The owner of the reservoir began to speak, and said, "Fang Dongshan, if you say it nicely, he has a bad personality. If you say it badly, he is a stubborn old man with a strange and bad temper."

"In the past, when there were several other employees in the reservoir, those employees told me that Fang Dongshan had a bad temper and was not easy to get along with. , you can drenched people's blood, and a former employee almost got into a fight with him."

"I also received a response from people who came to the reservoir to fish, saying that Fang Dongshan had a bad temper, and they came to spend money to fish. Fang Dongshan would not say a smile to greet him. The general attitude is yes, but it's the same as how much these fishermen owe him. He puts a bad face on everyone, and his tone of voice is terrible. I have said Fang Dongshan several times, but it is useless. After all, he is so old, and it is not possible to change his personality with just a few words. of."

Shen Yue heard that the old man Fang Dongshan, who was watching the reservoir, said that the reservoir owner was so useless, she asked: "...Fang Dongshan like this, why do you keep him and let him help you watch the reservoir?"

Hearing this, the reservoir owner sneered and said, "There are several reasons for this, one is that the location of the reservoir is in the mountains, and most people are not so daring, one person does not dare to stay here, and the other is Fang Dongshan. He took the initiative to approach me, said he liked the job, and asked me to keep him."

"There is another reason that I can give him a lower salary. Although he is not good to people, he still keeps my reservoir in order."

(Wang Zhao's) "Is that so..." After listening to the reasons mentioned by the reservoir owner, Shen Yue nodded knowingly.

Lin Chen narrowed his eyes slightly and said to the owner of the reservoir, "That is to say, Fang Dongshan's personality and way of dealing with others make it easy to enmity with others. The workers who used to work here and the people who came to the reservoir to fish are all possible. Can't see him, hold a grudge?"

"That's right, that's right." The owner of the reservoir looked at Lin Chen and said to him, "Comrade police, you don't know that sometimes, Fang Dongshan's words are really hard to hear. What he said was so unpleasant and his actions were excessive, it is possible that he would kill him under impulse."

Lin Chen and Li Guo glanced at each other and found that the place where Fang Dongshan was drowned was next to a fishing platform.

According to what the owner of the reservoir just said, there is a possibility...


1053 Can there be any problems [2 more for subscription]

This possibility is simple and easy to think of.

That was on the day of the incident. The murderer was fishing on the fishing platform. After Fang Dongshan, the old man of the reservoir, walked over, the two had some disputes.

Fang Dongshan's attitude and temper were very bad, and the murderer should also have a violent temper. After the two had a conflict, the murderer pressed Fang Dongshan into the water and drowned alive.

Judging from the traces left on the shore of the reservoir, the murderer at that time must have been very angry and wanted to kill Fang Dongshan.

Li Guo looked at the owner of the reservoir and asked, "The former colleagues of Fang Dongshan didn't hate him that much, did they?"

The owner of the reservoir knew that the police had some suspicions that it was the grievances between those colleagues and Fang Dongshan, and he said: "To say that those colleagues hated Fang Dongshan so much that they wanted to kill him, this is not the case, Fang Dongshan is here. This reservoir has been alone for more than two years for me."

Li Guo nodded, and Lin Chen asked, "Fang Dongshan has been working in this reservoir alone for more than two years. Why doesn't he keep a dog? It's much safer to keep some dogs in this reservoir."

"I used to have dogs. Later, Fang Dongshan said that dogs were too good at eating, so he sold the dog. It was the dog I bought." The owner of the reservoir remembered the dog he had raised before.

"Because the dog can eat something, I sold the dog. I don't need the protection and company of the dog. Fang Dongshan's courage is really big." Lin Chen 733 muttered.

"That is, Fang Dongshan's courage is really big." The owner of the reservoir also said.

Lin Chen looked at him and said, "In your reservoir, what kind of people usually come to fish?"

The owner of the reservoir replied: "The reservoir I contracted is not very big, and the location is a bit remote, but there are still some people who come here. Some are from the nearby villages, and some are from the county town."

"Are foreigners coming?" Lin Chen asked.

The owner of the reservoir said: "There are few out-of-towners. There are several reservoirs in Xuanbei County. One reservoir is more famous than the one I contracted, and the road is easy to walk. Some out-of-towners usually go there. Reservoir, but I don't know that I also have a reservoir here."

"How do you charge for fishing?" Lin Chen asked.

"100 (bbbf) in the morning and 50 in the evening," the reservoir owner replied.

Fishing here costs 100 yuan a day, which is not too high or too low.

After Lin Chen learned something from the owner of the reservoir, he said to Li Guo next to him, "Officer Li, take me to the place where Fang Dongshan was found to be drowned."

Li Guo hurriedly waved his hand and made a gesture of invitation: "Mr. Lin, please come here with me."

Lin Chen and Shen Yue followed Li Guo and walked along the road beside the reservoir.

The water in the reservoir is relatively calm, unlike a big river, where the current is relatively turbulent.

After walking a few steps, Shen Yue said to Lin Chen, "Boss, that reservoir owner just now, is he okay?"

"Reservoir boss?" Lin Chen asked rhetorically, "What problem can the reservoir boss have?"

Shen Yue said with a vague understanding: "I just suspect that Fang Dongshan's death has something to do with the owner of the reservoir..."

Lin Chen smiled and explained, "Although the owner of the reservoir doesn't make much money from contracting the reservoir, he is not someone who is short of money. There is a BMW worth more than [-] yuan parked at the intersection of the reservoir. It's him. Yes, Fang Dongshan's death did him no good, why did he kill him?"

After Lin Chen said this, an incomprehensible look flashed in his eyes.

Neither Li Guo nor Shen Yue noticed the look that flashed in his eyes.

Li Guo said on the side: "The forensic doctor's identification of Fang Dongshan's specific time of death has come out. It was around 5 o'clock in the afternoon the day before yesterday, and at 5 o'clock in the afternoon the day before yesterday, the owner of the reservoir was with his business partners, and there were enough people not present. It is proved, besides, as Mr. Lin said, Fang Dongshan had no motive to kill, so he did not need to kill."

"Oh..." Shen Yue snorted twice and said, "I just asked casually..."

After walking a few steps forward, Lin Chen suddenly remembered something, and he said, "By the way, Officer Li, why didn't you tell me about the Zhou Dakai caught in the forest last night? To him How's the interrogation going?"

After Li Guo heard Lin Chen's words, a wry smile appeared on his face, and he said, "Mr. Lin, the reason why we haven't told you about Zhou Dakai's interrogation is because that guy Zhou Dakai hasn't woken up yet."

"Have you not woken up yet?" Lin Chen's eyes narrowed.

After Zhou Dakai was chased by Lin Chen last night, he wanted to escape again, but turned around and crashed into a tree. After being woken up by Lin Chen splashing water, he was stunned by Lin Chen throwing it next to the corpse. Take it out from the inside and send it to the Public Security Bureau.

Lin Chen wanted to come, he should soon wake up and be interrogated, but he didn't expect to hear this kind of news.

Li Guo sighed and said, "Yeah, he didn't wake up. After taking him back to the Public Security Bureau last night, no matter how he called him, he didn't wake up. We were afraid that something would happen to him, so we sent him to the hospital. The doctor's examination showed that he was fine. The problem, the doctor said that he never woke up, probably because he had some concussion after hitting a tree last night, and his cranial nerves were damaged after being frightened by the dead body."

"He's still in the hospital now?" Lin Chen asked.

"Yes." Li Guo replied: "In the hospital ward, there are two police officers watching him. Once he wakes up, the police officer watching him will call me to notify me. I haven't received a call yet. The phone, I just haven't woken up yet."

"Is it that serious..." Lin Chen shook his head and said, "Check the scene on the reservoir side and take me to the hospital to see that Zhou Dakai."

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