On the edge of the stove, there is a stack of bowls and plates. The style of the bowls and plates is very shabby, and there are many gaps on the edges. There are several cracks in the bowls that are spreading to the whole bowl. It seems that they have not been used for a long time. replaced.

There was a wooden lid on the stove top, and a sour smell came out from under the wooden lid.

Lin Chen reached out and took off the wooden lid on the iron pot.

After I took off the lid, I immediately saw that there was a pot of gnocchi soup in the pot. There was still a lot of gnocchi soup. Because of the hot weather, the gnocchi soup was already rancid and gave off an unpleasant smell.

However, if compared with the previous corpse odor, this sour gnocchi soup will smell much better.

Shen Yue came over, glanced at the gnocchi soup in the pot, and said, "It seems that I haven't eaten this pot after it's made. There's a lot of it, and the bowl on the stove is clean."

Lin Chen heard the words, slowly put down the wooden cover in his hand, just glanced at Shen Yue, and didn't say anything.

There is also a cabinet in the kitchen, the old-fashioned wood cabinet, which is still in many people's homes.

When the cupboard was opened, there was still a smell inside. A few cockroaches hiding in the crevices of the cupboard were frightened after the cupboard door was opened, and started running around in the cupboard.

The cockroaches that suddenly appeared in the cabinet almost startled Shen Yue. After Shen Yue saw the cockroaches, she quickly backed away and patted her chest lightly with her white palms.

Closing the door of the cabinet, Lin Chen walked to the dining table again. This dining table was bought, not made by himself, but it took a long time. It looked shaky and could not stand the weight.

There was a vegetable cover on the dining table. Lin Chen took it off and saw that there were two dishes under the vegetable cover. One was fried potatoes and the other was fried vegetables. Both dishes were already rancid. Look at the appearance of these two dishes. , it is estimated that the taste is also very general.

While Lin Chen was observing the kitchen, Li Guo was also observing quietly.

After observing the kitchen, Lin Chen walked towards the bedroom in the back room.

The layout of this bedroom is very simple, a bed with a mosquito net, a simple wardrobe, a table, a few stools, that's all.

On a stool beside the bed, there was also a white enamel teacup. The enamel 650 teacup had a lot of bumps, and a lot of paint had fallen off.

Lin Chen walked to the bed, picked up the lid of the enamel tea cup, and glanced inside. In the enamel tea cup, there was a cup of tea with a lot of tea leaves in it.

Lin Chen took the enamel tea cup, put it down between his nose and smelled it, then closed the lid and put the cup back in its original place.

On this wooden bed with mosquito nets, there is a blanket. The blanket was originally off-white, but it was already black. There were balls on it. Some of the balls were still on the stall, and some fell on the sheets.

The pillow on the head of the bed was even darker, and it looked like it had not been cleaned for a long time.

After Li Guo and Shen Yue looked at the kitchen and bedroom in the wooden house, they came to the conclusion that the old man in the reservoir didn't like to be clean. The kitchen and bedroom were in a mess. The things he used and the bed he slept on had not been cleaned for a long time. There is a lot of dust and garbage on the ground.

Li Guo walked to the side of the simple wardrobe, reached out to open the wardrobe, and checked it inside.

Inside are some worn clothes and pants, and the styles are very old.

Shen Yue saw Lin Chen and Li Guo carefully looking at the house, but she didn't say anything to disturb them.

After Shen Yue raised her head, she suddenly said, "Boss, look up...".


1047 Hole in the roof [3 more subscriptions]

Lin Chen and Li Guo were looking at the things in the house. After hearing what Shen Yue said, they immediately raised their heads and looked at the place Shen Yue pointed.

Lin Chen and Li Guo saw that at the top of the room, a big hole had appeared, although there were still some wooden sticks, plastic sheets and tiles covering the big hole.

But the sticks are rotting, the plastic sheeting is torn, and the tiles are crumbling.

In the mountain forest, there is such a big hole in the house. If it is not filled, let alone rainy days, there will be serious rain leakage. Usually snakes, insects, rats, ants, mosquitoes and flies can easily come in through the hole.

Lin Chen looked at the hole in the roof for ten seconds, and said, "Looking at the traces on the plastic sheeting, wood and tiles, this hole seems to have been there for a long time."

Li Guo nodded in agreement and said, "Judging from the traces, this hole has existed for at least a few months to half a year."

Shen Yue pouted and muttered: "There is such a big hole at the top of this house, let's see why the old man of the reservoir didn't repair it, it's not safe to have this hole, in case a piece of water falls from this hole. Where's the snake coming?"

Hearing Shen Yue's words, Lin Chen pointed to the wooden wall beside him, and said, "If snakes want to come in, they don't need to enter through the holes in the roof. The gaps in these wooden doors are not small, and snakes and mice can easily get in. Come in."

Shen Yue also saw the wooden wall with a large gap, she shook her head and said, "Yes, the wooden wall can also get stuff in, the house is like this, this old man still dares to stay in this room to sleep, heartbroken. It's really big, aren't you afraid of falling asleep in the middle of the night when a snake comes in from outside..."

Li Guodao: "Maybe the elderly are not afraid of these things. After all, when people get older, they take many things very lightly, including life and death."

When Shen Yue heard Li Guo's words, she nodded slightly, feeling that there was some truth, and some old people did.

After Lin Chen saw the hole in the roof, he walked to the bed again and lifted the mat on the bed.

After lifting the dark mat, Lin Chen and the others saw that there was some money under the mat.

The money is fifty cents, one dollar, five yuan, and ten yuan in change. The money is crumpled, let alone one hundred yuan bills, and there is not even a single piece of fifty yuan.

Lin Chen folded these crumpled changes one by one, and calculated the amount while stacking them. After stacking all the changes, Lin Chen calculated the final amount.

Li Guo did not count it together. He asked, "Mr. Lin, how many ' ' are there in total?"

"One hundred and six yuan and fifty cents." Lin Chen replied.

After talking about the amount of change, Lin Chen said to Li Guo, "Contact the owner of the reservoir as soon as possible to see if we can find anything from him."

Li Guo heard the words and agreed, saying that he would contact him immediately.

After Lin Chen looked at the house where the old man in the reservoir lived, he turned around and walked away.

The rest of the matters here can be left to Li Guo and the others. As for the corpse, it is naturally the matter of the forensic doctor of the County Public Security Bureau.

When Li Guo and the others came from the road before, they also drove over Lin Chen's Maserati, which cost more than [-] million yuan.

Lin Chen took Shen Yue and drove away from the reservoir.

Li Guo and the others were busy in a tense and orderly manner. Before leaving, Lin Chen instructed him to call him immediately if he found anything.

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