Lin Chen turned his head to a police officer next to him and said, "Go and get all the other photos of Ge Fang."

"Okay." The police officer agreed, and immediately trotted to get the other photos provided by Ge Fang's parents.

More than a minute later, the police officer ran back, and he handed Lin Chen a stack of photos.

Lin Chen showed the stack of photos in front of Zhou Dakai, and said to him, "Look at these photos to make sure if it's her."

Zhou Dakai thought that if he could help Lin Chen and the others, he couldn't be blamed and made meritorious deeds. After nodding forcefully, he looked at Ge Fang's other photos carefully.

After reading these photos, Zhou Dakai was a little more confident, he said: "I only saw one photo just now, I'm not sure, after seeing these photos, I can be sure that a month ago, I was on a motorcycle The girl I saw in the repair shop was her, yes, it was her."

After seeing Zhou Dakai's affirmation, Zheng Yong and the others were naturally happy.

An important clue came to the surface after Lin Chen casually showed them the photos.

Lin Chen said: "Tell me about the situation at that time."

When Zhou Dakai heard the words, he immediately told Lin Chen and Zheng Yong about it.

One day a month ago, Zhou Dakai's motorcycle exhaust pipe had some problem, so he rode his motorcycle and went to repair it.

He rode the motorcycle to a nearby motorcycle repair shop and asked the repairman to help him repair it.

He stood at the door waiting for the mechanic to come out. While checking the condition of the car, a girl wearing red short sleeves and shorts came out of the back room of the repair shop.

As soon as this stylish, beautiful and tall girl appeared, he immediately caught Zhou Dakai's attention. He looked at the girl twice and remembered her. .


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After Zhou Dakai took a few glances at the girl, the girl walked past him with a fragrance on her body.

Zhou Dakai still reminisces about the smell of that perfume, that special smell, coupled with the girl's young and beautiful appearance, and the pair of beautiful legs she wore in short shorts, it really made him see it, and he had the urge to commit a crime.

However, if there is an impulse, there is an impulse, and Zhou Dakai just thinks about it in his heart and does not dare to act.

At that time, when the girl came out of the motorcycle repair shop, there was a car mechanic behind her. The car mechanic was talking to the girl, and the two seemed to know each other.

After the girl walked out of the motorcycle shop, the girl said goodbye to the mechanic, then turned around and walked in one direction.

Zhou Dakai told the car mechanic that he came to repair the car by himself, and there was a problem with the exhaust pipe, let him take a look.

But the car mechanic just heard what he said, as if he remembered something, he said to Zhou Dakai: "Wait a minute, there are still people inside, let him repair it for you."

After the car mechanic finished speaking, he dropped Zhou Dakai and chased in the direction the girl left.

At that time, Zhou Dakai saw the figure of the car mechanic chasing after him, and scolded a womanizer in his mouth, because a beautiful girl didn't even repair the motorcycle, what was the matter.

It was another car mechanic who came out of the back room to help Zhou Dakai fix the exhaust pipe problem of the motorcycle.

Because the girl was beautiful, dressed sexy, and the car mechanic ran up to chase the girl and didn't help him repair the car, Zhou Dakai always remembered this matter.

After listening to what Zhou Dakai said, a police officer said, "That is to say, Ge Fang and the car mechanic who didn't repair the car for you got to know each other."

"Yes, they know each other." Zhou Dakai nodded.

Zheng Yong asked, "How long did it take for the car mechanic who knew Ge Fang to come back after he went after Ge Fang?"

Zhou Dakai sneered and said: "That guy didn't even do his job to pick up girls. Another car mechanic helped me repair the exhaust pipe for at least half an hour. Anyway, when I left that motorcycle repair shop, That horny guy hasn't come back yet."

What Zhou Dakai said is another useful message.

After the car mechanic went to chase after Ge Fang, he didn't come back. Could it be that he had bad thoughts on Ge Fang, and after catching up with her, he killed her?

"What time did you go to repair the motorcycle?" Lin Chen asked.

"It's like, it's about [-]:[-] noon. After lunch, I went to repair the car." Zhou Dakai said.

"Noon..." Lin Chen muttered, and then said to the police officer beside him, "Let Zhou Dakai go."

The police officer next to him immediately ran forward and turned over Zhou Dakai, who was locked in the interrogation chair.

Zhou Dakai still had handcuffs on his wrist, and Lin Chen also asked the police officer to release the handcuffs.

Zhou Dakai, who stood up from the interrogation chair and removed the handcuffs, was full of joy.

Lin Chen said to him, "Take us to the motorcycle repair shop you mentioned."

"Okay, I'll take you there now, go now." Zhou Dakai said excitedly.

When Zhou Dakai's two companions saw that Zhou Dakai had the opportunity to make meritorious service, their eyes were full of envy, and they hoped that the person who could make meritorious deeds was themselves, so that when sentencing, part of the sentence could be reduced.

Immediately, Lin Chen and his party walked outside the Public Security Bureau Building. At this moment, because of the approaching noon, the sun is rising and the temperature is already very high. In this hot weather, if you walk on the road, it is easy to suffer from heat stroke.

Zheng Yong put down what he was doing and followed Lin Chen to the motorcycle shop that Zhou Dakai said.

Several police cars were in front, and Lin Chen followed behind in a Maserati, to the motorcycle repair shop, which was about ten minutes away.

In the car, Shen Yue said a little excitedly: "Boss, I really didn't expect that Zhou Dakai from the fish-stealing gang could provide such useful clues."

"Yeah." Lin Chen also smiled lightly and said, "Because of Zhou Dakai, I found Ge Fang's body, and because of Zhou Dakai, I have valuable clues."

Lin Chen and Shen Yue chatted, because there was some traffic jam on the road, the car arrived at the motorcycle repair shop that Zhou Dakai mentioned after driving for more than ten minutes.

This motorcycle repair shop is located on the edge of the city. The location is relatively remote. There is a national road in front of the storefront. There are many vehicles coming and going, but the flow of people is not very large.

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Behind the motorcycle repair shop is a small residential building, and behind these residential buildings is a river around the city.

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