"It's not wrong to be strict with children. Every parent has this right, but it's not certain what results will be brought about if the control is too strict."

Lin Chen said: "In your hearts, you think Ge Fang is very obedient and a good girl. Under your rules, she takes every step happily, but maybe in her heart, she doesn't like what you do to her at all. She wants to go according to her own ideas, she doesn't want your arrangement, but she can't resist you."

"Perhaps, the reason why Ge Fang went out more than a month ago was that she wanted to escape from you, separate from you for a few days, and enjoy an unfettered life alone."

"But you are too strict with her, and you won't want her to go out alone, so she lied to you and said that another female colleague would also go with her. It will be safer with two girls, and you will also agreed."

"As for what you said just now that Ge Fang lied to you, was it coerced by others? It's completely impossible. Ge Fang has already returned home, what else can others coerce her? Won't you tell you, or call the police?"

"You have also said that Ge Fang was very happy before leaving home, which proves that she was happy when she went out, so the second possibility I mentioned is still quite possible. She lied and went out just because she wanted to. Hiding leisurely and making decisions by myself for a few days, but during this trip, an accident happened."

After Lin Chen's remarks, Ge Fang's parents, brother and sister-in-law all fell silent.

Lin Chen's tone was not heavy, but his words were profound, which made them think about whether they were too strict with Ge Fang.

Zheng Yong touched his chin and said, "I think Mr. Lin's second point of analysis is very reasonable. Ge Fang lied to go out, which should be the reason. A person is too strict at home, and he will also think about going out. Breathable."

Li Guo glanced at Zheng Yong: "Yes, the second possibility is very high. Ge Fang wanted to go out to breathe and travel for a few days, but on the way to travel, he encountered a murderer and caused a tragedy."

Shen Yue looked at Ge Fang's father and mother, and said softly, "My parents are also very strict with me and my sister, but not to your level. When they grow up, they all respect my and my sister's ideas. , is just giving us advice on the side, if a person has no ideas of his own, everything has to be arranged by others, which is very scary."

Ge Fang's father and mother looked at each other, then looked at their son and daughter-in-law, Ge Fang's mother said with a trembling voice, "If...if...if it's really what you said, doesn't it mean... ...We killed Xiaofang?"

Ge Fang's father was also excited, and his breathing began to be rapid.

Seeing this, Lin Chen said, "Ge Fang can't speak anymore. What is the reason why she lied to go out, only she knows. What I'm saying now is just making some speculations based on the current situation."

Lin Chen's words contained some consolation to them.

After all, if Ge Fang really traveled for that reason and had an accident on the way, Ge Fang's parents would still be directly responsible.

Ge Fang's parents were silent, and her brother and sister-in-law looked at each other, not knowing what to say for a while.

Lin Chen said a few more words to them, learned about the other situation, and then turned around and walked out of the reception room.

Zheng Yong and Li Guo followed Lin Chen and walked out together. .


1062 Investigation direction 【Subscribe】

After walking out of the reception room, Li Guo said to Lin Chen, "Mr. Lin, I think Ge Fang's parents have a problem with Ge Fang's education. They are too strict with her, and she will appear in Xuanbei. County, it should be with the mentality of walking around and playing around, and it has encountered an accident."

Zheng Yong said: "Nine times out of ten this is the case."

As Lin Chen walked, he said: "Why did Ge Fang lie and leave home, this reason is important and important, but it is not important if she is not important, if she left because of the murderer, this is important, if it is the reason I speculated , being killed while traveling, it doesn't matter that much."

"It now seems that Ge Fang lied and left home, just wanting to go out for a few days of leisure. Now our investigation direction, we don't have to worry about why she lied and went out, we will investigate according to Ge Fang was killed on the way. And see if she knows anyone in Xuanbei County."

Li Guo nodded and said, "Well, now the direction of Ge Fang's investigation has been determined."

After determining the direction of the investigation, the next step is to carry out the investigation along this direction.

Li Guo first separated from Lin Chen and the others, and organized some police officers to investigate according to the direction that Ge Fang was killed during the trip.

To investigate this direction, you can first investigate Ge Fang's ID card to buy tickets, but Xuanbei County and his hometown are only more than [-] kilometers away. In the same city, you don't have to show your ID card when buying tickets.

There may not be anything found on the ticket purchase record of Ge Fang's ID card, otherwise the local police station could have found the ticket that Ge Fang bought to Xuanbei County during the investigation at that time.

Moreover, Ge Fang may have come here by hitchhiking, which is even more impossible to find out.

As for checking the surveillance video around Xuanbei County and finding out Ge Fang's figure, this is not easy.

First, I don't know which day Ge Fang came.

Second, the surveillance video in urban and suburban areas is not so clear.

Third, it was even more difficult to find Ge Fang in the unclear and numerous surveillance videos.

Those police officers who received this task felt a lot of pressure and worried that after hard work, they had not achieved the slightest gain.

After Li Guo went to instruct those, Zheng Yong invited Lin Chen to drink tea in his office, but Lin Chen refused.

Anyway, there was still some time before Lin Chen walked towards the interrogation room where Zhou Dakai was interrogated.

On the way there, Shen Yue said to Lin Chen, "Boss, Ge Fang's phone was turned off after she left home, and she never turned it on again. You said she turned it off by herself, don't you want to contact her parents?"

After Lin Chen heard what Shen Yue asked, he said lightly: "It is very unlikely that she will turn off the phone by herself. After all, even if she wants to be alone for a few days and walk around, it is impossible to turn off the phone, parents. How worried will her parents be if she can't be reached, and how will they scold her when she goes back? Ge Fang won't turn off her phone by herself. She turned off her phone shortly after she went out, there must be other reasons."

"Other reasons?" Shen Yue muttered: "What other reasons could it be?"

Lin Chen said: "For example, if the mobile phone was stolen by a thief, she would not have time to buy a new mobile phone and SIM card for a while."

After Shen Yue heard the words, she said, "This is really possible. After all, the last place Shen Yue's mobile phone signal appeared was on a street. Her mobile phone might have been stolen by a thief, and she would not find it for a while."

During the conversation, Lin Chen and Shen Yue had come to the interrogation room where Zhou Dakai was.

At this moment, this interrogation room is still quite lively. In addition to Zhou Dakai, there are two other men who are being interrogated in the interrogation room.

After Lin Chen and the others came in, these two men raised their heads and glanced at Lin Chen, then lowered their heads deeply.

Lin Chen looked at the two men with unfamiliar faces, and noticed that one of the men had many fresh scars.

Those fresh scars seemed to be scratched by thorns and branches.

Needless to say, this man must have been the guy with Zhou Dakai last night. The injuries on his body were left in that forest.

The interrogating policeman walked up to Lin Chen and said to Lin Chen, "After Zhou Dakai was brought in, we quickly asked the members of the fish-stealing gang from his mouth. These two guys came to the Public Security Bureau to surrender themselves. There is another person in this gang, who is unwilling to turn himself in and has already run away with his luggage."

Hearing the words of the interrogating police officer, Lin Chen couldn't help but glance at the two men.

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