Seeing the car mechanic stammering, Li Guo couldn't help but urged again: "What did he say?"

The car mechanic said: "He didn't answer whether I was going to pick up girls, he just said that he wasn't feeling well that day. At home, I asked him why he was feeling unwell and if there was anything wrong. He said it was okay, and asked me to take two days off for him, and he didn't come back to work until two days later."

In Li Guo's eyes, a bright light burst out, and he said, "In other words, after Dong Zhengcai went after that girl, not only did he not come back to work, but he also took two days off, so he didn't do anything for three days in total? "

"Yes...Yes..." The car mechanic nodded, his facial expression not very natural.

Li Guo turned his head to look at Zheng Yong and Lin Chen. Although he didn't speak, everyone heard what the car mechanic said, and they all knew it.

He didn't speak. He stood aside and looked at Li Guo and the others who were asking Lin Chen. At this time, he said, "Dong Zhengcai took two days off and came back to work, did you find anything unusual about him, that is, it's not the same as before."

The car mechanic nodded: "There is an abnormality.".


1067 Inside a rental building [2 more subscriptions]

After hearing the car mechanic say that Dong Zhengcai came back from a two-day leave and behaved abnormally, Li Guo said, "What's wrong?"

The car mechanic looked embarrassed, but still said: "It's just... I just think that Xiao Dong is a little bit restless... After two days of leave, he was completely lost, often lost in thought, and sometimes he didn't hear when he was called. , I asked him what was wrong, if he had anything on his mind, but he didn't tell me."

Li Guo and the surrounding police officers cheered up one by one. They felt that the murderer might soon surface.

Li Guodao: "After coming back that day, Dong Zhengcai began to lose his mind. What happened after that? He was still like this? How many times did he take leave after that?"

The car mechanic said: "Well, the days when he came back from leave, he was like that all day. After asking a few times and he didn't tell me, I didn't bother to ask. After that... Then he worked for a few days, I asked for leave again, and I didn’t say the specific reason, that is, I was not feeling well.”

"I am very surprised that Xiao Dong often says that he is not feeling well, because Xiao Dong used to feel strong and strong, let alone sick leave, he rarely even catches a cold. Since the beginning of time, Xiao Dong has probably...about four or five times of leave one after another, and our shop owner has an opinion on him."

With a little excitement in his tone, Li Guo asked, "Where does Dong Zhengcai live?"

The car mechanic pointed his finger in one direction and said, "It's over there, in a rental building, not far from here."

After finishing speaking, the car mechanic said again: "Comrade police, do you want me to call Xiao Dong and ask him to come over?"

"No need." Li Guo immediately waved his hand and said to the car mechanic, "Close the door of the shop and now take us to Dong Zhengcai."

"Close the store?" Hearing that the store was about to be closed, the car mechanic looked unwilling. He said, "Comrade police, you need the boss's permission to close the store, or he will deduct my salary." ."

Zheng Yong didn't want to waste time, and said, "Our county public security bureau will compensate for the loss during the closing of the store. Don't say more, take us to find that Dong Zhengcai."

When the car mechanic saw that Zheng Yong had said this, he nodded quickly: "Okay, I'll take the things outside and I'll be fine right away."

The car mechanic went to move the tools and other things that were placed outside the store. In order to speed up the speed of his closing the store, several police officers went up to the car mechanic to move them together.

Lin Chen, Zheng Yong, Li Guo and others walked out of the repair shop and came to the open space in front of the shop.

Li Guo lowered his voice and said excitedly, "Mr. Lin, Bureau Zheng, judging from the information provided by this car mechanic, that Dong Zhengcai should be the murderer of Ge Fang."

Zheng Yong, Director Zheng narrowed his eyes slightly, and said, "Dong Zhengcai went to chase Ge Fang, but he didn't come back that day. He asked for leave the next day and the third day. During the few days of leave, he had time to commit crimes. In a few days, he killed Ge Fang. After returning to work, because of the murder, he was left in a state of dismay and lost his spirit, and he often asked for leave. It was a leave of absence when he was sick. buried."

After killing someone, the murderer has an urge to return to the scene of the crime in his mind. There are different reasons for this urge.

Some murderers are afraid of not burying the body properly, so they go back to the crime scene to have a look, and clean up the places where clues will be left and the way out, so as to be safe.

Some murderers return to the crime scene because they are perverted. They kill people and feel a sense of accomplishment in their hearts. The crime scene is a battlefield that they are proud of. When they return to the scene, they can find a kind of belonging to them. pleasure.

Generally speaking, murderers with the first mentality occupy more, and those with the second mentality are almost all perverted murderers.

Zheng Yong speculated that Dong Zhengcai asked for leave repeatedly and twice because he wanted to return to the scene of the crime, which was reasonable.

After a police officer heard Zheng Yong's words, he also made his own remarks: "Zheng Bureau, we have searched around the location where Ge Fang was buried and found no suspicious footprints. If Dong Zhengcai asked for leave for serious reasons If he returns to the crime scene, he has entered many times, and he will leave some footprints that belong to him."

Lin Chen said lightly: "In the past two months, the temperature in your Xuanbei County has remained high, and there has not been a single rain during this period. Under the dry high temperature, the soil in the mountains and forests is relatively hard, and the ground is still dry. There are dead branches and weeds, and the murderer did not leave shoe prints, which may have something to do with the soil, dead branches, and weeds, or it may be because he made preparations, such as wearing shoe covers or something."

After listening to Lin Chen's explanation, the police officer nodded slightly, indicating that he understood, but he just didn't think about it.

Li Guo asked Lin Chen: "Mr. Lin, Ge Fang took Dong Zhengcai's ride to Xuanbei County. She was wearing a red top and short shorts that day, the same as what she was wearing when the body was dug up. Do you think Ge Fang arrived? He was killed that day in Xuanbei County?"

After Lin Chen heard the words, he said: "...Ge Fang came to Xuanbei County, and Dong Zhengcai's speech was to visit relatives, but she has no relatives in Xuanbei County at all, she came to play, she said to visit relatives, It is a kind of self-prevention, letting others know that I am not alone in the field, and that there are relatives in this city who can protect me."

"Ge Fang has a defensive mentality for Dong Zhengcai and the others. She can't live at his house because she met Dong Zhengcai by chance. Her ID card has no record of staying in a hotel, so Ge ​​Fang is very likely. He was killed on the day he arrived in Xuanbei County."

Li Guozheng Yong nodded his head slightly after listening to Lin Chen's analysis.

At this time, the rolling shutter door of the car repair shop was closed with a bang. After the car mechanic locked the door, he got into a police car.

Lin Chen and the others (Li Nuohao) didn't discuss anymore, they each got into their own cars and headed towards Dong Zhengcai's residence.

In the brief introduction of the car repair master, everyone knew that Dong Zhengcai was 28 years old this year. He was still single, with average family and personal conditions. He rented a rental house and made a living by the craft of repairing cars.

Soon, under the guidance of the car mechanic, the police car came to the door of a residential building.

The car mechanic pointed to the building and said, "Xiao Dong lives on the third floor."

Lin Chen raised his head, glanced at the third floor, and said, "Take us up."

The car mechanic agreed, took Lin Chen and the others, walked into the gate of the rental building together, and walked towards the third floor.


PS: The new year is coming. I wish my brothers a happy new year and all the best. I would like to thank my brothers for their continuous support for this book. I will update more in a few days, thank you. .


1068 Things in the house 【Subscription】

Dong Zhengcai lived on the third floor of the building near the stairs, and Lin Chen and the others quickly arrived at the door of Dong Zhengcai's room.

Under Lin Chen's gaze, Dong Zhengcai stretched out his hand and knocked on the door.

"Knock, Knock..."

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