Lin Chen and Shen Yue returned to the room they stayed in before, and after taking the luggage that was in the room, they followed the hotel manager and took the elevator to the top floor.

The area of ​​the top floor is the same as the area of ​​each floor downstairs, but there are more than a dozen rooms on each floor downstairs, and the space on the top floor is so large that there are only 3 luxury suites.

The hotel manager trotted to open the door for Lin Chen, and Lin Chen and Shen Yue walked in.

The facilities in this room are very good, the area is at least more than [-] square meters, and the things you usually need are in this luxury suite.

Moreover, this luxurious suite was specially cleaned for Lin Chen. All the quilts, pillows, and sheets were brand new and had never been used.

The hotel manager put Lin Chen's luggage on the table. He licked his face and asked, "Mr. Lin, are you satisfied with this suite?"

Lin Chen nodded slightly and said, "Well, not bad."

After the hotel manager heard Lin Chen's evaluation, the smile on his face became even brighter, and he said, "All the supplies in this room, including the sheets and quilts, are all new. I hope Mr. Lin will stay in our Xuanbei County. It's been a comfortable stay in this suite these days."

After a few more polite words, the hotel manager left with a smile on his face. Before leaving, he helped Lin Chen gently close the door.

As soon as the hotel manager left, Shen Yue smiled and said, "Boss, I have grown up so much, and I have never stayed in such a good hotel. I didn't expect that there is such a suite in our county hotel."

· · Flowers · ·

"Never stayed in such a good hotel?" Lin Chen looked at Shen Yue and said with a smile, "Wait back to Mohai City, I'll give you a room in the presidential suite of a five-star hotel for half a year, so that you can stay enough."

Lin Chen's words are somewhat rich and powerful.

Shen Yue heard the words and said, "No, it's okay to stay in a hotel occasionally. No matter how good the hotel room is, it's not as clean and hygienic as your own home."

Shen Yue's words are not wrong. A few five-star hotels in a certain place a few days ago were sneaked in by reporters to film how the hotel cleaning staff cleaned the rooms of guests after they checked in.


Those cleaning staff use the toilet brush to clean the cups, and the bath towel to mop the floor. If the quilt is still clean, they will not change it, and there are some more unbearable things.

After reading the news that came out, many people know how unclean hotel rooms are, even five-star hotels. What about ordinary chain hotels?

After Lin Chen and Shen Yue said a few words, they took two pieces of clothes and went to the bathroom to take a shower.

Lin Chen was taking a shower in the bathroom, while Shen Yue found all the clothes and pants that Lin Chen was going to wash, and was going to go in to help Lin Chen wash them after Lin Chen finished washing them.

Lin Chen took a shower very quickly, and after a while, he put on light pajamas and walked out.

Looking at Shen Yue who was holding dirty clothes to wash, Lin Chen said to her, "This suite has three beds, so don't go back tonight."

Shen Yue bit her lip and said, "Well, I'm not going back, and my mother didn't plan for me to go back."

Hearing this, Lin Chen smiled slightly, walked to the sofa in the suite, sat on the sofa, turned on the TV, and watched.

There is a small refrigerator in the suite, and the beer and beverages in the refrigerator are neatly arranged.

Lin Chen drank an iced drink while watching TV.

After Shen Yue washed Lin Chen's clothes and pants, she was about to take a bath when she realized a problem, that is, she didn't bring any change of clothes just like yesterday.

Lin Chen knew, and threw her a set of pajamas and pants to her: "wear mine.".


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Shen Yue caught the pajamas thrown by Lin Chen, and she whispered, "Boss, your clothes are so big, I must be wearing them loosely."

Lin Chen said without raising his head: "It's okay, you are in good shape and can hold up."

When Shen Yue heard Lin Chen's words, she turned around and walked towards the bathroom. After just a few steps, her body froze slightly.

The boss's clothes are loose, he said that he can hold it up, then... what he means is that he can hold up his clothes?

Because Xia Miaoyan and Lin Chen are getting closer, and Lin Chen is also kind to Xia Miaoyan, Shen Yue often compares herself with Xia Miaoyan. Xia Miaoyan's perfect figure makes Shen Yue feel a little inferior and feels that she Compared with Xia Miaoyan, her figure is somewhat lacking.

However, Lin Chen's words made her a lot happier. Even when she entered the bathroom to take a shower, she hummed the song "Six Eight Seven" in her small mouth.

The speed of Shen Yue taking a bath is much slower than that of Lin Chen.

When Shen Yue dried her hair and walked out of the bathroom, Lin Chen was already lying on a big bed and fell asleep with his eyes closed.

Shen Yue saw that Lin Chen seemed to be asleep, and her pretty face showed a lost look.

Just now Lin Chen said that her figure can hold up loose clothes. Now that she has taken a shower and put on Lin Chen's clothes, she has indeed held up her clothes, and it looks good, but Lin Chen is asleep. .

Shen Yue put away the loss in her heart, walked over gently, and whispered: "Boss..."

For Shen Yue's call, Lin Chen didn't move, and seemed to have fallen asleep.

Shen Yue pouted, and carefully covered Lin Chen with the blanket by the bed. After staring at Lin Chen for a while, she turned around and walked to the other bed, and lay on it.

Shen Yue was lying on the bed, recalling the feeling of holding Lin Chen when she woke up this morning. Gradually, Shen Yue felt heavy eyelids and fell asleep.

The next morning, Shen Yue was woken up by Lin Chen's cell phone ringing. Shen Yue opened her eyes and saw that Lin Chen had just woken up, and reached for the cell phone on the bedside table.

After Lin Chen got on the phone, his expression changed a bit. He held the phone and listened for a while before hanging up.

Seeing this, Shen Yue got up from the bed, walked over and asked Lin Chen, "Boss, who is calling after you've been listening for so long."

Lin Chen sat on the bed, looked at Shen Yue who came, and said, "Li Guo called, and the case has progressed."

"What's the progress?" Hearing that it was about the case, Shen Yue's beautiful eyes suddenly lit up slightly.

Lin Chen said: "Old man Reservoir's death was his murder."

Hearing this news, Shen Yue was somewhat surprised: "How can you be sure that the old man in the reservoir was harmed by others?"

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