The police felt that the time when the fishing enthusiast left the group was a bit strange. No matter how big or small this person was, in order to make sure, they should investigate him.

The police obtained the chat number of the member who dropped out of the chat group from the owner of the chat group, and prepared to know the member's identity information and home address from this chat number, so as to find him.


After Lin Chen and Li Guo and Shen Yue came out of the County People's Hospital, they drove towards the County Public Security Bureau.

Ge Fang, who was killed more than a month ago, her family has now arrived at the county public security bureau. Lin Chen is going to meet them to see if they can learn some useful information.

When the car was about to arrive at the County Public Security Bureau, Li Guo's cell phone suddenly rang.

Li Guo picked up the phone, and after a moment of answering, he put the phone down.

After putting down the phone, Li Guodao said, "The police officers who were investigating just now received news that there is a fishing enthusiast chat group, and there is a fishing enthusiast who often speaks in the group and is very active. There is no warning. Withdrew from the group, there was no conflict with anyone in the group, and the group owner privately chatted about the reason for his withdrawal, but he ignored it."

When Lin Chen heard Li Guo's words, he turned his head and glanced at him, and said, "Do you suspect the person who quit the group?"

"Yeah." Li Guo nodded and said, "Yes, I doubt him, because the time of his withdrawal from the group happened right after Ge Fang was killed."

Shen Yue, who was sitting in the back row of the car, said, "That fishing enthusiast, retreated after Ge Fang was killed..."

Li Guo said: "There's nothing wrong with withdrawing from the group. You can withdraw as you please, and you don't need to leave a reason. But the guy who left the group was the group that retreated after Ge Fang was killed, and they all went to the crime scene. The reservoir, these points are combined, we think we should check him."

"Check it out, there are a lot of police anyway." Lin Chen said.

Li Guo nodded and said: "Those fishing enthusiasts don't have the contact information of that person, and they don't know his full name. They have already contacted the chat software company and asked them to give us the user's registration information and IP address. ”.”

Lin Chen asked, "What's the chat software they use called?"

After Shen Yue heard Lin Chen's words, she immediately understood Lin Chen's intention. If those fishing enthusiasts were using Penguin Chat, the behind-the-scenes boss of Penguin Chat would be sitting here, and just a phone call would be able to know the registration All user information.

Under the slight expectation of Shen Yue, Li Guo said: "It is the most popular penguin chat software at the moment."

"It turned out to be Penguin Chat." Shen Yue smiled at Li Guo: "Officer Li, your police don't need to contact the Penguin Chat company."

Li Guo didn't understand and asked, "Miss Shen, what do you mean?"

Shen Yue pointed her finger at Lin Chen who was driving, and said, "Our boss is the owner of Penguin Chat, you tell me the account of the person you want to investigate, I will call back to the company now, and I will be able to do it within a few minutes. nailed it."

Li Guo was surprised when Shen Yue said that Lin Chen was the owner of Penguin Chat, but after a short period of surprise, he was relieved.

Lin Chen's background is so terrifying, and it is normal to have a giant company in the business world.

After Li Guo provided the account, Shen Yue picked up the phone and called Shen Qiu.

The phone only rang for a few seconds before Shen Qiu answered it.

Shen Yue briefly talked to Shen Qiu about the situation here. After hanging up the phone, Shen Yue's cell phone rang within a few minutes, and it was a notification tone for receiving an email.

After Shen Yue saw the content of the email, she said to Li Guo, "Officer Li, it's done."

After finishing speaking, Shen Yue handed over her mobile phone to Li Guo.

After seeing some information about that person, Li Guo saved a copy, and immediately went to the county public security bureau, and handed it over to the people in the technical department to investigate.

Li Guogang returned the mobile phone to Shen Yue, and Lin Chen stopped the car in the parking lot of the County Public Security Bureau.

Opening the door and getting out of the car, the three walked towards the building of the County Public Security Bureau.

Li Guo was running. He ran into the building before Lin Chen and Shen Yue, went to the technical department, and asked the technical department to investigate the guy who had left the group.

After Lin Chen and Shen Yue entered the hall of the County Public Security Bureau, Zheng Yong, the deputy director who was waiting here, immediately greeted them.

Zheng Yong's face was full of smiles, and that smile was a bit warmer than the smile on Lin Chen's hotel lobby manager's face.

Zheng Yong's laughter was from the heart. The 726 annihilation case was over, and this case involved a lot. Even the director of the county public security bureau, who had a good relationship with the Yan family, was pulled into the water by the Yan family.

The main director was pulled into the water, then Zheng Yong, the deputy director, can take advantage of the situation to straighten up.

Zheng Yong, who is about to be promoted further, why is he unhappy in his heart.

Lin Chen didn't say anything to Zheng Yong, but said to him, "...take me to see Ge Fang's family."

Zheng Yong said quickly, "Okay, Mr. Lin, please come with me."

Zheng Yong took Lin Chen and Shen Yue towards the reception room, where Ge Fang's family was there.

Because Lin Chen was involved in this case, Zheng Yong, who attached great importance to it, also understood this case clearly.

While walking, Zheng Yong briefly exchanged views with Lin Chen, and soon, several people came to the reception room.

There were a few people sitting in a small reception room. These people were Ge Fang's parents, brother and sister-in-law.

The staff of the forensic department has collected DNA samples from Ge Fang's parents and tested them with Ge Fang's body. Although the results have not come out, everyone knows the results.

Ge Fang's parents looked haggard, and her mother was as thin as a piece of paper. It seemed that she could fall down when the wind blew. (the king's)

Ge Fang has been missing for more than a month, and she has not heard from her for more than a month. As Ge Fang's parents, this couple is heartbroken.

They were worried about their daughter's disappearance, but they held a trace of belief that her daughter was still alive, but now that the news of her daughter's death came, they were completely desperate in their hearts.

This kind of despair can also be regarded as a complete letting go of ties.

Lin Chen walked into the reception room, took a look at Ge Fang's family, and said, "I know that you are all feeling very sad right now, but what's more important now is to catch the murderer who killed Ge Fang. Do you and Ge Fang have any deep hatred or suspects?"

"Providing us with useful information can speed up the speed of solving the case."

Lin Chen's voice and words are very friendly. After Ge Fang's family heard it, Ge Fang's father said, "He must have killed my daughter."

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