Shen Yueneng is with a big boss like Lin Chen, and the people of the Shen family don't know how happy they are, except of course, Wang Xiu, who offended Lin Chen's mean aunt.

After she determined that Shen Yue and Lin Chen's partner might be a wealthy wife in the future, her heart was cold, and she was thinking about how to remedy the relationship.

Lin Chen didn't care too much about the changes in the Shen family's demeanor before and after, and still treated it calmly.

But Shen Yue can't do it. If she and the boss are really okay, but she doesn't have a relationship with the boss at all.

The meal was very lively. At the dinner table, everyone in the Shen family also asked about the discovery of the body by the river. Lin Chen just talked to them briefly, and didn't go into details.

After eating and sitting for a while, Lin Chen was ready to leave (bbba).

Shen Yue also sat in the passenger seat, Lin Chen saw this and said, "If you want to sleep at home, don't go to the county seat with you, it's getting late."

Shen Yue said with a smile: "Boss, it's okay, an aunt of mine is in the city, she works the night shift, and then I'll take her car back."

Lin Chen asked Shen Yue what she was going to do in the city, and Shen Yue's answer was simple: "Boss, you haven't washed a lot of your clothes these two days. I'll go to the hotel to wash your clothes for you before leaving."

Shen Yue's thoughtfulness made Lin Chen feel that Xia Miaoyan was by his side.

That girl Xia Miaoyan, when she was by Lin Chen's side, also took care of Lin Chen in various ways, like a caring little daughter-in-law.

When Lin Chen saw that Shen Yue was going to help him do the laundry, he didn't say anything. When he was about to start the car and leave, Shen Yue's mother Liu Yingmei suddenly came over.

Liu Yingmei said to Shen Yue: "Xiaoyue, it's not too early. You and Boss Lin go to the city and don't come back. Just live in the city. It's hot today and there is no air conditioner at home."

Shen Yue was really speechless in her heart, her mother was taking the initiative to push herself into Lin Chen's arms, she didn't want to go home by herself, and let herself stay in the hotel with Lin Chen.

As soon as Shen Yue was about to speak, Liu Yingmei said to Lin Chen: "Boss Lin, then you guys slow down and rest early in the evening with Xiaoyue."

Lin Chen glanced at Shen Yue, the corners of his mouth rose slightly, revealing a smile.

"Okay Auntie, we are tired today and will rest earlier." Lin Chen responded.

"Okay..." Liu Yingmei immediately stepped aside, and under the watchful eyes of the Shen family, the black Maserati started and quickly headed towards the city.


In the car, Shen Yue tilted her head out of the window and did not look at Lin Chen.

Lin Chen said: "Shen Yue, your mother seems to want to match you and me. She told you not to go home and sleep with me outside."

When Shen Yue heard Lin Chen's teasing, she was embarrassed and didn't know what to say. She has this kind of character. If Lin Chen was teasing Shen Qiu at the moment, Shen Qiu would not be afraid of Lin Chen's teasing at all.

" mother...just wanted to hug my grandson...he often urged me and my sister to find someone..." Shen Yue said softly.

"The boss is not too young, you can look for it." Lin Chen said.

When Shen Yue heard Lin Chen's words, she turned her head and glanced at Lin Chen, and her mind suddenly had infinite reverie, guessing the meaning of Lin Chen's words.

The car drove on the road for a while, and after a while, it drove to the city center, and there were street lights and neon lights everywhere.

It was not far from the hotel, and Shen Yue remembered the case she encountered today.

Shen Yue turned her head to look at Lin Chen and asked, "Boss, you said... the murderer who killed the female victim and the murderer who caused the death of the old man in the reservoir are the same person?".


1049 Deluxe Suite [2 more for subscription]

After Lin Chen heard Shen Yue's question, he responded, "It's hard to say. Whether the death of the old man in the reservoir is related to someone else is not certain."

"I feel... it's very likely the same murderer..." Shen Yue expressed her guess.

More than a minute later, Lin Chen's car stopped at the entrance of the hotel where he was staying.

After parking the car and entering the hotel, a man walked over with a smile on his face.

"Hello, Mr. Lin." The man walked in front of Lin Chen and extended his hand to Lin Chen with a smile.

"Who are you?" Lin Chen didn't rush to reach out and shake his hand, and asked who the other party was.

"Oh, I'm the manager of this hotel, I just found out today, Mr. Lin, you're staying in our hotel, I'm here to tell you that we've packed the best room in the hotel, you'll go upstairs later Go to the previous room to get some things, then go to the best room in our hotel and check in, all the expenses have already been covered." The hotel manager said with a smile, treating Lin Chen with indescribable courtesy.

Seeing this, Lin Chen said, "Wang Xiaojun?"

Last night, a partner of Wang Xiaojun's father provoked Lin Chen because he was drunk. The drunk boss was cleaned up, and Wang Xiaojun was also very frightened, for fear of being hated by Lin Chen.

The hotel manager was like this at the moment, and Lin Chen naturally thought of Wang Xiaojun.

The hotel manager's eyes lit up slightly, and said, "Mr. Lin is really a detective, you can guess right, um, yes, Wang Xiaojun paid you all the expenses, Mr. Lin, our hotel can't compare with those big cities. , but the best room in our hotel, the environment and facilities are still good, and I hope you don't dislike it."

Lin Chen had nothing to say about that Wang Xiaojun's disgust. After all, Wang Xiaojun had stood in his own position before and persuaded him kindly.

As for the best private room that he specially arranged, since it has been arranged, it is good to check in.

So Lin Chen nodded to the hotel manager, saying yes.

When the hotel manager saw that Lin Chen agreed to go to the best private room, a thick smile suddenly appeared on his face, and he was also secretly relieved.

When Wang Xiaojun came home last night, he told his father what happened here.

When Wang Xiaojun's father heard what happened here, he was so frightened that a cold sweat broke out on his back. Lin Chen had just cleaned up the Yan family, and his partner was in a fight with Lin Chen. Isn't this courting death?

Wang Xiaojun's father was restless, but Wang Xiaojun comforted his father a few words, his father wanted to come to Lin Chen in person to make amends, but Wang Xiaojun said that Lin Chen should not hold grudges, and don't bother Lin Chen again, so as not to make him annoyed.

Wang Xiaojun's father had a stake in this hotel, so he asked the hotel manager to accept Lin Chen well and let Lin Chen stay in the best room.

After receiving orders from Wang Xiaojun's father, the hotel manager naturally had to deal with it with [-] points of spirit. He also knew a little bit of the inside story and knew that the huge Yan family collapsed, all thanks to this young man's gift.

The best rooms in this hotel are usually not open to the public.

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