Shen Yue heard the words and said with a smile, "Boss, your former life assistants were all Miao Yan, right?"

"Well, Miaoyan has been taking care of my daily life." In Lin Chen's mind, Xia Miaoyan's beautiful face emerged.

"I can replace Miaoyan for a few days and take care of your boss's daily life. I'm still very happy." Shen Yue said softly.

The clothes and pants that Shen Yue wore yesterday were also dirty. They were washed together, and now they are clean. After the two changed their clothes, they left the room and took the elevator downstairs.

When I reached the lobby on the first floor, I just walked a few steps when the hotel manager who was guarding the lobby quickly greeted him.

"Mr. Lin, Miss Shen, you are awake, our hotel has prepared breakfast for you, please come here with me." The hotel manager said politely, with a professional smile on his face.

The breakfast in the hotel is generally relatively simple, but in order to please Lin Chen, Wang Xiaojun and the others invited the chef to the hotel to make a special breakfast for Lin Chen and Shen Yue.

Lin Chen and Shen Yue did not refuse, and followed the hotel manager to the dining room.

As the two sat down, the waiter brought up a series of exquisite dishes.

After the waiter went down, only Lin Chen and Shen Yue were left in the private room. Shen Yue looked at the dishes and said, "Boss, I don't think five-star hotels have such a rich breakfast. It's lobster and abalone. This emperor is a Crabs are bigger than washbasins."

Lin Chen picked up his chopsticks and started eating, and said, "Wang Xiaojun is apologizing to me, in fact, when I entered the Wanjun Hotel and he came to stop me and think for me, I knew that this person was not bad. It happened the night before yesterday. , and I didn't want to compete with him."

"Hee hee..." Shen Yue smiled and said, "But boss, your energy is 670, Wang Xiaojun and the others are afraid. If you move your finger, their entire family will be finished."

Lin Chen didn't respond, and the two quickly ate.

There was a large table of hearty breakfast, and the two of them didn't eat much. After eating, they left the hotel with the courtesy of the hotel manager.

Lin Chen drove out of the city in a Maserati.

Seeing that the road was wrong, Shen Yue said, "Boss, aren't we going to the county public security bureau?"

"Don't go." Lin Chen said, "It was dark last night, so I didn't observe the reservoir very carefully. Now Li Guo and the others are over there. I just happened to go over there to investigate the scene."

"Are you afraid that the police in our county will miss some clues?" Shen Yue asked.

Lin Chen replied, "Generally not. Those police officers have already investigated twice, but it's okay for me to go and have a look."

"Alright." Shen Yue said: "It was so dark last night, I haven't seen the whole picture of the reservoir."

During the conversation between the two, the car had already left the city and headed towards the reservoir where the incident occurred.

Lin Chen drove very fast, and after more than half an hour, the car came to the entrance of the reservoir.

At this moment, many police cars and some other cars were parked on the roadside at the entrance of the reservoir.

Lin Chen parked the car, and when he walked down, he looked in one direction. .


1052 That possibility 【Subscription】

The direction Lin Chen was looking at was not far away. There, a fat middle-aged man was being questioned by the police. One of the police officers who questioned the man was Li Guo.

Lin Chen looked over there, and Li Guo also looked at Lin Chen.

The eyes of the two met, Li Guo immediately raised his hand, greeted Lin Chen, paused the questioning of the middle-aged man, and trotted towards Lin Chen.

Lin Chen and Shen Yue also walked over. After approaching, Li Guo smiled and said, "Mr. Lin, I'm calling you early in the morning, sorry to bother you."

"It's okay." Lin Chen waved his hand, pointed at the middle-aged man over there, and asked, "Is that the owner of the reservoir?"

Li Guo nodded and said, "Well, yes, I didn't get in touch with the owner of the reservoir last night. After I got in touch this morning, I asked him to come to the reservoir. When he came on the front foot, you came on the back foot. I just started asking him some information. Woolen cloth."

Lin Chen said, "Let's go."

Several people walked towards the owner of the reservoir. Because of Lin Chen's arrival, the police officers also stopped questioning him. The owner of the reservoir saw that Li Guo was so polite to Lin Chen, and he also felt that the young man in front of him, Should be a leader or something.

Lin Chen looked at him and said, "How long have you been contracting this reservoir?"

The owner of the reservoir looked troubled and said, "This reservoir has been contracted for several years.

Lin Chen said: "You contracted this reservoir, it doesn't seem like this reservoir brought you any profit, right?"

When the owner of the reservoir heard Lin Chen's words, the expression on his face became even more bitter, and he said, "Well, you are right, I was going to raise fish in this reservoir at first, but I didn't expect that this I don’t know why the reservoir, but the survival rate of fish farming is very low, and I didn’t make any money in the first few years, which made me lose a lot, but in the past two years, relying on the ticket income of those who come to fish, it’s a little better.”

"Hey, if my reservoir is profitable, I wouldn't have hired Fang Dongshan alone. Now Fang Dongshan was killed in my reservoir, and the news spread, no one from my reservoir will come to talk about it, Fang Dongshan's son. Orientation school wants me to pay a sum of money...hey...what is this called..."

The Fang Dongshan mentioned by the owner of the reservoir was the name of the old man in the reservoir.

"Xiangxue's father showed you the reservoir. If he was killed in the reservoir, he died because of his work. It's normal for his son to ask you for compensation." Li Guo said aside.

"Although I don't know the law, but according to the law, I should have to pay. I'm afraid that the direction is too aggressive. I haven't earned any money in the past few years, so I can't afford it." The owner of the reservoir sighed.

Lin Chen glanced at the watch on the wrist of the owner of the reservoir, and said with a smile: "You are joking, this Rolex watch on your wrist is a new model in the second half of last year, and the price is more than [-]. In the second half of last year, You can spend more than [-] yuan on a watch, which shows that your current economic conditions are still acceptable.”

The owner of the reservoir was deliberately selling miserably. He wanted to pay less money to Fang Dongshan, the old man of the reservoir. He said that it was very difficult and the conditions were not good.

But Lin Chen's words directly pointed out his current economic conditions, which made him feel a little embarrassed.

"Hehe, hehe..." The owner of the reservoir smiled twice and said, "This watch... was given to me by someone else, not bought by me..."

Lin Chen didn't bother to talk about this topic. He wanted to ask the owner of the reservoir how much he would pay for compensation.

Lin Chen said to the owner of the reservoir, "Fang Dongshan has worked here for so many years. What do you think of that old man, and do you think it was the enemy?"

The owner of the reservoir hurriedly said: "Comrade police, although I don't come to the reservoir every day, this is my business after all, and I come here often. I know a little bit about Fang Dongshan."

"As for him, if it is said that the enemy came to kill him, there is such a possibility of his character."

"Oh?" Lin Chen raised his eyebrows slightly: "Let's hear it."

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