Shen Yue asked Lin Chen last night whether the murderer who killed the female victim and the murderer who caused the death of the old man in the reservoir were the same person. Lin Chen's answer was that he was not sure whether the old man in the reservoir killed him, but now he can be sure.

Lin Chen told Shen Yue what Li Guo told him on the phone just now.

After Lin Chen and the others left last night, Li Guo and the others were still busy with the death of the old man in the reservoir and the female corpse found in the forest.

They are divided into two groups, one team is investigating the identity of the female corpse, and the other team is investigating the cause of death of the old man in the reservoir.

Last night, the police force was insufficient, and neither team found anything. This morning, the cause of death of the old man in the reservoir was finally determined. The death of the old man in the reservoir was caused by someone else.

It was determined that the old man in the reservoir was murdered, and the reason is very simple. When the sky was slightly bright, the police from the county public security bureau went to the reservoir.

After searching the reservoir for two times along the edge of the reservoir, a clue was finally found at a location on the edge of the reservoir.

On the edge of the reservoir, there are places for fishing, and some reservoirs also have fishing platforms.

The location where the clue was found was next to a fishing platform.

At that position, there was a trace of a human face being pressed down into the soil, and on both sides of the trace of the human face, there were traces of the hands struggling violently on the ground.

This trace extends from the shallow shore to the deeper water level intermittently. Because the water in the reservoir is relatively calm, some traces have not been destroyed for the time being and can be seen clearly.

The forensic doctor went to that location and extracted some soil to compare it with the mud and sand found in the fingernails of the old man in the reservoir.

When extracting the soil around the trace, the forensic doctor accidentally found a hair with follicles in the soil.

The forensic doctor returned to the forensic laboratory of the County Public Security Bureau with the soil and hair found there, and tested and compared the soil and hair. .

Under the tense and orderly work of the forensic doctor, the results of the test came out quickly.

The soil found between the old man's fingernails in the reservoir is the same as the soil extracted at that location, but this does not prove anything. After all, the soil on the edge of such a large reservoir is actually not much different.

However, the hair found in the soil at that location did a great job.

The test results showed that the DNA of that hair was exactly the same as that of the old man in the reservoir, and the hair buried in the soil beside the reservoir was the hair of the old man in the reservoir.

When the forensic doctor conducted an autopsy on the old man in the reservoir, he also found some dirt and sand in his nose and throat.

At this point, the death of the old man in the reservoir can be drawn in his mind.

On the day of the incident, the old man in the reservoir was beside the fishing platform, and the murderer pressed his head and pushed him into the water.

The old man in the reservoir was thin and didn't have the strength of the murderer at all. His face was pressed against the shallower water, and the water and sediment choked into his nose and throat.

He couldn't breathe, his hands struggled violently on the ground, and the sand at that position was embedded in his fingernails. Although he had been immersed in the water for a long time, because the sand was embedded too deep, 1.2 has not gone away.

When the old man in the reservoir was struggling in the water, some of it floated on the water, and some of it was wrapped in the soil.

The murderer first flooded the old man of the reservoir in a shallow position, and then dragged it to a deeper position in the reservoir.

On the edge of the reservoir, in the silt in the water, two sets of footprints were also found, but the size of the footprints was blurred, and it was impossible to tell which one belonged to the old man in the reservoir and which one belonged to the murderer.

Based on these, it can be completely judged that the old man in the reservoir was killed by him, held in the water by others, and drowned alive.

When the old man's son received the news, he shouted, "I knew it, I knew that my dad was so good at water, he couldn't possibly drown, and someone hurt him."

As for the identity of the female corpse, it has also been found. .


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Last night, the team of police officers in charge of investigating the identity of the female corpse retrieved the missing persons database on the intranet after they returned to the county public security bureau.

The approximate time of death of the female corpse was about a month ago. Although the forensic doctor has not given a more specific time, according to the approximate time a month ago, the missing persons can also be screened.

After investigation, it was found that there were no women in their twenties who disappeared more than a month ago in the local missing persons database in Xuanbei County.

After it was not found in the local database of the county seat, the team of police officers expanded the search scope, starting from the cities around the county seat, and preparing to search from the county to the city, and then from the city to the province.

The female victim will appear near the reservoir. It is estimated that even if she is not from this county, that is, people from surrounding counties, and people from far away, generally do not appear here.

At the same time, the forensic department is also testing the girl's DNA. After the test results come out, the 11DNA data can be compared.

Before the DNA data came out, the investigation on the missing persons database made significant progress.

In a county more than [-] kilometers away from Xuanbei County, a woman disappeared a month ago. The family members reported the case to the police station more than a month ago. So far, there is no whereabouts of the missing woman.

The family provided her photos and physical features. From the photos, she was a very fashionable and beautiful girl named Ge Fang, 26 years old, 162 years old, 55 kg in weight, with long hair and a There are two moles on the clavicle.

Because the female corpse was found to be highly decomposed, the appearance and the two moles on the collarbone side of the neck were already indistinguishable.

However, the hair, height, and approximate weight of the female corpse can be matched with Ge Fang in the database, and the time of Ge Fang's disappearance can also match the time of the corpse's death, which is almost certain. The female corpse was Ge Fang, who disappeared in the county town more than [-] kilometers away.

The police officers in charge of Ge Fang's affairs contacted the local public security bureau immediately after checking it, and explained some of the situation here. Come to Xuanbei County, do a DNA test, completely determine Ge Fang's identity, and ask her family to provide some clues, so as to help solve the case.

The family of the deceased Ge Fang was on their way to Xuanbei County with grief. Li Guo told Lin Chen about the situation on the phone just now.

After Shen Yue listened to Lin Chen's remarks, her little head kept nodding, and she said, "Officer Li and the others are still investigating very quickly. I wonder if Ge Fang's family can provide valuable clues."

"It is the best to provide valuable clues." Lin Chen said.

Seeing that Lin Chen was looking for clothes to wear and was about to go out, Shen Yue said quickly, "Boss, I have washed all your clothes. In this weather, they must be dry overnight. Wait, I'll go and get them for you. bring here."

Going to get clothes for Lin Chen, Shen Yue was like a cheerful bird, she ran barefoot towards a window sill in the suite.

After Shen Yue gave Lin Chen a set of clothes to dry, she trotted back to Lin Chen's side and said, "Well, boss, it's already dried."

Lin Chen took the clothes that Shen Yue handed over, and there was a scent of laundry detergent on the clothes. There was a washing machine in the suite, but Shen Yue washed it for Lin Chen himself.

Lin Chen took the clothes and said to Shen Yue, "In recent days, you are not like my subordinate, but more like my life assistant."

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