The car mechanic smiled and said, "I remember the person who came to repair the car, and naturally I remember that girl."

"Okay." Li Guo said a good word and asked, "What is the relationship between that girl who dresses very fashionably and Dong Zheng? Do you know them both?"

"Their relationship." The car mechanic replied, "It seems like they just met by chance."

Li Guo asked, "Meet by chance? How do you say it?"

The car mechanic had a look of recollection on his face and said, "The day before the girl showed up at our car repair shop, Xiao Dong drove the boss's car to the parts wholesale market in another county to buy some urgently needed car parts. After Xiao Dong drove back the boss's car, the girl got out of Xiao Dong's car."

Hearing what the car mechanic said, Shen Yue glanced at Lin Chen.

It seems that, as speculated, Ge Fang came to Xuanbei County from the county where her hometown is located. She did not take a car, but bought a ticket that would leave a record. She came to Xuanbei County by someone else's car , so the police couldn't find her ID card usage record.

Seeing that the car mechanic paused for a while, Li Guo urged, "Go on."

The car mechanic continued: "I was in the shop at the time, and when I saw Xiao Dong coming back in the boss's car, I went out and prepared to remove the parts from the trunk together. I was also surprised when the beautiful girl with 2.7 stepped out of the car."

"Xiao Dong has always been single. When I saw that girl came back with him, I thought it was Xiao Dong's secret girlfriend. I pointed at that girl and asked Xiao Dong, who was that girl and whether it was him? girlfriend."

"Xiao Dong was a little embarrassed by what I said. He glanced at the girl and said that it was not his girlfriend, but that girl's mobile phone was stolen by a thief. He happened to be on the way, so he asked her to take a ride and drive her back. ."

"I heard Xiao Dong say that the girl is not his girlfriend, I still feel a little pity, what a beautiful girl."


PS: Brothers, it’s New Year’s Eve, I’m getting married in the first month, I’m very busy now, I don’t have time to code, please forgive me if the update is slow, I will update more when I get married, thank you brothers for your support. .


1066 Narration of the car mechanic 【Subscription】

The car mechanic still had memories on his face, and said, "The girl also explained to me that they were not boyfriends, but that her mobile phone was stolen by a thief, and she happened to meet Xiao Dong. She came to Xuanbei County with her."

"I heard her accent at the time, and it didn't look like we were from Xuanbei County, so I asked her what she was doing in Xuanbei County, and she told me that she came to visit relatives in Xuanbei County."

"I went to the car to move those parts. The girl said she had a stomachache and wanted to use the toilet. Then Xiao Dong said that there was a toilet in the store. He took the girl and went into the store to use the toilet."

Li Guo asked, "Did you follow up when they walked into the store to use the toilet? Did you hear what they said?"

The car mechanic said: "Xiao Dong took the girl into the toilet, but I didn't go in. There are still a lot of things in the car that need to be moved out and unloaded. After they enter, I will move things from the car to the store. , I thought Xiao Dong would immediately come out and move with me after taking the girl into the toilet."

"But he never came out. In the back room of the store, I didn't think he was lazy at the time. After all, the girl is beautiful and Xiao Dong is single. It's normal for him to want to meet her 11 times more."

"After I got everything out of the car, I went into the back room to wash my hands, and saw Xiao Dong and the girl fighting there."

"Fighting?" Zheng Yong asked: "What are they fighting for? There was a dispute?"

"No." The car mechanic explained, "It wasn't that there was a dispute, it was the girl who wanted to give Xiao Dong money. Didn't she come back in Xiao Dong's car, so she took [-] yuan and gave it to Xiao Dong, Said to make up for him a little bit of gas money."

"Xiao Dong didn't want the one hundred yuan, the girl insisted on giving it to him, and the two of them politely fought over there."

Zheng Yong nodded when he heard this.

Li Guo asked, "And then what?"

The car mechanic said: "After the scramble, Xiao Dong still didn't receive the money, the girl said thank you to Xiao Dong, and then said she was leaving, and went outside. My hands are dirty. , I was still washing, so I didn't follow me out."

The car mechanic didn't follow him out at the time, but the situation outside can already be known from Zhou Dakai.

All in all, it was Ge Fang who hitchhiked by Dong Zhengcai and came to Xuanbei County.

After getting off the bus, she had a stomachache and went in to go to the toilet. When Ge Fang went to the toilet, Dong Zhengcai had been in the back room of the store and did not come out.

At that time, Dong Zhengcai and Ge Fang had said something in the back room, and only they themselves knew.

When the car mechanic finished moving things and went into the back room to wash his hands, he saw that they had a little polite argument over the money for the car oil. Ge Fang wanted to give a hundred oil money, and Dong Zhengcai faced the beauty and was embarrassed to accept it. In the end, Dong Zhengcai did not accept the one hundred yuan.

When the car mechanic went in to wash his hands, Zhou Dakai, who had a problem with the motorcycle exhaust pipe, came. Zhou Dakai saw Ge Fang and Dong Zhengcai coming out.

After Ge Fang and Dong Zhengcai waved goodbye, turned around and left, Dong Zhengcai, who was still in a hurry, ignored Zhou Dakai who wanted to repair the car, and quickly chased in the direction where Ge Fang left.

After Dong Zhengcai chased after him, Zhou Dakai's motorcycle was repaired by this repairman.

Zhou Dakai's motorcycle was repaired for more than half an hour. When he rode away on the motorcycle, Dong Zhengcai, who was chasing after Ge Fang, did not come back.

Combining the confessions of Zhou Dakai and this car mechanic, the situation at that time is clear, but there are still some doubts.

After asking Lin Chen's opinion, Li Guo said to the repairman: "Zhou Dakai said that after he finished repairing the motorcycle, Dong Zhengcai, who went after the girl, didn't come back. How long did it take for Dong Zhengcai to come back here? In the store?"

The question asked by Li Guo is quite critical.

Ge Fang hitchhiked with Dong Zhengcai and arrived in Xuanbei County, which was almost the day Ge Fang was killed.

Ge Fang was wearing a red top and short shorts that day. When the body was found, it was also a red top and short shorts. The summer clothes had to be changed every day because of the hot weather and sweating.

Therefore, there is a certain possibility that Ge Fang was killed on the day he arrived in Xuanbei County.

It will take some time for the forensic doctor to analyze the specific time of Ge Fang's death. When the conclusion of Ge Fang's autopsy is concluded, it will be better to determine what time of day it was a month ago.

If Ge Fang was killed on the day he arrived in Xuanbei County, and Dong Zhengcai didn't have an alibi that day, then the suspicion of Dong Zhengcai would increase.

After the car mechanic heard Li Guo's question, his face was not very good-looking, and after hesitating for a few seconds, he said, "After Xiao Dong went to chase the girl that day, he never returned to the shop. "

"What?" Li Guo and several police officers said something almost in unison, their tone was full of surprise. After the surprise, it was a surprise.

After Dong Zhengcai went after Ge Fang, he never returned to the store. If the forensic doctor confirms that Ge Fang was killed on the day he arrived in Xuanbei County...

Li Guo felt that the case had caught something crucial, and he said, "Remember, Dong Zhengcai didn't come back to the store that day after he went after that girl?"

The car mechanic seemed a little restrained by the police's reaction, he stuttered a little, and said, "I... I remember it clearly, Xiao Dong... After Xiao Dong went after that girl, he never came back. In the evening, I called him and asked him where he went, if he was picking up girls, and he said...he..."

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