Dong Zhengcai knocked on the door and said, "Xiao Dong, Xiao Dong, open the door."

After many knocks and calls, there was still no response from the door.

The car mechanic glanced at Lin Chen Li Guo and the others, and then continued to knock: "Xiao Dong, Xiao Dong, it's me, open the door, are you at home?"

The car mechanic shouted again, but there was still no response. The room was quiet, and there was no sound at all.

Li Guo glanced at Lin Chen and said, "It seems...not at home?"

Lin Chen glanced at the door and instructed, "Kick it open directly."

Li Guo agreed, and immediately asked people to kick the door open. This door was not a strong security door, and it was not difficult to kick it open.

When a sturdy police officer was kicking the door, a voice suddenly came from above the corridor: "Alas, what are you doing?"

This is the voice of a woman's 667. After hearing this voice, Lin Chen, Li Guo and others all looked towards the corridor.

I saw a fashionably dressed middle-aged woman walking downstairs with slippers on her feet.

Lin Chen looked at the woman's expression and tone of voice, and asked, "Are you the landlord?"

When the middle-aged woman saw Lin Chen's handsome face, she was slightly surprised, and then a smile appeared on her face, and said, "Yes, I am the landlord of this building."

After she finished speaking, she pointed at the police officers and asked, " have so many police officers here, what are you doing here?"

Lin Chen stretched his finger to the room and said, "Look for the resident of this room."

When the middle-aged woman saw the door that Lin Chen was pointing at, she immediately said, "Are you looking for Dong Zhengcai?"

Lin Chen looked at her and said, "Yes, we're looking for him. After knocking on the door, no one came to open the door, so I'm going to kick it open and have a look."

"Dong Zhengcai broke the law?" The middle-aged landlady was curious and a little nervous.

"It's inconvenient to tell you." Lin Chen said, "Do you have a spare key? If not, we will kick it open and you will be compensated for the economic loss of your door."

"Yes, yes, I have a spare key, don't kick the door." The landlady turned and ran upstairs, saying, "You wait for me for two minutes, and I'll get the spare key."

The landlady was still very fast. In less than a minute, she took a bunch of keys and ran downstairs in a hurry.

The landlady went to the door, looked down for the key, and said, "Wait, I'll look for it."

After finding the key, the landlady immediately took the key and opened the door of Dong Zhengcai's house.

As soon as the door opened, the landlady stepped aside wisely, Lin Chen and Li Guo walked in first, and after entering the house, they looked at the room.

The room where Dong Zhengcai lived was not large and belonged to an ordinary and cheap rental house.

On the wall of the house, there is an iron frame bed, and there is a table next to the bed. On the table are several plastic bags and buckets of instant noodles.

In another corner of the room, something was placed that caught Lin Chen's attention.

The thing that was placed in the corner was a few fishing rods and some fishing supplies.

When Ge Fang's body was dug up, the fishing line that bound Ge Fang's hands was found on Ge Fang's wrist, and a light blue fish hook storage box was dug out of the soil.

At that time, based on these two points, it was speculated that the murderer should have a hobby of fishing, and went to the reservoir where the incident occurred and fished.

Dong Zhengcai and Ge Fang were halfway similar. Ge Fang was a little wary of Dong Zhengcai and the others. After Ge Fang left, Dong Zhengcai went after her, and only returned to work in the car repair shop two (bbda) days later.

After returning to work at the car repair shop, Dong Zhengcai lost his mind. Now he found fishing gear and other things in his house. The suspicion of this guy Dong Zhengcai is really big to a certain extent. He must be arrested immediately and investigated. .

"Gloves." Lin Chen said.

The policeman behind him immediately handed a pair of gloves to Lin Chen. After Lin Chen put on the gloves, he walked towards the fishing gear placed in the corner.

Li Guo said to the car mechanic, "Does Dong Zheng have a hobby of fishing?"

The car mechanic nodded and said, "Yes, Xiao Dong likes fishing. When he was free, he often went fishing with the boss."

Hearing this, Li Guo asked again, "Has Xiao Dong been to Xiaoshan Reservoir?"

The Xiaoshan Reservoir in Li Guo's mouth was the name of the reservoir that Fang Dongshan, the old man of the reservoir, took care of.

"Xiaoshan Reservoir?" After repeating the name of the reservoir, the car mechanic nodded and said, "Well, there must be. There are only a few reservoirs in our county town. Xiao Dong and the others like fishing, and they have all been there."

When Li Guo asked about the car mechanic, the landlady who was standing outside the door couldn't help but walked in and asked Li Guo, "Comrade police, seeing your battle, Dong Zhengcai must have done something serious. Right? If he is a bad person, you should quickly arrest him. I don't rent this house to bad people, and don't let Dong Zhengcai know that I helped you open the door..."

The landlady looked very timid at first glance, for fear that the police would arrest Dong Zhengcai and involve her.

Li Guo asked her, "Are you familiar with Dong Zhengcai?"

The landlady waved her hands again and again and said, "Unfamiliar, unfamiliar, he is one of my tenants, and I am not familiar with him at all."

How could Li Guo not see the landlady's mind? He said, "We are here to investigate Dong Zhengcai. Whether you are familiar with him or not, please tell us something you know, for example, has Dong Zhengcai been doing anything recently? Unusual behavior?"

After the landlady heard Li Guo's words, she still answered without thinking: "No, no, I am not familiar with him, how can I know if he has any unusual behavior, comrade police, I am a landlord , and the tenant is just a couple of words when paying the rent."

Seeing the landlady's appearance that she didn't want to be involved in Dong Zhengcai's affairs, Li Guo couldn't help shaking her head. This kind of thing has nothing to do with the people who hang up high, even if she knows something and is afraid of extracurricular problems, she won't say it. of.

Lin Chen over there was already checking those fishing gear, and Zheng Yong also walked to Lin Chen's side.

When Li Guo turned around and was about to walk towards Lin Chen, the landlady's voice suddenly rang: "Uh... I remembered something, I don't know if it is abnormal."


1069 The same storage box [2 more for subscription]

Li Guo, who was about to walk towards Lin Chen's side, stopped quickly after hearing what the landlady said.

Li Guo turned around, looked at the landlady, and said, "You~ let's hear it."

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