Several police officers agreed, then asked for a few more flashlights and went back.

In this big mountain at night, it is not so easy to identify the traces of walking. When these police officers walk back, they cross a big bend or walk for a long distance, and they will put them on the tree branches by the roadside. A flashlight, let the flashlight keep illuminating here.

In this way, when you come back, it will be much easier to follow the light of the flashlight.

Lin Chen, Li Guo and the others who stayed in the same place ignored the unconscious man. Some police officers began to survey the vicinity of the buried body to see if they found anything.

Lin Chen asked Li Guo and the others, "Who has rubber gloves?"

When Li Guo and the others went out to the police, they brought a forensic doctor with them, but when they sent back the body of the old man who looked at the reservoir, the forensic doctor also went back.

After Li Guo heard Lin Chen's words, he quickly said, "Here is a new pair. I took it from the forensic toolbox on the way here."

Saying that, Li Guo reached out and took out a pair of rubber gloves from his pocket.

Lin Chen took the gloves and put them on his hands.

Upon seeing this, Li Guo said, "Mr. Lin, are you going to do an autopsy?"

Lin Chen said, "It will take at least an hour for reinforcements from the county bureau to arrive. Let's dig the body out of the ground first and see how it goes."

"Okay." Li Guo nodded and prepared to go up to help.

After Lin Chen put on the gloves, he walked to the pit that was arched out by the wild boar, squatted down, and observed the rotten palm from the soil up close.

A police officer held two flashlights in his hand to illuminate Lin Chen where he was looking.

Lin Chen stretched out his hand and grabbed a white maggot that was wriggling in the rotten flesh from the rotten palm.

Lin Chen grabbed the end of the maggot, the maggot twisted its body hard, and was pinched by Lin Chen's gloved hand, which seemed to make it feel very dangerous.

Lin Chen looked at the maggot, and the young police officer who gave Lin Chen the flashlight felt nauseated in his stomach. Even if he put on several layers of gloves, he would not dare to catch the maggot.

The corpse is very smelly, and the maggots caught from the carrion are also very smelly.

When Lin Chen looked at the maggot, he said something softly, but his murmuring was very low, and Li Guo and the others on the side couldn't hear it clearly.

After looking at the maggots, Lin Chen threw the maggots aside.

Li Guo and the others did not have shovels on them, so they could only find sticks and stones, and began to dig up the bodies slowly on the ground.

The pit opened by the wild boar's nose was still relatively deep, and the position where the hand appeared was about half a meter deep.

Lin Chen knew that the wild boar arched here and arched out a corpse, not by accident.

Wild boars are omnivores. When they can't find something to eat, they will eat whatever they can.

Just now, it should have smelled the stench from the ground and felt that there was something to eat under the ground, so it arched out.

If Lin Chen hadn't come, the corpse would have been eaten by wild boars. If there were more wild boars, the corpse might have been eaten up.

Li Guo and the others were digging slowly. Without tools, the speed was really slow and laborious.

After more than ten minutes of digging, it was finally more than half a meter deep, and the cloth of the clothes appeared on the ground.

The cloth that exposed the soil was red, and the cloth was very thin. It was summer more than a month before the death of the deceased. The clothes the deceased was wearing must be a short sleeve.

"Slow down, the corpse is highly corrupted, don't destroy the corpse." Li Guo, enduring the strong stench from the corpse, said for the police officers who were excavating together.

These police officers had already stuffed 540 tissues in their noses. If they took a breath of the stench from the corpse while excavating, they would probably have vomited out all the lunch they had eaten on the spot.

This stink Lin Chen is also unbearable, he didn't stuff a tissue, he just controlled his nose not to breathe.

With the efforts of Lin Chen, Li Guo and others, this corpse, which was buried more than half a meter deep underground, finally appeared in front of everyone's eyes.

The corpse was highly decomposed, with maggots crawling on its feet, legs, abdomen, and chest.

The most terrifying thing was her face. After the face was corrupted, a large number of maggots lived on it. Some police officers could see it very clearly. When the body was dug up, some maggots were still crawling from the shriveled eyes of the body. Come out, terrifying.

Some people think that the toilet is not cleaned and it smells bad, and some people think that the fruit like durian is very smelly, but these smells are not comparable to the corpse in front of me.


The strong smell of the corpse attracted a lot of mosquitoes around, and some flies were flying around on the corpse, making a buzzing sound.

A few young police officers accidentally inhaled a few odors, and after seeing the terrifying corpse, they turned around and vomited.

Li Guo frowned and said, "This should be a female corpse."


1042 Hobby fishing [2 more for subscription]

The reason why Li Guo said that the corpse was a female corpse was naturally judged by its clothes.

The upper body of the corpse was a red short sleeve with a female cartoon pattern on the short sleeve, and some patterns, this pattern and this color of clothes, only women can wear.

The lower body of the corpse was a pair of shorts that reached the bottom of the thighs. The shorts were still worn on the lower body of the female corpse, but the long legs that looked good in the shorts were now rotten and black, and covered with maggots.

Lin Chen looked at the corpse and said softly, "Judging from the red cartoon top and short shorts on this female corpse, she should be young, maybe only in her twenties. She was killed and buried here. Possibly raped."

In many murder cases where women were murdered, the cause of the murder was because the male murderer became lustful. After raping the woman, he was afraid that the atrocity would be exposed and murdered the woman.

Lin Chen's guess is also a very popular guess.

After Li Guo and the others heard Lin Chen's words, they all nodded slightly. The girl's clothes on the upper body will not be evaluated. The lower body is wearing ultra-shorts that reach the thighs, which is very sexy.

At the same time of being sexy, it is also easy to provoke satyr and less chance of murder.

Lin Chen's attention now fell on the left hand of the female corpse. It was the female corpse's right hand that was arched out from the ground by the wild boar just now, and the left hand was seen again after the corpse was all dug up.

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