Immediately, Zhou Dakai talked about his own affairs.

Zhou Dakai is in his twenties and almost [-] this year, and he has not yet married a daughter-in-law.

A few years ago, Zhou Dakai, who had nothing to do, got together with a few friends, and they were thinking about how to make money.

After a few people's hard thinking, they found a business opportunity, that is, to steal fish, electric fish, poisonous fish, and resell the illegally obtained fish at a low price.

They thought of this way because they saw a piece of news on the Internet, and the news said...


1056 The investigation is clear [Subscribe]

The news was about a family of more than a dozen people in a certain place, engaged in illegal fishing.

They use electricity to control the electric fish in the big rivers that they are caught, poison the rivers, poison the fish to death and then float up, or go to other people's fish soups and reservoirs to steal other people's fish.

In some large fish ponds, the fish that have been raised for more than half a year have been stolen from the group overnight. The owner of the fish pond is crying without tears.

For larger reservoirs and large rivers, if electricity is inconvenient, they will directly poison the fish to kill the fish, and then they can be salvaged.

In the news, the family made a fortune from this business and drove a Mercedes-Benz BMW one by one.

Zhou Dakai's group of friends felt that Xuanbei County has many large and small rivers, many reservoirs and fish ponds, and there are many resources in the neighboring county. This kind of activity can come with money.

I don't know how many years it will take to earn the money I earn from doing this kind of thing for a year.

As a result, they put together a sum of money, bought the corresponding 11 things, and started illegal fishing.

The state does not prohibit fishing in many rivers. There are some restrictions on fishing with nets. Poisoning fish in rivers is even illegal.

The ecological balance of a river requires the presence of fish. If you poison all the fish in a river, the ecological balance of the river will be destroyed, which will cause serious consequences.

Zhou Dakai's group, by virtue of their care and prudence, have succeeded many times in the past few years. Some of the fish in the big rivers have been poisoned by them, and some of the laxly guarded reservoirs have been stolen by them overnight. Take a lot.

In the past few years, Zhou Dakai and the others have made a lot of money by relying on this illegal activity. Zhou Dakai, who was looked down on by girls a few years ago, is also going to buy a car this year, and then go on a blind date to find a partner.

In the past few days, Zhou Dakai and the others have been eyeing the reservoir where the incident occurred. The reason why they used another word is because they had attacked the reservoir several times before and succeeded a few times.

There is only one old man who manages the reservoir, and the most important thing is that the old man has no dogs.

If there is no dog, when the old man sleeps at night, he can do it, and he will not be able to find it at all.

When they went to the reservoir last night, they were stepping on the site again to ensure safety, and they were going to start working on the reservoir in the next few days.

However, Zhou Dakai and their companions did not expect that the cabin where Fang Dongshan lived would have no lights at night. , I know there is someone in the woods.

After Zhou Dakai said this, a relieved expression appeared on his face.

He also said that he would not admit to Lin Chen and the others before, because he believed in the words of frankness and leniency, sitting in prison, resisting strictness, and going home for the New Year.

Zhou Dakai felt that the police did not dare to mess with him. As long as he held on to those lies, the police could not do anything to him.

He knew that the things he had done were illegal, and now his life has just gotten better. If the police find out, he will be beaten back to his original shape, and he will be imprisoned.

Zhou Dakai looked at Lin Chen and said, "Comrade police officer, I swear, what I said is true, I didn't lie, I didn't kill the person you dug out of the ground last night, my friend can give it to me. I testified that I was just stealing fish, not killing people..."

After hearing this, Lin Chen said to Zhou Dakai: "We will investigate whether what you said is true or not. Now I will take you back to the Public Security Bureau, and you can cooperate well."

"Okay, I will cooperate, I will cooperate." Zhou Dakai said quickly, showing his attitude.

Under the escort of two police officers, Zhou Dakai left the ward, and Lin Chen, Li Guo, and Shen Yue also walked out one step later.

Li Guo looked at Zhou Dakai's back and asked Lin Chen, "Mr. Lin, do you think what Zhou Dakai said is true? He has nothing to do with the deaths of Ge Fang and Fang Dongshan?"

Lin Chendao: "I kept observing him when he was talking about those just now. The preliminary judgment is that he should not lie, and it has nothing to do with the deaths of Ge Fang and Fang Dongshan. It is good to catch his accomplices together, interrogate and investigate clearly. ."

"Well..." After listening to Lin Chen's words, Li Guo showed a look of sadness on his face.

In his heart, he hoped that Zhou Dakai was the murderer. Zhou Dakai appeared next to the reservoir, and the female corpse was buried on his way to escape. If the murderer was him, then the case could be closed, and everyone didn't have to work hard.

But now, the suspect Zhou Dakai seems to have nothing to do with this case.

Lin Chen took a step and walked towards the stairway. As he walked, he said to Li Guo: "Now you don't have to focus on Zhou Dakai, mobilize the police force, and go to the villages and county towns around the reservoir to investigate. If you like fishing, go to Those who fished in that reservoir were all suspicious people."

"When Ge Fang was killed, the suspect's alibi is not easy to investigate. After all, more than a month has passed. We can first investigate the time when Fang Dongshan, the old man of the reservoir, was killed the day before yesterday..."

Lin Chen ordered some investigation directions of the case, and Li Guo listened. After listening, he did as Lin Chen said.

The 726 annihilation case is in the final stage. There are no serious cases in Xuanbei County, so the police force is very sufficient.

Because of Lin Chen's participation, the police force of the County Public Security Bureau was also allowed to be mobilized by Lin Chen and was always on call.

In the county public security bureau, police cars headed towards the villages next to the reservoir. They wanted to investigate in the nearby 610 villages, who had fishing rods, who liked fishing, and who had been to the reservoir where the incident occurred.

Police officers investigating nearby villages were busy, while others were investigating fishing enthusiasts living in the county seat.

There is no forum for fishing enthusiasts in Xuanbei County, but under the advice of a fishing enthusiast, the police learned about the chat groups of some local enthusiasts.

The members in the chat group have gone fishing everywhere, including the reservoir where the incident occurred.

The members of these chat groups have all become suspects. When finding these people to understand the situation, the owner of a certain chat group provided a situation, he said: "More than a month ago, I didn't go fishing in that reservoir. Fish, but if you want to say this, a member who often spoke in the group suddenly dropped out of the group more than a month ago, and he didn't quarrel with anyone in the group, and nothing unpleasant happened."

"I chatted privately why he quit the group, but he didn't answer me."

The sudden withdrawal of this fishing enthusiast from the group attracted some attention from the police. After asking for the specific withdrawal time, it was found that it was about the same time as the victim Ge Fang was killed.

This member did not have any conflict with the people in the group, so why did he quit the chat group after Ge Fang was killed? .


1057 Ge Fang's Family

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