Lin Chen walked to the side of the hospital bed, looked at Zhou Dakai, who was lying on the hospital bed, wearing a hospital gown, and stared at him for several seconds.

Shen Yue said, "Boss, shouldn't he become a vegetable after being hit and startled?"

When Lin Chen heard the words, the corners of his mouth rose slightly, revealing a smile.

The next moment, Lin Chen raised his foot directly and kicked the hospital bed where Zhou Dakai was lying.

Lin Chen's strength is so great, when he kicked out, Zhou Dakai and the hospital bed both flew up.

Li Guo, Shen Yue, and the others all showed consternation on their faces. They didn't expect Lin Chen to kick the hospital bed as soon as he came here, kicking both Zhou Dakai and the hospital bed who were lying on it.

But then, what made them startled again happened. Zhou Dakai, who was kicked and flew in mid-air, even though he opened his eyes slightly, he also let out an 'ouch' from his mouth.



Zhou Dakai's body fell to the ground at the same time as the hospital bed, and Zhou Dakai cried out in pain on the ground.

Lin Chen looked at the screaming Zhou Dakai on the ground, and said, "The injury you suffered is not enough to be unconscious for so long. Get up, stop pretending."


1055 Tell the truth all [2 more for subscription]

Lin Chen's voice reverberated in this ward. Apart from Lin Chen's voice, it was Zhou Dakai's miserable howl as he lay on the ground.

Li Guo and Shen Yue looked at Zhou Dakai, who was lying on the ground and screamed and fell. They understood that Zhou Dakai had not woken up this week. It wasn't that his brain was damaged, he just pretended.

For example, Zhou Dakai was in a coma due to being chased by the police. The police should take responsibility. If they were reported by the news media, the pressure on the police would be even greater.

Therefore, after Zhou Dakai was in a coma, when Li Guo, who was in charge of the case, was busy with other things, he was still a little distressed, afraid that Zhou Dakai would really not wake up, or there would be serious damage after waking up.

But Lin Chen was different. He suspected that Zhou Dakai was pretending. He didn't need to worry too much.

Zhou Dakai, who was screaming on the ground, explained everything. This guy has been pretending to be in a coma. In fact, he has already woken up.

Li Guo said angrily; "Zhou Dakai, okay, not only did you not cooperate with the police in handling the case, but you dared to pretend to be unconscious here."

The police officer who was playing with his mobile phone in the ward said, "The doctor said he was fine after examining him. I said why he didn't wake up all the time. It turned out to be a fake."

Zhou Dakai on the ground, seeing that his little trick had been seen through by Lin Chen, he was really afraid and anxious in his heart.

In his eyes looking at Lin Chen, there was some resentment. How could this guy look like a policeman? What he did, he didn't play cards according to the routine at all, and he did it if he wanted to.

"" Zhou Dakai got up from the ground and said, "I... I just woke up... oops... oops..."

When Li Guo and the others heard this, they didn't look good at Zhou Dakai. This guy, his little trick has been dismantled, and he is still pretending to be confused here.

However, Li Guo and the others didn't care about this with Zhou Dakai. Li Guo said, "Zhou Dakai, you are awake now. Come on, why did you hide in the forest next to the reservoir last night? Who is your companion?"

Zhou Dakai covered his butt and said, "What I said last night was the truth. I just went climbing with my friends. Comrade police, why don't you believe me?"

"Still quibble?" Li Guo stared at Zhou Dakai with seriousness in his tone.

Zhou Dakai looked like a dead pig not afraid of being scalded by boiling water, and said, "Oh, comrade police, what is going on so that you are willing to believe me, I am telling the truth."

"You..." Li Guo wanted to go up to Zhou Dakai angrily because he was talking nonsense with his eyes open.

At this time, Lin Chen stretched out his hand to stop Li Guo's movements.

After Lin Chen glanced at Zhou Dakai, he said to Li Guo: "The case does not need to be investigated. The murderer of the girl and the death of the old man in the reservoir were the actions of this Zhou Dakai. Now immediately take him back to the Public Security Bureau and send him to the court for judgment. The death penalty, such a scourge, cannot be spared."

When Li Guo heard Lin Chen's words, he immediately understood what Lin Chen meant.

Since this Zhou Dakai is a dead pig and is not afraid of boiling water, let him know how powerful it is.

"Okay Mr. Lin, the court has not dealt with any cases recently. This week, Dakai will be sentenced to death before next week at the latest." After Li Guo said to Lin Chen, he said to the subordinate beside him, "Don't be stunned. Now, take this murderer back."

The conversation between Lin Chen and Li Guo was very brief, but it was this short conversation that made Zhou Dakai on the side look as frightened as paper, his body began to tremble, and his eyes were as wide as bull's eyes.

Zhou Dakai saw that the two police officers took out the handcuffs and walked towards him. When he thought of the words "murderer" and "death penalty", he screamed and said, "Murderer? Murderer? What murderer? I'm not a murderer. Don't come here, don't come here... ah..."

Zhou Dakai's cry was full of horror, and the eyes of those eyes were about to pop out.

The two police officers didn't listen to Zhou Dakai's words at all. The two rushed up and subdued Zhou Dakai in three or two strokes, handcuffing their hands behind their backs.

"Go, go back to the Public Security Bureau." said the police officer holding Zhou Dakai's hands, and wanted to take him outside.

Zhou Dakai struggled hard and shouted in horror: "I don't go to the public security bureau, I don't go to the public security bureau, I'm not a murderer, why are you arresting me?"

Lin Chen looked at Zhou Dakai and said lightly, "The female corpse I showed you last night was killed by you. Don't pretend, just wait for the shooting..."

Zhou Dakai was reluctant to go out and shouted: "Comrade police, I said, I said, I said why I appeared in the reservoir, but I really didn't kill people, my friends can testify for me... You listen to me. , don't take me to the Public Security Bureau..."

Lin Chen waved his hand, looked at Zhou Dakai's terrified and twisted face, and said, "Needless to say, we don't want to hear it now, so we should go to the Public Security Bureau and wait for the court to sentence you to death."

"Ahhh..." Zhou Dakai was so frightened that he was about to become incontinent, and his tears streamed down. He couldn't resist the two police officers who wanted to escort him out. He had no choice but to plop down and kneel on Lin Chen. in front of.

After Zhou Dakai knelt in front of Lin Chen, he wept bitterly and said, "Comrade police officer, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have been tough before, I'm not a murderer, I'll tell you everything you want to know, I'll tell the truth... …”

"Don't, haven't you already told the truth, you are just going to climb the mountain with your friends." Lin Chen said jokingly.

"That's a lie, comrade police, please, don't wrong me... I didn't kill anyone..." Zhou Dakai was sweating profusely, and actually kowtowed to Lin Chen.

Seeing that Zhou Dakai was so frightened, Shen Yue shook his head slightly.

Seeing that Zhou Dakai couldn't stand the intimidation of 1.7 so much, Lin Chen said, "Okay, then I'll give you some time to make it clear, I'll only listen to you once."

"Okay..." Zhou Dakai said as if receiving an amnesty: "Comrade police, I really didn't kill anyone. I'm just a little thief who steals fish. How dare I commit murder..."

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