From time to time, the light of the strong flashlight shook in the reservoir, accompanied by the sad and crying sound of the old man's son in the reservoir.


Lin Chen was driving the car, and Shen Yue was sitting in the passenger seat. When he was leaving from the Reservoir Road, Lin Chen knew why Li Guo and the others came so slowly.

There was a section of the road that collapsed, and the car did not dare to go on it at all, so they could only take a detour and drive very carefully.

Lin Chen's driving skills, of course, needless to say, he drove the car over this section of the road with ease.

"Boss...I have a question..." Shen Yue, who was sitting in the passenger seat, muttered suddenly.

"What question?" Lin Chen turned his head and glanced at Shen Yue, then continued to drive in front of his eyes.

Shen Yue said: "Why do you always encounter murder cases? I met a floating corpse at the riverside barbecue with you, and you chased the suspect in the woods and found another corpse... You have encountered and cracked so many before. Murder..."

When Lin Chen heard this, a smile appeared on his face, and he said, "In this world, murders are happening every minute and every second, but the locations are different, and the frequency of my encounters with murders is not too high. "

While the two were talking, the car was driving. After getting off the mountain road, the road conditions improved a lot, and Lin Chen also accelerated.

When deciding where to have dinner, Lin Chen thought of having a bite at the restaurant outside, catching fish all afternoon, and encountering a series of things. Lin Chen is also very hungry now.

However, on the way to the city, Shen Yue received a call. The call was from her mother, asking if the matter was resolved and when she would come back. The family was waiting for Lin Chen to eat.

When Lin Chen heard this, he was a little speechless. Before, he asked Shen Xiaofeng to go back and tell them, let them eat first, and don't have to wait for him. I didn't expect that after so long, those people in the Shen family had not finished eating and were waiting. about yourself.

The kindness was difficult, so Lin Chen didn't go to the city to eat, and drove the car towards the village where Shen Yue's family was located.

At this moment, it was already more than nine o'clock in the evening, the light of the building of Shen Yue's house was still on, and the Shen family were all waiting in the living room of the house.

After Lin Chen's car stopped, the Shen family came out one after another, saying hello, and went to the kitchen to cook hot dishes. Lin Chen was very hungry, and they were also very hungry.

Shen Yue walked up to her mother Liu Yingmei and said, "...Mom, do you have a Band-Aid at home (Wang Qian's)?"

Liu Yingmei asked back, "Why do you want a Band-Aid?"

Shen Yue pointed to the scratches on her thighs and arms and said, "Look, when I went to join in the fun and climb the mountain, I was scratched. The rest doesn't matter. This wound is a bit big, so I have to put a Band-Aid on it."

Seeing the wound on Shen Yue's body, Liu Yingmei's eyes were a little distressed, and she said with a reproachful tone: "You, I'm too lazy to talk about you, the Band-Aid is in the drawer of the room where Mr. Lin slept before."

Shen Yue snorted and ran upstairs to get a Band-Aid.

Lin Chen still had clothes left in that room, and went up together, ready to take off the clothes and go back to the hotel in a while.

After arriving at that room, Shen Yue folded Lin Chen's clothes neatly, and then she took out the Band-Aid, ready to stick the larger wound.

Seeing this, Lin Chen said, "It's hard for you to deal with this later injury, I'll come.".


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Shen Yue saw that Lin Chen was willing to put a Band-Aid on for herself, so she naturally had a hundred willingness in her heart.

Shen Yue put the Band-Aid on Lin Chen's hand and said, "Thank you boss."

Lin Chen tore up the stickerable packaging and helped Shen Yue stick it up.

While posting, he said, "Aren't you afraid that these wounds will leave scars on your legs and arms?"

Shen Yue said with a smile: "Don't be afraid, when I was a child, my sister and my brother and I used to play in the fields and mountains all day long. I also had a lot of injuries when I was young. Look at the boss, the skin on my body is still there. Isn't it fine?"

"I was a kid when I was young, but it's not necessarily now." Lin Chen shook his head.

Shen Yue heard the words and said, "Boss, don't scare me, I don't want to leave scars."

After Lin Chen was stuck on the wound on her leg by Shen Yue, she helped Shen Yue stick a small wound on her shoulder. The two were very close. If they were seen from outside the door, they would have thought they were two. Is kissing.

Just at this time, Shen Yue's mother Liu Yingmei came upstairs. She came up because she was afraid that Shen Yue could not find the Band-Aid.

As soon as they came up, when they came to the door, they saw Lin Chen and Shen Yue's kissing movements.

Liu Yingmei 580 originally thought that her daughter was dating Lin Chen, but now seeing this scene again, she immediately thought that Lin Chen was kissing her daughter.

Seeing her daughter being kissed, Liu Yingmei was not unhappy at all, but very happy, because it was not someone else who kissed her daughter, but Lin Chen.

"You two... Hehe, Mom shouldn't have come up, I'll go down... The food will be hot soon..." Liu Yingmei's eyes were full of meaning, she turned and went downstairs.

Both Shen Yue and Lin Chen saw Liu Yingmei's eyes, and they both knew the posture just now. If they looked from the outside, outsiders would definitely think they were kissing.

Shen Yue blushed and lowered her head: "Oh, boss, my mother seems to have misunderstood us just now..."

Lin Chen threw away the Band-Aid wrapping paper in his hand, and said, "Look at your mother's eyes, it's quite a misunderstanding."

"Oops..." Shen Yue snorted again and said, "I'll explain to her later, it's not what she imagined."

It doesn't matter if Lin Chen doesn't explain it or not. After helping Shen Yue deal with the small cuts on her body, the two of them went downstairs to eat one after another.

The two walked downstairs and entered the kitchen. As soon as they entered the kitchen, Lin Chen and Shen Yue suddenly felt that these people in the Shen family looked at them very differently.

Their eyes were fine before, but now they have a different flavor in them.

Some people are very happy, Shen Yue's parents have a smile on their faces, some people are not happy, Shen Yue's mean aunt has a dark face.

Seeing the changes in their expressions before and after, Lin Chen immediately guessed the reason.

It must be that after Liu Yingmei went downstairs, she told them that she and Shen Yue were kissing upstairs.

The fact is just as Lin Chen thought, Liu Yingmei thought that after Lin Chen and her daughter were dating, they happily told the family about it.

The Shen family is just an ordinary family, and it was only after Shen Qiu and Shen Yue met Lin Chen that their income was doubled.

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