

When the light of the torch shone on the wild boar, the wild boar also raised its head suddenly and looked towards Lin Chen.

The distance between Lin Chen and the wild boar is not far, only six or seven meters, and there are some small trees and weeds in the middle.

"It turned out to be a wild boar." Lin Chen said lightly to himself after seeing the wild boar. Now, wild boars are relatively rare in the hills of many villages. Run into the deeper mountains.

"Hum hum hum..." After the wild boar saw Lin Chen, it stared at Lin Chen with a pair of eyes, its head was slightly lowered, and its front hooves were slightly bent, making a look that was going to attack Lin Chen. stance.

Some wild boars will run away when they see people. When Lin Chen came over, this wild boar not only didn't run, but now it looks like he is going to attack Lin Chen. kind of.

Lin Chen didn't take this wild boar in his eyes, let alone his average size, even if his size was doubled, Lin Chen would be very easy to deal with.

This wild boar is arching the soil here, obviously looking for food. Wild boars are omnivores. As long as they can eat, they will bite into their mouths and eat them.

Lin Chen walked over to look, just to see something rustling. Now that he saw that it was a wild boar, there was nothing to see. He was about to turn around and leave, not to waste time with this wild boar foraging.

But at the moment when Lin Chen was about to turn around and leave, there was something in the mud that was arched open by the wild boar, which made Lin Chen's eyes narrow.

After seeing the thing protruding from the soil, Lin Chen's movements stopped immediately, and he stood there without moving.

During this chase in the mountains and forests, Lin Chen just wanted to catch the people hiding in the woods and see if they had anything to do with the death of the old man at the reservoir.

But I didn't expect to see this in the soil that the wild boar arched out.

Lin Chen grabbed the flashlight and moved the angle to let the light fall on the thing, so that he could see more clearly.

Lin Chen's stay did not leave, which made the wild boar more and more aware of Lin Chen's threat to him. After a sharp pig cry came out, the wild boar rushed towards Lin Chen, who was six or seven meters away. past.

Although the wild boar has a pig character, don't compare it to the domestic pig. The domestic pig has a lot of power, but it has been tamed to the point of losing its wildness.

The canine teeth of the wild boar and the mouth with amazing bite force can cause huge damage. Ordinary people have to take a detour when they see a wild boar without weapons. Not to mention the canine teeth and the mouth with amazing bite force, they are just hit head-on. , enough for you to drink a pot.

The wild boar rushed towards Lin Chen screaming, and its open mouth looked very scary.

The wild boar's coming is very fierce, and it looks like he is going to fight Lin Chen desperately.

· · Flowers ·

Lin Chen's way of responding to the crazy wild boar was very simple. When it rushed forward, Lin Chen raised his foot and kicked the wild boar on the forehead.

The wild boar, which was close to [-] jin, was directly kicked by Lin Chen and flew a few meters away, falling to the ground and tumbling.

The scene of Lin Chen kicking a rushing wild boar will definitely be very surprising if others see it, how much power does it take to kick the rushing wild boar like this?

After the wild boar tossed on the ground in a daze for a few seconds, it stood up again, made a louder cry than before, and charged towards Lin Chen again.

It rushed again, and Lin Chen also landed on the wild boar's head again, kicking it away.

This time the body of the wild boar flew farther and landed on the ground, and the ground shook slightly.

The wild boar, which had suffered twice at Lin Chen's hands, finally knew it was afraid. After it stood up, it glanced at Lin Chen, and ran away with four hooves.

The wild boar left quickly, and Lin Chen didn't take the wild boar to heart.

Lin Chen's eyes retracted, and he landed on the big dirt pit that was arched out by the wild boar again.

Lin Chen stood there, stretched out his hand and took out his mobile phone, unlocked the screen, found Li Guo's mobile phone number, and dialed it.

"Beep beep..."

In the receiver came the beeping of the call waiting to be connected.

After a dozen beeps, the phone was connected, and Li Guo's breathless voice came from there: "Lin...Mr. Lin, where are you? Are you injured?"

Lin Chen looked at the thing in the pit, and asked Li Guo, "Are you catching up too?"

"Yes, we're catching up." Li Guo took a deep breath, obviously tired from running on the mountain road, and said, "Mr. Lin, we don't know which direction you are running, we can only follow the branches and The traces of broken flowers and plants caught up, but the speed was very slow."

"Slow down, it's fine." Lin Chen said, "There are two people hiding in the woods, one ran away, and I caught the other."

Li Guo heard the words and said, "Really? That's great, we'll come and arrest him right away."

Lin Chen said: "This person caught can be dealt with slowly, there are more difficult things to be busy with.".


1040 The Arched Pit [2 More Subscriptions]

After Li Guo heard Lin Chen's words, he was slightly taken aback.

The person caught can be dealt with for a while, there are more difficult things to be busy with, what does this mean?What's the trickier thing about?

Li Guo was full of doubts about Lin Chen's words, and he asked, "Mr. Lin, what's more troublesome for you? Are you injured?"

"I'm not injured." Lin Chen responded.

"What's that tricky thing?" Li Guo asked while walking, holding his phone.

Lin Chen didn't say it on the phone, but said: "You all follow the broken marks of the branches and grasses, and the light of my flashlight is also on. It will be easier for you to find it. After you get here, you will know what's difficult. something happened."

Li Guo heard the words and said: "Okay, Mr. Lin, let's speed up and catch up with "[-]"."

After saying this, Li Guo hung up the phone.

As soon as the phone was put down, a police officer next to Li Guo asked, "Captain Li, what is Mr. Lin talking about that is difficult?"

The policeman followed Li Guo, and heard Lin Chen say something difficult, but he didn't hear the next words clearly.

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