On the left wrist of the female corpse, the rotten flesh was stained with a lot of soil. From the rotten flesh and soil on the wrist, Lin Chen could vaguely see what was inside.

Enduring the strong smell of corpse, Lin Chen walked to the left side of the corpse and squatted beside the corpse.

Lin Chen reached out and picked up the left arm of the deceased. Some maggots that were wriggling on the carrion of the left arm fell from the carrion and fell to the ground because Lin Chen picked up the arm.

Lin Chen grabbed the female corpse's arm with one hand, and moved the rotten flesh and soil on the female corpse's left wrist with the other.

After flipping a few times, some rotten flesh and soil fell, and the same thing appeared in front of everyone.

This kind of thing is a transparent fishing line wrapped around the woman's corpse's wrist.

This ball of fishing line was wrapped around the left wrist of the female corpse. The fishing line was already in a mess, but after wrapping the left hand, there was still a lot of space left, and that space was enough to put the right wrist in.

"This is transparent, is it a fishing line?" A police officer muttered after seeing Lin Chen fiddling with the mud and carrion on the deceased's left wrist.

"It's a fishing line." Lin Chen's tone was emotionless, he looked at the group of fishing lines, and said, "The flesh on the hands and wrists of the female corpse has rotted, but judging from the shape of this group of fishing lines, it must be used to bind the female corpse. , the female deceased may have been knocked unconscious by the murderer, who then tied her hands with fishing line and carried out atrocities on her."

The reason why Lin Chen speculated that the victim was knocked unconscious and then tied the fishing line, the reason is very simple, if the person is already dead, he has completely lost the ability to resist, and the murderer does not need to bind the victim's hands. .

Li Guo looked at the group of fishing lines on the woman's corpse's wrist, and said, "The murderer can use the fishing line to bind the victim's hands, which means that he carries the fishing line with him. Ordinary people don't carry fishing line with them, and here we are approaching again. Reservoir, the murderer must be someone who came to the reservoir to fish."

After a police officer heard Li Guo and Lin Chen's words, he also said: "Then this murder case should be that the murderer came to the reservoir to fish, and the female victim was also in the reservoir. For evil intentions, after raping her, buried her body here?"

Li Guo narrowed his eyes slightly and said, "Fishing line, fishing, reservoir... The death of this female victim involved the reservoir. Could the death of the old man who guarded the reservoir have something to do with this murder? The death of the old man in the reservoir was caused by the murderer of this female victim?"

As soon as Li Guo's words came out, many people's eyes turned to the man lying unconscious on the ground.

"Li team, what you said is very likely." A young police officer glanced at the unconscious man on the ground and said to Li Guo: "This guy is hiding in the forest next to the reservoir after dark, and is still guarding the reservoir. In the forest behind the old man's residence, after Mr. Lin found them, they didn't run elsewhere, but ran this way."

"And on the side of the road is the burial place of the female victim. This guy and the guy who ran away are most likely the murderer who killed the female victim and also caused the death of the old man in the reservoir. Prime culprit."

Li Guohe almost had this idea in the hearts of the police officers present.

The man caught by Lin Chen was very suspicious, and he was the one who brought Lin Chen here and found the body.

He would run here to prove that he should be familiar with this road. If it wasn't for him to bring Lin Chen, even if the wild boar arched out the body buried in the ground, I don't know how long it will take for someone from this deep mountain and forest. Come here and find this body.

After Li Guo said a few words to the police officers under his command, he said to Lin Chen, "...Mr. Lin, what do you think?"

Lin Chen put down the left hand of the deceased and said, "The guy hiding in the woods is indeed suspicious, but now I don't know if the old man in the reservoir killed him or not. After confirming the cause of the death of the old man in the reservoir, we will see if the case is connected. Investigate."

Combined case investigation is to combine two or more cases into one case for investigation, extract valuable clues from each case, and merge the clues together, which is very helpful for the case. 's investigation.

After Lin Chen said that, he said to the police officers, "The murderer likes to fish, and on the day of the crime (Wang De's), he should have come to the reservoir to fish, you can search the neighborhood carefully, maybe the murderer will have leftovers on his body. something down."

When the police officers heard the words, they nodded and said that they understood. Rather than letting them deal with the rotting corpse, they were more willing to search nearby.

Lin Chen squatted on the ground, stretched out his hand and searched in the pockets of the ultra-shorts on the corpse, but only found a pack of napkins, and there was nothing to prove the identity of the corpse.

After examining the body again and again, after finding nothing, Lin Chen was going to remove the body and then dig up the place where the body was buried.

However, there are no tools here. It is very difficult to move this rotten corpse, so we have to wait for the reinforcements to bring the corresponding tools.

Lin Chen walked up to the man who was knocked unconscious, and was about to wake him up. The reinforcements hadn't arrived yet, so he could use this time to interrogate him. .


1043 Still those few questions 【Subscription】

Lin Chen walked to the unconscious man and shouted at him twice. Lin Chen shouted loudly, but the man on the ground did not respond.

Lin Chen reached out and patted his face again to wake him up. The man remained motionless, but his breathing was a little more even than before.

When Lin Chen cracked the rainy night serial murder case, he chased a man in the forest and chased him in the woods. The man panicked and rammed his head into a cedar tree, and was carried down the mountain by Lin Chen. .

After that, the man didn't wake up until he arrived at the hospital.

Lin Chen was thinking, the man in front of him must have suffered severe vibration damage to his brain, so he would have to go to the hospital to wake up?

Lin Chen didn't use his big ears to scratch him and wake him up. It happened that a police officer next to him had a bottle of light spring water in his trouser pocket. Lin Chen stretched out his hand to him and said, "Give me your water."

Seeing this, the police officer immediately walked towards Lin Chen, took out the bottle of mineral water in his pocket, and handed it to Lin Chen.

Lin Chen unscrewed the bottle cap and poured water on the unconscious man's face.

The water isn't really cold, but it depends on what temperature it is at. The temperature in the 650-degree woods is neither too high nor too low. The water was splashed on the face, and it was still a bit chilling.

After the man was splashed with water by Lin Chen, his eyelids twitched twice, and Lin Chen called him twice, the man finally woke up.

The man who woke up was in a dazed state, his eyes were blank, and he seemed to have forgotten what happened just now.

Lin Chen waited for him to relax for a while before saying, "Are you awake?"

The man's sanity had begun to become clear. He not only saw Lin Chen who was chasing him, but also saw a lot of police around him, and his forehead kept sweating out.

It's just that Lin Chen splashed water on his face, making it hard to tell whether it was water or cold sweat.

"Qing... awake..." The man was arrogant with Lin Chen just now, but now his hands are handcuffed, and there are so many policemen, he suddenly became honest.

Seeing that he was awake, Li Guo came over and asked him, "It's dark today, why are you hiding in the woods beside the reservoir? Where is your companion? What's his name, where does he live, and who is his last name? ?"

Li Guo's series of questions made this bbaf guy who had just woken up a little confused.

He blinked, looked at Lin Chen, and then at Li Guo, not knowing how to answer.

"What's your name?" Lin Chen asked a simple question when he saw that he was stunned.

"My name is Zhou Dakai." The man said his name.

"Zhou Dakai..." Lin Chen repeated his name and said, "It's still those few questions, why are you hiding in the mountains and forests of the reservoir, why are you running."

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