Mobile phone positioning is a very fast and convenient way to find people. Since mobile phone positioning is no longer effective, you can only choose other methods.

The police also launched an investigation into the surveillance near Ge Fang's house. Ge Fang was found in some surveillance probes around Ge Fang's residence.

In the surveillance probe, Ge Fang walked quickly, along the road for surveillance and investigation, and in a surveillance blind spot, Ge Fang disappeared.

The suspect that Ge Fang's family said was Yu Ran, the police also contacted him and investigated him.

When the police called Yu Ran, Yu Ran said that he had gone to work in another city hundreds of highways away. The police located his mobile phone signal and confirmed that he did not lie.

In the case of missing persons, Huaxia does not know how many cases will occur in a day. Some police officers work hard to investigate, and some police officers after symbolic efforts, they no longer work hard to help you investigate, and go to other cases.

In Ge Fang's case, after the police investigated the suspects and the like and found that they were not suspected, they put the case of Ge Fang's disappearance down.

The local police consoled Ge Fang's family and asked them if they had any conflict with their daughter. It was possible that her daughter ran away from home and deliberately did not contact them.

But Ge Fang's family members all said that they have no conflict with Ge Fang, and it is impossible for her daughter to leave without saying goodbye to the disappearance.

In this way, Ge Fang's parents waited in anxiety for more than a month. This morning, they received a call from the local police station.

When Ge Fang's father received a call claiming to be the police station, he was extremely excited, thinking that the police might have found his daughter.

If you can find it, that would be great.

However, the police notified them on the phone of the bad news of finding Ge Fang's body, and asked them to go to Xuanbei County to ask the Xuanbei County police to further confirm the identity of the body.

Because of Ge Fang's highly decomposed body, the police did not let them touch the body, but collected DNA samples and asked them to wait for news in the reception room.

After listening to what Ge Fang's father said, Zheng Yong and others nodded slightly, indicating that they understood the situation.

Lin Chen looked at Ge Fang's father and asked, "Is it the morning when Ge Fang went out?"

Ge Fang's father responded: "Yes, it was in the morning. That morning, Xiaofang deliberately put on nice clothes, carried a luggage bag, and went out happily."

Zheng Yong stretched out his hand and groped for his chin, and said, "You suspect that Yu Ran, but your local police's investigation into Yu Ran was because there was no time for Yu Ran to commit the crime. When Ge Fang disappeared, he was already hundreds of kilometers away. Then he is not the murderer, and your family members don't have to doubt him anymore."

Zheng Yong's remarks made Ge Fang's family react very well, Ge Fang's elder brother stood up abruptly and said, "Comrade police officer, it must be Yu Ran, it must be that bastard Yu Ran, don't do it. Believe the words of our local police, they took our taxpayers' money and didn't do anything for our taxpayers at all, and they didn't pay attention to the case of my sister's disappearance."

"Yeah." Ge Fang's mother burst into tears and said, "The police on our side didn't take my daughter's disappearance seriously, and they couldn't find anyone, so they said that my daughter ran away from home on purpose. My daughter has been a good girl since she was a child, what her father and I say is what she says, how could she be so disobedient and run away from home on purpose to scare us?"

Ge Fang's father said: "That's right, our family Xiaofang has been obedient since she was a child, she will do whatever we say, she would never dare to scare us like this, so she will run away from home, which is the excuse of those incompetent police officers. The remarks have now been confirmed that our Xiaofang was killed by the bad guys."

Ge Fang's sister-in-law said, "Comrade police officer, we are very suspicious of that Yu Ran, he is not a good person, I beg you to investigate him strictly and stop being perfunctory to us..."

At this moment, Ge Fang's family members all felt that the murderer must be Yu Ran. Judging from their firm appearance, they could also see how hateful and rascal Yu Ran was back then.

Lin Chen's eyes swept over Ge Fang's family, and after they calmed down a little, he said, "Do you know where Yu Ran's hometown is?"

· · Flowers · ·

Ge Fang's brother said, "Our police investigation said that it was in a county in another province."

Ge Fang's brother said the name of the county, and Lin Chen searched in his memory and found that the county where Yu Rang's hometown was located was quite far from Xuanbei County.

Lin Chen said to them: "Judging from Ge Fang's body and the burial site, Ge Fang should have been killed in that forest at the time, which means that the forest was the first crime scene."

"From your remarks, we also know that Ge Fang dislikes Yu Ran, and hates and fears him. It is assumed that Yu Ran took revenge on Ge Fang on the day she left home, but Why did he bring Ge Fang to a reservoir in Xuanbei County more than [-] kilometers away?"


"If you are plotting against Ge Fang, the best way is to find an unmanned rental house, or a nearby remote place, commit a crime against her, and go to Xuanbei County, which is more than [-] kilometers away. This is difficult. big."

Lin Chen's voice was calm and continued: "First of all, if Yu Ruo must ensure that Ge Fang does not cry, does not make trouble, and does not shout, and secondly, if Yu Ruo must have a car of his own, he can take Ge Fang to Xuanbei safely and conveniently. County to come."

"But the most crucial question is, why did he come all the way to a small reservoir in Xuanbei County to commit a crime against Ge Fang? Is it because he has a special hobby in the forest? There are everywhere in the forest, completely There is no need to go to Xuanbei County thankfully."

After listening to Lin Chen's words, Ge Fang's brother had a thoughtful look on his face and asked, "Comrade police, what do you mean?"

Lin Chen looked at him and said, "If the prisoner wants to commit a crime, he will take the victim to a place he thinks is familiar and safe. If his hometown is far away from Xuanbei County, he should have never been to Xuanbei County, and he has not. People must be brought here to be killed."

"I mean, if we will investigate again, but in my judgment, it is very unlikely that he is the murderer, and the murderer should be someone else."

Ge Fang's father and mother were not as excited as they used to be, but they still stuck to their horns and begged Lin Chen to investigate Yu Ran well. .


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Regarding the pleas of Ge Fang's parents, Lin Chen said that there was no problem, and he would not investigate Yu Ran in a perfunctory manner and give them an answer.

Seeing that Lin Chen agreed, Ge Fang's parents expressed their gratitude to Lin Chen with a serious face, not like they were fooling them.

After saying a few words, Lin Chen said, "Apart from those colleagues in the western restaurant, how many other friends does Ge Fang have?"

Ge Fang's father said: "Not many. I told Xiaofang in our family to be cautious when making friends. You must never make friends who are not three or four."

Ge Fang's mother said: "Comrade police officers, all my daughter's friends have been searched, and they all say they have never seen my daughter... Do you want me to give you their contact information, you can contact them again, and then ask ask?"

Hearing this, Lin Chen waved his hand slightly, and said, "No need, if you want to ask "five-eighty", you will also ask in person. You can only hear their voices on the phone. Even if there is something tricky, you can't ask anything."

Zheng Yong on the side asked them: "Are you sure you and Ge Fang have no conflict? For example, did anything unpleasant happen when she was away from home?"

Zheng Yong's mother said: "Comrade police, how many times do you want us to say it, no, really no, my daughter has been obedient since she was a child, she listens to us very much, she is also very filial to us, how could there be any conflict between us and her? ."

Ge Fang's sister-in-law said, "Xiao Fang gets along very well with us, not to mention her parents. She and I have no conflict."

Zheng Yong heard the words and nodded, and now he can be sure that Ge Fang has a very good relationship with his family.

"It shouldn't be Yu Ran who killed Ge Fang, and it's impossible for Ge Fang to run away from home because of anger...but...why did Ge Fang come to Xuanbei County and go to that reservoir?" Li Guo muttered. stand up.

When he came to the county public security bureau before, Li Guo took the information of the suspect who had withdrawn from the group, went to the technical department, and gave the information to the staff of the technical department, he came here and listened to Lin Chen the whole time. The content of the conversation between Zheng Yong and Ge Fang's family.

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