The forensic doctor had no complaints against Lin Chen. He just thought, why does this guy Lin Chen always bump into things like corpses? It's all because of him that he runs all the time.

While thinking about this, the forensic doctor walked towards the corpse and walked to the side of the corpse. After accidentally smelling the rancid smell, he retched slightly.

However, the forensic doctor's ability to bear is relatively strong. For an experienced forensic doctor, the corpse is as ordinary as rice in a bowl.

The forensic doctor brought professional equipment and began to test the corpse on the ground.

All that can be done at the scene are preliminary tests based on experience and judgment. After examining the corpse for a while, the forensic doctor came to some conclusions and opened his mouth to tell everyone his conclusions.

After everyone listened, a police officer pointed at Lin Chen and said, "Forensic doctor Wang, what you said, Mr. Lin has analyzed it just now. Are there any findings that Mr. Lin has not analyzed?"

Hearing the words, Wang Forensic turned his head to look at Lin Chen, then shook his head and said, "Only these can be judged at the scene. For more analysis, we have to go back to the forensic laboratory to do some tests."

When Lin Chen heard Wang Forensic Doctor's words, he stepped forward and said, "If that's the case, then put the body in the body bag and prepare to take it away."

Forensic doctor Wang agreed, and his assistant immediately brought a body bag.

Under the busy work of Forensic Doctor Wang and the others, the rotten corpse was put into a body bag, and some fallen rotten flesh and broken finger bones and joints were also collected and thrown into the body bag.

· · Flowers

The body bag has a certain degree of airtightness, but when the body bag is sealed, the odor of the corpse is still emitted from the inside.

In this case, you can only put another body bag on the outside of the body bag to prevent the emission of odor.

The body has been disposed of. At this time, the police officer who led the team to search around said to Lin Chen and Li Guo, "The [-]-meter radius around the burial has been searched, and nothing has been found."

On the flat ground, the search range of [-] meters is very small, but in this steep mountain forest, the range of [-] meters is already not small.

Generally, if no discovery is found in the first round of search, the police force will be increased, the search scope will be increased, and the second round of search will be carried out.


After Li Guo heard the words, he looked at Lin Chen and said, "Mr. Lin, it is very inconvenient to search for things here at night, why don't you leave some people to guard here, and after dawn tomorrow, send more people to increase the search efforts? "

Hearing this, Lin Chen said: "Yes, but I suggest to open up all the soil where the corpse was buried. It's very secret so far. The murderer buried the deceased in this location. He thought that no one would find the body and would dig it up. Here, if the murderer has something he doesn't want to take away, or doesn't think it is necessary to take it away, I think he should choose to bury it in the ground instead of throwing it away at will."

Just now, Lin Chen wanted to remove the corpse and excavate the land, but there was no corresponding tool, so he chose to wait for reinforcements to arrive before implementing it.

Li Guo nodded and said: "Okay, then immediately dig up all the soil in the place where the corpse was buried to see."

Lin Chen and Li Guo gave the order, and a few police officers took the shovels they brought and went forward to get busy.

The area where the corpse was buried was not too much soil. A few young and strong police officers dug together, and they could all dig it up in a few seconds.

However, in order to be able to find something, the speed of their excavation is still relatively slow.

Pieces of dirt were dug up, and then the pieces of dirt were scattered to see if there was anything in the dirt.

After digging slowly for a while, a police officer with a shovel suddenly lit up his eyes: "There is something down there.".


1045 Something dug up 【Subscription】

After the policeman inserted the shovel into the soil, he encountered resistance when the shovel slowly went into the soil. It was obvious that there was something in the soil.

After hearing the police officer say that there was something in the soil, everyone's attention was drawn to him.

"What did you find?" Li Guo hurriedly asked the police officer.

After the police officer heard Li Guo's questioning, he retracted the shovel from the soil and said, "There is a hard object in the soil, and there is something underneath."

As soon as he said this, a police officer beside him said, "Don't be too happy, could it be a stone? There are also a lot of stones under the ground in this mountain."

The police officer who was holding a shovel to express his discovery, after hearing what his colleague said, his originally happy mood became a little lower.

He was intent on finding something, and when he found something hard underneath, he thought "May [-]" that he had found something. Now that he thinks about it, it is very likely that it is a rock.

"Whether it's a stone, just dig it up and see." Lin Chen said.

The policeman with the shovel nodded to Lin Chen, and then began to carefully dig along the traces he had just shoveled down.

The other digging officers stopped their movements and watched him dig.

After working for half a minute, the piece of hard soil was pried up.

Everyone's eyes turned to look, and they saw a translucent light blue plastic box on the piece of soil that had been pryed up. This plastic box was not big, only half the size of a palm.

After seeing this box, a police officer who likes fishing recognized it at a glance. He said, "This is a fish hook storage box. Some people who fish will buy this kind of box to store fish hooks."

When the others heard this, their faces showed joy.

This is a fish hook storage box. The murderer likes to fish and dug it up from the place where the corpse was buried. It is almost certain that this fish hook storage box is left by the murderer.

After searching for so long, I finally got something. How could the busy police officers be unhappy?

Seeing this, the forensic doctor Wang hurried up and said to the police officer, "Don't move, I'll get it. Maybe there are fingerprints left by the murderer on this box."

Under Wang's careful collection, the translucent blue fish hook storage box was put into a sealed bag by him.

If there are fingerprints of the murderer on the surface or inside of the fish hook storage box, it will be much easier to crack the case.

Li Guo also had a smile on his face, he said: "Don't be stunned, keep digging, maybe besides this fish hook storage box, the murderer also left other things, be careful when digging, don't miss anything where it fell."

Under Li Guo's order, the police officers with shovels continued to work.

After more than half an hour of busy work, the police officers who were searching the mountains and forests stopped, and the police officers who were digging the burial ground also stopped one after another.

The final result was that nothing was found near the burial ground. The burial ground had been dug down to a depth of more than one meter. Except for the translucent light blue fish hook storage box, there was no other discovery.

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