1058 Doubt target 【Subscription】

After Lin Chen and Zheng Yong and Shen Yue heard what Ge Fang's father said, their eyes immediately fell on him.

Zheng Yong looked at him and asked, "Who? Who do you suspect killed your daughter?"

Ge Fang's father said: "A bastard who likes my daughter, but my daughter doesn't like him, and stalks my daughter, his name is Yu Ran."

"Yu Ran?" Zheng Yong muttered the name in his mouth.

Immediately, under the narration of Ge Fang's father, everyone knew what was going on here.

Ge Fang's family is located in a county more than [-] kilometers away from Xuanbei County. Ge Fang has been good-looking since she was a child. When she grew up, she learned to make up and wear appropriate clothes, and she was even more beautiful. Walking on the street, There are a lot of return rate that kind.

Ge Fang likes to dress up, and she is very pretty, but she is still very responsible.

When Ge Fang's eldest brother was about to get married, he didn't have enough money to buy a house. Ge Fang also tried his best to give all the savings he had saved before to her eldest brother, so that he could get a daughter-in-law smoothly.

627 Ge Fang's education level is not high. Before her disappearance, she worked in a western restaurant as a waiter.

Because the business of western restaurants is good and the traffic is large, the restaurant needs to recruit people.

One day, a person came to the western restaurant to apply for a job. That person was Yu Ran, the murderer of his daughter, according to Ge Fang's father.

Yu Ran is a man in his thirties. He is average in appearance, but has a strong physique. After Yu Ran came to work in the western restaurant, he saw the young and beautiful Ge Fang and immediately fell in love with him. girl, and attacked him.

Ge Fang has been working abroad for many years. Over the years, she has pursued many boys, but she doesn't like them. She feels that with her own conditions, she can find a boy with better conditions.

She has no interest in Yu Rang, who is almost thirty years old, has nothing to do, and works everywhere.

In the western restaurant, Ge Fang always ignored Yu Ran's favor. After that, when Ge Fang came home from get off work every day, she always felt that someone was following her.

After having the feeling of being followed for many days in a row, Ge Fang kept an eye on her one day and saw who the person who was following her was naturally Yu Ran.

Ge Fang questioned Yu Ran and asked him what he was doing with her these days. Yu Ran said that it was dark at night and she was afraid that it would not be safe for her to go home alone, so she followed behind her and silently protected her.

At that time, Ge Fang spoke more restrainedly, expressing his gratitude to him for his kindness, but in the future, he would not need to do that.

Afterwards, colleagues in the restaurant saw Yu Ran's intentions, and after Yu Ran's show of love became more and more obvious, Ge Fang made it clear to Yu Ran directly in front of many colleagues in the western restaurant, saying that there was absolutely no possibility for him and himself. Yes, let him give up.

Ge Fang said those words in front of those colleagues, disregarding Yu Ran's face, which was very harmful to Yu Ran.

Yu Ran didn't say anything at that time, but he took a chance, walked to Ge Fang's side, and said in her ear: "You can't refuse me, I swear I will marry you."

Since that time, Yu Ran's pursuit of Ge Fang has become more and more crazy, and it has become more and more excessive, so that Ge Fang is afraid that if he will hurt himself.

The frightened Ge Fang told her family about Yu Ran.

After Ge Fang's eldest brother found out, he found Yu Ran and told him to stop pestering his sister, otherwise he would look good.

Yu Rang was tall and strong, and after a few words of conflict, he fought with Ge Fang's eldest brother. In the end, Ge Fang's eldest brother was beaten by him, and his nose was bruised.

Ge Fang also told the owner of the western restaurant (bbca) about Yu Rang's entanglement with him.

The owner of the western restaurant was also dissatisfied with Ruan. Yu Ruo looked tall, but he was lazy and didn't like to work. The colleagues in the store had more or less opinions on him.

In addition, he is now harassing his colleagues, so the owner of the western restaurant felt that Yu Ran should be fired.

Yu Ran is not a good stubborn, after the western restaurant owner announced that he was fired, Yu Ran took the salary paid to him, pointed at the western restaurant owner's nose, and said, "I did a good job, you want to fire me. Right? You wait for me, resign me, and there will be times when you regret it."

After Yu Ran said harsh words to the western restaurant owner, she walked up to Ge Fang again and said, "Ge Fang, our business is not over yet, don't think you can be fine if I get fired, I tell you, We're just getting started..."

Yu Rang, who had spoken harshly twice, was surrounded by a few people and beat him up after he left the western restaurant.

Those who beat him were called by Ge Fang's brother. If he couldn't beat him by himself, he should call his helper.

After cleaning up Yu Ran fiercely, Yu Ran left and disappeared.

But because he let go of the harsh words, Ge Fang was still very scared.

So during that time, Ge Fang's brother or her father came to pick her up every night to pick her up from get off work, not letting Yu Ran have a chance to succeed.

However, after taking Ge Fang to and from get off work for more than a month, nothing to worry about happened, and the owner of the western restaurant was not retaliated against. I thought about revenge.

After that, Ge Fang no longer needed the pick-up and drop-off from her father and brother.

But just over a month ago, Ge Fang told her family that she was going to play with her colleagues tomorrow, and she might have to go out for a few days, and her parents didn't ask much.

But after Ge Fang went out, the phone was never contacted again, and it was always turned off.

Seeing that their daughter couldn't get in touch, Ge Fang's parents went to the western restaurant where Ge Fang worked, because when Ge Fang went out, he said he was going out with his colleagues in the western restaurant.

But when they got to the western restaurant, those colleagues told them that none of the people in the store asked for leave, only Ge Fang was missing.

In other words, Ge Fang didn't go out with her colleagues at all, she probably went out alone.

Worried, Ge Fang's parents called the police, saying that their daughter was missing, and there was a person who might have something to do with Ge Fang's disappearance, that person was Yu Ran.

Ge Fang's parents felt that it must be Yu Ranlai's revenge, so Ge ​​Fang disappeared for no reason.

After receiving the report from Ge Fang's parents, the local police immediately located Ge Fang's mobile phone to see where the phone last appeared.

After positioning, I found the last location of Ge Fang's mobile phone. .


1059 Someone else [2 more for subscription]

The last location where Ge Fang's cell phone signal appeared was on a major road in the county town, a few miles away from Ge Fang's residence.

After the phone reached that location, it was never turned on again.

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