"Yeah." Li Guodao: "Zhou Dakai is a native of our Xuanbei County, and he is ready to inform his family. His companions couldn't escape last night."

During the conversation, the three had already walked a long distance.

Although the area of ​​this reservoir is not large, it is only a small reservoir, but it is not short to walk around the edge of the reservoir.

After walking for a few more minutes, the three came to a Diaoyutai, and found that Fang Dongshan was drowned and the location of his hair. The police had already cordoned off, and no one was allowed to approach. There was also a policeman beside him. on.

"Mr. Lin, that's it." Li Guo said, pointing to the place where the cordon was drawn.

Lin Chen stepped down from the edge of the reservoir and approached the place where the traces were found.

This place with traces is soaked in water. Although the water in the reservoir is relatively calm, the traces have not been damaged too much, but with the passage of time, the traces here will become more and more blurred. .


1054 Hole in the wooden house 【Subscription】

The police officers who found it here before have taken high-definition photos of various groups.

Lin Chen walked to the edge of the cordon and looked at the traces of Fang Dongshan's drowning.

On the soil near the shore, where there is no water, there are marks left by Li Guo on the phone when his face was pressed on the soil. On both sides of the face marks, they were left on the ground when his hands struggled. trace.

This group of traces is not very clear, and it has been extending towards the position where the water level is deeper.

At that time, the murderer first pressed Fang Dongshan's face in this position, and then dragged him to a deeper position.

When Lin Chen was looking at these traces, Li Guo said softly, "These traces were left when Fang Dongshan was drowned. The hair on Fang Dongshan was found in the mud here..."

Li Guo said, Lin Chen looked at it, and Lin Chen also saw the blurred footprints left in the silt where the water level gradually deepened. Because the silt was soft, the footprints on the silt were about to become invisible.

Lin Chen looked at these traces and said, "There is one thing you can pay attention to."

Hearing this, Li Guowen hurriedly said, "Which point?"

Lin Chen said: "Judging from the two sets of footprints in the mud, the murderer should be only one person, and the murderer should have a lot of strength. Holding Fang Dongshan's head can make him unable to resist. The murderer pressed Fang Dongshan's head in the water. , During the process of drowning him, Fang Dongshan's hand should have subconsciously grabbed the hand holding his head in addition to struggling on the ground."

"We found no suspicious skin tissue in the corpse's fingernails, but this does not mean that Fang Dongshan did not scratch the murderer's hand. Fang Dongshan may have scratched the murderer's hand, but because Fang Dongshan first struggled on the ground, his fingernails Because of the sand embedded in it, when the murderer was scratched again, the skin tissue on the murderer's body was left on the outer layer of the nails."

"The body has been soaked in water for more than ten hours, and the skin tissue left outside the nails may have been washed away by the water."

When Lin Chen said this, he paused slightly and said, "It doesn't matter whether Fang Dongshan scratched the murderer's hand or not when he was struggling, as long as the suspect under investigation has fresh scratches on his hand, the suspect will be more suspicious. , worthy of further investigation.”

After Li Guo heard Lin Chen's words, he showed a serious look on his face, and said, "Well, Mr. Lin can rest assured. When we investigate, we will pay attention to whether they have fresh scratches on their hands."

After staying at the crime scene for more than ten minutes, Lin Chen and the three left from here and continued to walk along the road at the edge of the reservoir in front.

Several people walked and talked while walking, and the speed of walking was not fast.

After turning the reservoir around, Lin Chen went to the wooden house where the old man of the reservoir lived again.

Last night, it was dark all around, Lin Chen and the others checked the house by the light of the flashlight.

It's daytime, and there's plenty of light all around, as well as inside the cabin.

After entering the wooden house, Lin Chen saw that there were two more plastic bags beside the door of the wooden house. The two plastic bags contained stale bananas and longan. They were bought from the school yesterday to give to his father Fang Dongshan to eat.

Fang Dongshan was killed, and Xiang Xue put the two fruit bags in the wooden house at will.

After seeing the two bags of fruit, Shen Yue said, "If Fang Dongshan hadn't been killed, he would be able to eat the fruit that his son bought for him these two days..."

Li Guo heard the words and said, "Fang Dongshan has been watching this reservoir alone for more than two years. It's really not easy. I don't know what kind of hatred the murderer has with him."

Lin Chen didn't say anything. After taking his eyes back, he wandered around in the kitchen of the outhouse.

After reading the kitchen in the outer room, Lin Chen walked to the inner room.

Last night, after Lin Chen, Li Guo and Shen Yue entered the house, it was Shen Yue who first discovered that there was a big hole in the roof of the back room. Now, as soon as you walked into the back room during the day, enough light was poured into the big hole, which made people feel at ease. Entering the house, you can immediately find the hole in the roof.

Lin Chen looked up at the hole in the roof, and Li Guo said, "This wooden house has been searched three times. Except for the fingerprints of several different people, nothing else has been found."

Hearing this, Lin Chen nodded slightly, and after staying in the back room for a while, he turned around and walked out of the wooden house.

After walking out of the wooden house, Lin Chen walked towards the parking spot. Li Guo, who followed behind, knew that Lin Chen was going to the hospital to see the unconscious Zhou Dakai.

After Li Guo quickly ordered the police officer under his opponent, he got into Lin Chen's car and went towards the county town together.

In the car, Lin Chen asked Li Guo, "Which hospital is Zhou Dakai in?"

Li Guo replied, "Ward 3 on the 13rd floor of the County People's Hospital."

Lin Chen said he knew. After the car drove from the mountain road to the cement road, Lin Chen immediately accelerated the speed.

In a flash of lightning, Lin Chen's Maserati parked in the parking lot of the County People's Hospital.

Opening the door and getting off, the three of them headed towards Ward 3 on the third floor.

The third floor of the County People's Hospital is an ordinary ward. When they arrived at the door of the ward, the police officers guarding the door saw Lin Chen and the others, and immediately came over to say hello.

"People haven't woken up yet?" Li Guo asked him.

The police officer shook his head and said helplessly: "The doctor has checked him over and over. He has no problem and has not woken up. It may be that his cranial nerves are damaged."


Lin Chen heard the words, pushed the door and walked into the ward.

This is a multi-person ward, but at the moment, only Zhou Dakai is lying on the hospital bed alone.

Next to the hospital bed, there is also a police officer playing with his mobile phone. It is very boring to watch someone wake up. It is normal for this police officer to be lazy with his mobile phone.

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