Zhou Dakai stammered a few words, and then said, "I...we...I climbed the mountain with my friends, and as a result...we got lost, so we appeared there..."

Hearing this, Lin Chen shook his head, and said, "Your lies really come right out of your mouth, but you're too unprofessional, and I don't want to waste time with you, so hurry up and tell the truth, so as not to suffer."

Zhou Dakai hurriedly said: "I didn't lie... I... What I said is true. My friend and I are really here to climb the mountain."

Everyone was speechless when they heard Zhou Dakai's pale explanation.

Li Guo asked, "Since you are a mountain climber, why did you run away when you saw Mr. Lin? You are just climbing a mountain, why do you have to be so guilty and run for your life?"

"Uncle police, what I said is true, I didn't lie..." Zhou Dakai was still defending, saying that what he said was true.

The other police officers also asked him a few questions, but Zhou Dakai insisted that he was climbing the mountain with his friends, and was not willing to tell the truth at all.

Seeing that he was biting on the plain lie and not letting go, Lin Chen reached out and grabbed him by the collar, and lifted him up from the ground.

"Ah... What are you doing, what are you doing, the police are going to beat people?" Zhou Dakai's hands were handcuffed behind him, and Lin Chen grabbed his collar, he could only struggle and did not resist at all Ability.

Lin Chen carried him and walked towards the location of the corpse.

As he approached the location of the corpse, a stench also entered Zhou Dakai's nose, and after letting him smell it, his stomach suddenly churned and he retched.

In the sound of Zhou Dakai's call, Lin Chen shook his hand and threw him towards the corpse.

Zhou Dakai fell to the ground with a bang, his buttocks fell hard, and the position where he fell was only one or two meters away from the female corpse.

From a distance of one or two meters, the smell of rancidity is stronger, and you can clearly see the degree of decay of the corpse and the maggots crawling on the corpse.

Zhou Dakai made two squeaks in his mouth, and after he recovered, he turned and looked in the direction of the smell.

As soon as he turned around, the female corpse immediately appeared in front of his eyes.

Zhou Dakai's eyes suddenly widened, and a shrill scream came out of his mouth. A face that was originally bloody instantly turned pale, like a blank piece of paper.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhin Zhou

After Zhou Dakai fell a few somersaults, he finally got away from the female corpse. He turned his head and vomited with a wow.

Zhou Dakai vomited so fiercely that he probably threw up all the overnight meals, and his body was shaking violently.

Seeing Zhou Dakai's reaction, Lin Chen and Li Guo glanced at each other. Lin Chen stepped towards Zhou Dakai and asked sharply, "Zhou Dakai, why don't you know the woman you killed?"

Zhou Dakai, who had just finished vomiting, suddenly raised his head after hearing Lin Chen's words, then rolled his eyes, and passed out again.

When Lin Chen asked that, he was just cheating on Zhou Dakai, and wanted to see his reaction to this question.

But what Lin Chen and Li Guo didn't expect was that Zhou Dakai's mental and physical ability was so poor that he fainted again before answering.

"This guy, why did he faint again..." A police officer saw Zhou Dakai fell to the ground, and hurriedly stepped forward and helped Zhou Dakai up from the ground.

This police officer was not as polite to Zhou Dakai as Lin Chen was before. He slapped Zhou Dakai's face with great force. After more than ten slaps and shouts, Zhou Dakai showed no sign of waking up.

The police officer raised his head and said to Lin Chen and Li Guo, "This time, I was completely dazed, and I can't wake up."

As soon as the police officer's voice fell, a beam of light was thrown from a place in the forest. .


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The location where the beam was cast was above Lin Chen's location.

After the beam landed here, at the same time, Lin Chen Li Guo and the others also heard the sound of rustling in the woods.

You don't have to look to know that it should be reinforcements from the county bureau.

Li Guo and the others looked at the position where the beam was thrown, and sure enough, a team of reinforcements from the county bureau, led by the previous police officers, was coming here.

After Lin Chen saw this group of people, his eyes narrowed slightly.

There is no other reason, because Lin Chen saw a figure he was very familiar with among the pedestrians, and this figure was Shen Yue.

From the reservoir to here, although the straight-line distance is not too far, the road is winding, bumpy, and there are many branches and thorns. It is still very hard to come here. Lin Chen did not expect that Shen Yue would actually follow. .

After Shen Yue saw Lin Chen looking at her below, she raised her hand and waved to Lin Chen, then quickened her pace and ran towards Lin Chen.

Before she ran to Lin Chen, Shen Yue hurriedly said, "Boss, are you alright, is it true that they said you weren't injured?"

As Shen Yue said, she looked up and down on Lin Chen's body. The police officers just rushed back to lead the way. After Shen Yue saw them, she asked if Lin Chen was injured, and then followed them together.

The concern in Shen Yue's eyes, Lin Chen could see clearly, he smiled and said, "I'm fine, I'm not hurt."

After Shen Yue heard the words, the concern in her eyes was a little better. At this time, she finally smelled the faint smell in the air, and she said, "I heard from them that another body was found here, boss, the body is over there. ?"

The direction of Shen Yue's finger was where the corpse was. Because there were some trees and weeds blocking it, the rotting corpse lying on the ground could not be seen from this position.

"Well." Lin Chenen snorted and said, "It's over there, the corpse is already highly corrupted, don't go there, you won't be able to stand it if you see it."

"Oh, good." Shen Yue nodded obediently, she didn't come to see the corpse, she just wanted to confirm that Lin Chen was not injured.

"What about the son of the old man at the reservoir?" Lin Chen asked when he saw that there was no direction for the people who came here.

Shen Yue replied casually: "Xiangxue is in the house where his father lives. He cried very sadly. He was weak, so the police told him not to come and stay by the reservoir to wait for news."

Lin Chen nodded, but didn't say anything on this matter.

When the forensic doctor from the county public security bureau passed by Lin Chen, he couldn't help but glance at Lin Chen.

He originally went to study abroad, because Lin Chen cracked the 726 case and was called back.

Just two days after returning, Lin Chen and the others encountered a floating corpse at the riverside barbecue. They rushed to the scene and took the corpse of the old man from the reservoir back to prepare for an autopsy. When the test report was made, Lin Chen was actually chasing the suspect. When I was alone, I found another corpse, and I made myself run again.

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