"Yes." Zheng Yong, Director Zheng said with a puzzled expression after hearing Li Guo's words: "Ge Fang and her family said she would go out with her colleagues to play, but her colleagues were all at work, and no one went out with them, that is, Said, Ge Fang lied at the beginning, she didn't want to go out to play with her colleagues, there was another reason, then why did she lie?"

Shen Yue also muttered: "What is the reason for her lying to her family? Why does she lie to her if she listens to her family so much?"

Ge Fang's brother nodded and said in agreement, "Yeah, my sister has been obedient since she was a child, and she didn't dare to lie to us. Why did she lie to us and say she went out with her colleagues?"

When Ge Fang's brother said this, his eyes suddenly lit up, and he said, "Comrade police, you said, my sister lied to us at the time. Could she have any difficulties? For example, she was coerced into lying?"

"Who would force Xiaofang to lie to us?" Ge Fang's father covered his forehead with one hand, eyes half-open, looking very tired.

The reception room gradually became quiet.

Ge Fang, a good girl, why did she lie to her family at that time?Why did she come to Xuanbei County and go to that reservoir?

These two questions are entangled in the hearts of everyone.

If Ge Fang was still alive, this wouldn't be a problem at all, but now she's a rotting corpse that can't speak, these simple questions have become puzzles.

While everyone was thinking in silence, Lin Chen on the side said lightly, "Ge Fang will lie to her family, and she will come to Xuanbei County for no reason. There are two possibilities."

Lin Chen's words were not loud, but the reception room was very quiet, and his small voice made everyone hear it clearly.

Everyone is still worried about these two issues. After hearing what Lin Chen said, everyone's eyes turned to Lin Chen.

"Two possibilities?" Ge Fang's father stared at Lin Chen eagerly, and asked, "Comrade police officer, which two possibilities are you talking about?"

Ge Fang's mother, brother and sister-in-law were all extremely curious.

"It's simple and easy to think about."

After Lin Chen said this, You continued: "The first possibility, which is also relatively common, is that Ge Fang is in love, but she dare not tell you that she asked for leave to be with a female colleague more than a month ago. Going out to play is just a remark to reassure you."

"Actually, the real reason for her to go out is to enjoy a couple of days with her boyfriend. For her boyfriend, for a few days with her boyfriend, she chose to lie to you..."

As soon as Lin Chen's remarks came out, Ge Fang's mother immediately refuted it.

She said to Lin Chen, "Impossible, comrade police officer, it's impossible. My daughter will definitely tell us first if she wants to fall in love. She doesn't dare to fall in love secretly."

"Don't you dare to fall in love secretly?" After Lin Chen heard the words, he smiled and said, "Young people nowadays are crazy, Ge Fang is a good girl in your eyes, listen to your words, maybe in her heart, It's a completely different character."

Ge Fang's brother shook his head and said firmly to Lin Chen, "Comrade police officer, I am also a young man. I know that young people are crazy for love, but my sister, she is definitely not in a relationship."

Immediately, Ge Fang's brother told Lin Chen and the others why he was so firm that Ge Fang did not fall in love secretly.

Ge Fang has always been a good girl since she was a child, and she obeyed her parents' arrangements. Her parents told her to go east, but she would not go west.

Because Ge Fang looks good and has a good figure, Ge Fang's parents are also very strict with her in terms of love.

They expressed their attitude to Ge Fang, and it is okay to talk about a boyfriend, but as soon as there is a sign, they will tell them at the first moment of 2.2, they think that the boy's appearance, conditions, and family are acceptable before they can continue their relationship. .

The idea that Ge Fang's parents instilled in Ge Fang is that the most precious thing for a girl is the first time. Even if you talk about a boyfriend, you can't have premarital sex, and you must leave the first time after marriage.

If it is the first time for the other half when you get married, then he will love you even more.

Ge Fang's parents not only told Ge Fang like this, but also checked Ge Fang's mobile phone and asked Ge Fang's colleagues.

Under their 'care', you can pat your chest to assure that Ge Fang has never talked about her boyfriend secretly.

Ge Fang's brother looked at Lin Chen: "Comrade police officer, the first possibility you mentioned doesn't exist, what is the second possibility?".


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Lin Chen said that Ge Fang, a good girl, lied to her family. There are two possibilities. The first possibility is that she secretly talked about a boyfriend, and she went out with a boyfriend a month ago.

This has been denied by Ge Fang's family.

With their level of 'care' for Ge Fang, Ge Fang had absolutely no chance to fall in love secretly.

The first possibility was denied, and these relatives of Ge Fang naturally wanted to know what the second possibility Lin Chen was about to say was.

Zheng Yong, Li Guo, Shen Yue and others also looked at Lin Chen, waiting for Lin Chen to speak.

Under the expectant gaze of everyone, Lin Chen said, "The second possibility is not difficult to think of. The reason why Ge Fang lied is to avoid you."

Ge Fang's parents, brother and sister-in-law were all stunned after hearing Lin Chen's words.

Ge Fang's father pointed to his nose and asked uncertainly: "Comrade police, you... What did you say, Xiaofang lied to us to avoid us?"

"That's right." Lin Chen nodded.

"We are Xiaofang's relatives, what did Xiaofang do to avoid us? Why should she avoid us?" Ge Fang's mother shook her head and said.

"Comrade police, we and my sister don't even have a conflict, why is she running away from us?" Ge Fang's brother also said.

These family members of Ge Fang were fans of the authorities and felt that the second possibility that Lin Chen said was a bit nonsense. The family had such a good relationship with Ge Fang, how could there be any thoughts of escaping.

As for Shen Yue, Zheng Yong, Li Guo and others, they nodded slightly, and understood some of the meaning of what Lin Chen said.

Faced with the disapproval of Ge Fang's family, Lin Chen just smiled and continued: "It is true that you and Ge Fang have a very good relationship, Ge Fang is a good girl and very obedient, it stands to reason that it is impossible for her to There are thoughts of escaping from you."

"However, from what you said, I can hear that you completely take Ge Fang as a puppet, she will do whatever she wants, and she will obey whatever you say to her. Without her own power to call the shots, she can't call the shots herself, and she has to obey your arrangements and decisions."

Lin Chen's eyes swept across the faces of Ge Fang's parents, and said, "When Ge Fang was a child, you treated her as a marionette, and it was fine to be strict with her, but when she grew up, she had her own Independent thinking, you still manage her like that, and don't let her have the right to follow her own ideas..."

Before Lin Chen could finish his words, Ge Fang's mother interrupted him and said earnestly, "Comrade police, we are strict with Xiaofang, that's for her good."

"Parents in the world are all for the good of their children." Lin Chen said to Ge Fang's mother: "But there must be a degree of strict management. If you don't say anything else, just talk about Ge Fang's relationship, you guys Let her tell you as soon as she has any signs of it, if you don't like each other, you must immediately cut off contact with him and can no longer communicate."

"Do you think you have respected Ge Fang's personal thoughts? Maybe she thinks a certain boy is good, although he has no money, but she is willing to fight with that boy, but with your words, she has to fight with that boy. Say goodbye, even if Ge Fang really likes him."

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