The scorching sun, the fiery sun, scorched the earth.

Lin Chen opened the car door, stretched out one leg, he paused slightly, and said to Shen Yue, "The temperature inside and outside the car is quite different now, so don't get out of the car to avoid heat stroke."

Shen Yue, who was sitting in the passenger seat, stretched out her slender, snow-white legs and said, "Boss, it's alright, don't look at me thin, I'm in good health, and I didn't have heat stroke when I caught fish all afternoon yesterday. , there will be no heat stroke now."

Seeing Shen Yue say this, Lin Chen didn't say anything else.

After the group got off the car, they walked into the motorcycle repair shop.


This motorcycle repair shop has an area of ​​nearly [-] square meters, and its business scope is the maintenance of bicycles, battery cars, and motorcycles.

In the storefront, there are various parts and tools needed for repairing the car on the ground. The ground is dark, and the entire motorcycle repair shop looks a bit disorganized.

In the corner of the storefront, there is a reclining chair, and on the reclining chair lies a shirtless man. He is lying on the reclining chair, snoring, and has fallen asleep.

After seeing the man, Li Guo said to Zhou Dakai, "Is it him?"

Zhou Dakai stared at the man who fell asleep on the reclining chair, shook his head and said, "It's not him, this is the one who repaired my car that day, and the other one went after the girl."

Li Guo immediately walked towards the man on the reclining chair. After walking to the side, he called out, "Hello, sir, I'm Li Guo, a criminal police officer from the County Public Security Bureau, sir, sir..."

At Li Guo's call, the shirtless man on the reclining chair slowly opened his eyes.

After seeing Li Guo in a police uniform, he was slightly taken aback and quickly sat up from the reclining chair.

He sat up, his eyes widened the next moment, showing a look of astonishment.

He would do this, naturally, because he saw that the store entrance was full of policemen, and so many policemen suddenly arrived, which made him very nervous.

"You... are you looking for me?" The man asked Li Guo after he recovered.

Li Guo nodded: "There is something that needs your cooperation."


1065 Several car repair masters [2 more for subscription]

After hearing Li Guo's words, the car mechanic immediately stood up from the reclining chair.

Faced with the arrival of so many police officers, even if he regained his senses, he was still nervous. In his mind, he thought about whether he had done anything illegal before the police came to him.

"Okay." The car mechanic agreed, picked up his shirt from a table, put it on quickly, and said, "If there is anything that needs my cooperation, please tell me."

Li Guo went straight to the topic and said, "How many car mechanics do you have here?"

The car mechanic asked back: "Are you asking before or now?"

Li Guodao: "Now."

The car mechanic replied: "There are three car mechanic in our shop now, one of them has taken a long vacation, the other is off today, and now I am the only one in the shop." "[-]"

Li Guo asked, "Are you the owner of this auto repair shop?"

The car mechanic replied: "No, all three of us car mechanic are here to work, and the boss is someone else. Why, are you looking for our boss?"

"I don't need to find your boss for the time being." After Li Guo said this, he turned around, pointed to Zhou Dakai over there, and asked the car mechanic, "Do you remember him?"

The car mechanic's gaze immediately turned towards Zhou Dakai. Zhou Dakai saw that he had his eyes on him, and he also pointed to his nose and said, "Remember me? A month ago, I came here. You have repaired the exhaust pipe in your shop, and it took more than half an hour to repair it, and you also said that the quality of my motorcycle is really bad, so don’t buy that brand of motorcycle in the future.”

The car mechanic stared at Zhou Dakai, and after hearing what he said, his eyes immediately showed a sudden look.

He nodded and said, "Oh, it's you, remember, remember you, it's only been a month, my memory is not that bad..."

When he said this, the car mechanic's tone paused slightly, and hesitantly asked: "Why... these policemen... are you brought?"

The car mechanic pondered in his heart that he did his duty to repair the car at the time, and did not charge him more money, because so many policemen were recruited for the repair of the car, it was impossible, right?

"It's like this, do you remember, when I came to repair the car a month ago, a car mechanic came out first, and there was a pretty girl in front of him." Zhou Dakai said: "Then The car mechanic didn't fix the car for me, he ran after the beautiful girl after he came out, and then you came out to fix the car for me, remember?"

The car mechanic thought for a moment, nodded and said, "The one you are talking about is Xiao Dong, right? Are you here to find Xiao Dong?"

Li Guo said to the car repair master, "Do you have a photo of that Xiao Dong? Let him confirm it."

Although the car mechanic was full of doubts, he still took out his mobile phone and said that he had a picture of Xiao Dong in his mobile phone.

Soon, the car mechanic found Xiao Dong's photo, put the phone in front of Zhou Dakai, and within a second or two, Zhou Dakai raised his head and said, "That's right, it's him, I know that girl, It was him who went after the girl after the girl left."

After seeing that Zhou Dakai was determined to be the little Dong, a police officer asked the car mechanic, "What is this little Dong's full name?"

The car mechanic replied, "My full name is Dong Zhengcai."

After saying Xiao Dong's name, the car mechanic frowned and asked, "Comrade police, you are here so many people, are you looking for Xiao Dong?"

"That's right." Li Guo said with a serious face, "Where is Dong Zhengcai now?"

The car mechanic showed a look of embarrassment on his face, and he said: "Comrade police, I just said that there are three car mechanics in the shop, one is off today, and the other is on a long vacation. I said that the person who took a long vacation, It's Xiao Dong."

"Dong Zhengcai took a long vacation?" Li Guo became more and more suspicious of this Dong Zhengcai.

"Yes." The car mechanic nodded.

Li Guo asked, "When did Dong Zhengcai take the long vacation, and why did he take the leave?"

The car mechanic scratched his head and said, "He's been asking for leave a lot since then, every three days. He seemed to be sick some time ago. I don't know the reason. Dong, what's the matter?"

Li Guodao: "Don't worry about what we are looking for, just tell us what you know."

After ordering this sentence, Li Guo went on to ask: "Do you still remember a month ago, when Dakai came to repair the car this week, at the car repair shop, the beautiful girl that Dong Zhengcai knew was wearing a red top and a super-high lower body. The girl in the shorts . . ”

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