These two guys are still very smart. After knowing that Zhou Dakai was arrested, their activities could no longer be hidden, so they took the initiative to surrender themselves. The crimes they committed were not particularly serious. , and a commutation of his sentence.

And the guy who ran away with his luggage without a brain was really stupid. He didn't turn himself in and didn't say anything, and he was accused of absconding in fear of crime. This kind of behavior might add another year or two to him. Sentence.

While they were happy that the two guys had surrendered, the police were also a little disappointed, that is, according to the preliminary interrogation and their performance, there was nothing to do with their group, the death of Ge Fang, or the death of the old man in the reservoir. relation.

After the interrogating police told Lin Chen this in a low voice, Lin Chen nodded slightly, indicating that he knew about the situation.

Lin Chen stepped forward and said to the three of them, "...raise your head."

After hearing Lin Chen's words, the three immediately raised their heads and looked at Lin Chen with trembling expressions.

"From the interrogation records, I don't seem to have asked you about 5 o'clock in the evening the day before yesterday, where are you?" Lin Chen said to the three of Zhou Dakai's gang.

At 5 o'clock in the evening the day before yesterday, it was the death time of Fangdongshan, the old man of the reservoir.

Zhou Dakai said: (Li Qianzhao) "It was 5 o'clock in the evening the day before yesterday... At that time, I seemed to... I seemed to be helping my mother chop wood at home, and my mother could testify for me."

The other two men said: "Comrade police, we just stole fish and didn't kill people. We were both on the street at 5 o'clock the night before yesterday. We still remember the route we walked. The surveillance on the street can testify for us."

Lin Chen asked again, "Why is it so coincidental, Zhou Dakai, there is a female corpse buried beside your escape route?"

Zhou Dakai said: "We really don't know this, when you were chasing us, we thought we found out that we were going to steal fish, so we ran around in the woods, we didn't know the route at all, just where to go and where to go. ."

Another man said: "Yeah, we just ran around and we didn't know there was a body buried there."

Lin Chen took out a photo: "Have you seen this person.".


1063 Where have you seen it [2 more for subscription]

The photo Lin Chen took out was naturally the photo of the deceased Ge Fang.

When investigating Ge Fang, in addition to the surveillance on the road and the use of ID cards, asking if anyone has seen her is also an important direction to look for.

This photo in Lin Chen's hands was provided by Ge Fang's parents. In the photo, Ge Fang is young and beautiful. Although he wears light makeup, it does not make people feel enchanting. The photo is also a frontal photo. Ge Fang's facial features, Showed clearly.

After the two men heard Lin Chen's words, their eyes immediately turned to the photo in Lin Chen's hand.

The two of them stared at Ge Fang in the photo for a few seconds, then shook their heads and said, "I don't know, I haven't seen this person before."

Lin Chen took out the photo and just checked it out at random. He didn't have any hope that the three had met Ge Fang.

"I'll take a look..." Zhou Dakai on the side, he was sitting far away, and after seeing Lin Chen read it to his two companions, he opened his mouth and said something.

Seeing this, Lin Chen took two steps towards Zhou Dakai, and stretched out the hand holding Ge Fang's photo in front of Zhou Dakai.

Lin Chen didn't have any hope for Zhou Dakai either. Xuanbei County said that it was not big, and that 650 was not too small. Ge Fang only came to Xuanbei County to play, and not many people met her. After meeting her, she still remembers. Her appearance is even more rare.

After all, if you pass someone on the road, it is impossible to remember the other person's appearance at a glance. Some people with prosopagnosia can't remember them even if they look at each other for a while.

Lin Chen stretched out his hand in front of Zhou Dakai, and after showing him the photo for a few seconds, he retracted his hand and turned to leave.

In Zhou Dakai's three people, there is no valuable clues, and we have to investigate from other aspects.

But just when Lin Chen turned around and was about to leave, Zhou Dakai's voice suddenly rang: "Wait a minute, Comrade Police, give me a second look."

When Lin Chen heard Zhou Dakai's words, he immediately turned his head and glanced at Zhou Dakai.

Listening to Zhou Dakai's tone, it seems that he has seen Ge Fang?

Zheng Yong, Shen Yue and others, after hearing that Zhou Dakai said that he would take a second look, all became slightly interested and wanted to see what Zhou Dakai had to say.

Lin Chen took a step back and showed the photo in his hand in front of Zhou Dakai again.

(bbcf) Lin Chen looked at Zhou Dakai's eyes and said, "Look carefully, have you seen this girl before?"

Zhou Dakai looked attentively, and after watching it for a few more seconds, his emotions became slightly agitated.

He raised his head and said to Lin Chen, "Comrade police officer, I seem to have seen this girl, I seem to have seen her."

Zhou Dakai's voice echoed in this interrogation room, so that everyone in the interrogation room could hear it clearly.

"Have you seen the girl in the photo?" Zheng Yong looked at Zhou Dakai suspiciously, thinking that it shouldn't be so coincidental, because Zhou Dakai escaped, Lin Chen found Ge Fang's body in the woods, Zhou Dakai still saw Have you ever been to Ge Fang?

"Yes, I have seen it, I should have seen it." Zhou Dakai seemed a little excited, but his words were not very sure.

"Where have you seen it?" Lin Chen asked.

Zhou Dakai didn't think much about it, and said, "I went to repair a motorcycle in a motorcycle shop. This girl was in the motorcycle shop at the time. She and the motorcycle repairer seemed to know each other."

"How long ago did you see her in the motorcycle repair shop?" Lin Chen asked Zhou Dakai again.

"This...this...let me think about it..." Zhou Dakai tilted his head with a thoughtful expression on his face.

Lin Chen, Zheng Yong and other police officers looked at Zhou Dakai, waiting for his reply.

Ge Fang has been dead for more than a month. If Zhou Dakai saw the girl in the motorcycle repair shop within a month, he must have misread it. Within a month, Ge Fang was still in that forest. Inside, how could it appear in the motorcycle repair shop, and also meet the maintenance master.

After waiting for Zhou Dakai to mutter for more than ten seconds, Zhou Dakai said: "If I remember correctly, it should have been a month ago. This girl is very beautiful. I looked at her a few times, so I still have an impression of her."

Hearing Zhou Dakai's words, Zheng Yong and the others looked at each other with a little joy in their eyes.

A month ago, when Ge Fang was not killed, the girl in the motorcycle repair shop that Zhou Dakai saw was probably Ge Fang.

Ge Fang came from out of town. The police didn't know if she had any friends in Xuanbei County. Now this drunk criminal Zhou Dakai may have to help a lot.

"Are you sure the girl you saw is the one in the photo?" Zheng Yong asked Zhou Dakai.

Zhou Dakai scratched his head and said, "This, I don't remember it very clearly. Anyway, the girl I saw in the motorcycle repair shop was very similar to this one."

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