Li Guo turned his head and glanced at him, and said, "Mr. Lin didn't say anything on the phone, hurry up and follow, and you'll know what it is when you get there."

"Okay." The police officer agreed and quickened his pace.

Li Guo and his party followed the broken traces for a while. At this time, a police officer pointed to the mountain road ahead and said, "Look, there are lights over there."

Hearing this, Li Guo quickly followed the direction pointed by the policeman's hand.

Sure enough, there was a flashlight flashing on the mountain road ahead. Needless to say, that must be where Lin Chen was.

With the specific location, Li Guo and the others ran faster. After getting closer, Li Guo opened his mouth and shouted over there, asking if it was Lin Chen.

After Lin Chen heard the voice, he responded.

A few minutes later, Li Guo and his party came to Lin Chen sweating profusely. When Li Guo saw that Lin Chen was not injured, not even the skin on his body was scratched by the branches, he secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Li Guo and the others saw that Lin Chen was standing beside a tree with a flashlight in his hand. Under the tree, there was a man lying on his back. The man was lying on the ground, breathing, but his eyes were tightly closed. There was also a bruise on his forehead.

After seeing the unconscious man, Li Guodao said, "Mr. Lin, it's hard work."

Lin Chen didn't say anything, his face was a little dignified, the police officer standing behind Li Guo stepped forward, took out a pair of handcuffs, and placed them on the wrist of the unconscious man on the ground.

"Mr. Lin, did this guy say anything? Does he have anything to do with the death of the old man who watched the reservoir?" A police officer looked at Lin Chen and asked.

Lin Chen shook his head slightly and replied, "No, after I caught up with him, I only asked a few questions. He was about to flee again, but he didn't see the road clearly and hit a tree all of a sudden."

Hearing Lin Chen's answer, all the police officers were speechless for a while, how much this guy wanted to escape, how panicked he was, and he was able to slam into a tree and knock himself unconscious.

"Then let's go after the other who ran away now?" a police officer suggested.

"no need."

Lin Chen waved his hand and said, "I can tell from this guy's accent that he is from Xuanbei County, so his companion is very likely to be a local, who caught him and asked about that person. It's enough for the whereabouts of the identity, and if you go after it now, you won't be able to catch up with that person."

"Well, that's good." The policeman nodded hurriedly.

Li Guo took a slight step forward at this time. He raised his head and looked at Lin Chen, and asked, "Mr. Lin, you said on the phone just now that there are more difficult things here. What are the more difficult things?"

As soon as Li Guo said this, all the police officers present looked at Lin Chen's face.

After the previous phone call between Li Guo and Lin Chen, they all knew what Lin Chen said on the way here, and they were also very curious in their hearts.

"Come with me, you'll know." After Lin Chen finished speaking, he walked towards the position where the wild boar was before.

Li Guo and the others followed behind Lin Chen, Lin Chen said as he walked, "I was about to go back after I caught the man over that tree before when I heard a rustling sound from here, I'm leaving. After getting close, I found a wild boar here, the wild boar was using its nose to push the soil on the ground, and it pushed a big hole out of it..."

A police officer heard this and said, "Mr. Lin, hunting is now prohibited. This mountain has not been developed very much. It is normal to have wild boars here. The mud on the ground of the wild boars should be looking for something to eat."

"Of course I know that the wild boar is looking for something to eat." Lin Chen said: "The problem is, the wild boar just now, it arched out a rotting human hand from the ground."

When Lin Chen's voice fell, his footsteps also stopped, and the strong light flashlight in his hand shone toward the position of the wild boar arch.

After Li Guo and the others heard Lin Chen's words, they were all taken aback, with a look of astonishment on their faces.

While shocked, they also followed the direction pointed by Lin Chen's flashlight and set their sights on that position.

They saw that on a relatively flat ground, a large pit was arched out by a wild boar, and at the bottom of the arched pit, a black and rotting palm was exposed.

This scene is terrifying.

In a dirt pit, a rotting palm appeared, and some maggots were still squirming on the rotting palm.

The white maggots burrowed to and fro on the rotten flesh of the palm, and they were very happy.

This rotten palm that emerged from the bottom of the pit was not alone. There was also an arm extending into the soil on the wrist.

After Li Guo and the others looked at it, they immediately judged that there was a rotting corpse buried under 0.2 of the soil in this place.

"This..." When a police officer saw this scene, he suddenly didn't know what to say.

Mr. Lin chased the suspect here, but with the help of the wild boar, he unexpectedly found a body buried in the ground.

Now people will be cremated after they die. Even if they are not cremated, they will be put into the coffin, buried in the finished cemetery, and then erected with tombstones.

This corpse was buried in this mountain like this, and no one would have discovered the existence of this corpse unless the wild boar arched it out.

Obviously, the death of this body is likely to be an unknown homicide.

Everyone was surprised. After Li Guo was surprised, he said to Lin Chen, "Mr. Lin, this body seems to have been buried here for a long time."


1041 A Short Sleeve【Subscription】

Lin Chen nodded slightly and said, "The highest temperature in your Xuanbei County is 41 degrees and the lowest temperature is 30 degrees. The body is buried in this mountain forest, surrounded by towering trees, and the sun is shining. Until here, the maximum temperature here will not exceed 33 degrees, and the minimum temperature at night is more than 20 degrees."

"At this temperature and the current humidity of the soil, it will take at least a month for the corpse to decompose to the current level."

Li Guo and the others were very impressed when they heard Lin Chen's professional analysis. It took a forensic doctor to examine the results for a long time, and Lin Chen could analyze it after reading it for a while.

Li Guo looked at the severely decomposed palm and said, "If it died normally, it would be cremated or built in a cemetery. This corpse is buried here, for fear of being discovered, it is most likely a murder case."

"Mr. Lin, you speculate that the death of this corpse may have been a month ago, so the deceased was killed a month ago."

Looking at the degree of decay of the palm 11 exposed from the bottom of the pit, we can see that this corpse must be a person with a faceless face. The time of death is a good direction to investigate.

Lin Chen said: "We can't take the corpse with us without tools. We will notify the people at the county bureau and ask them to bring tools for reinforcements."

Li Guo quickly agreed, then took out his mobile phone and called the county bureau, asking them to send someone over.

After the phone call, Li Guo instructed the dozens of police officers behind him: "Reinforcements have been dispatched and will be here soon. You go and get a few people back to the reservoir and bring them here."

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