The eyes of many police officers at the scene fell on the landlady's face, wanting to hear what she was going to say next-.

The landlady was watched by many policemen, she seemed a little restrained, and said: "I don't know if this is abnormal, anyway, it was a while ago. In the morning, I went downstairs to go to the vegetable market to buy vegetables. When I passed the third floor , heard the cry of a man."

"I thought something happened, so I followed the sound to find out which room it came from, and then I found out that it was Dong Zhengcai's house. Dong Zhengcai had no partner, so he lived alone, and I felt very strange to hear him cry in the house. , a big man, crying there because of something."

"Dong Zhengcai helped me repair my car twice for free before. I felt that this young man was okay. I wanted to knock on the door and ask him what was wrong and why he was crying, but I didn't knock on the door because I thought it would be better to do less. ."

After talking about the incident some time ago, the landlady asked Li Guo, "Comrade police, is this abnormal?"

Li Guo and Zheng Yong looked at each other and said, "When did you hear Dong Zhengcai cry alone in the room?"

"Some time ago." The landlady answered as a matter of course.

"Please think about it, about when." Li Guo asked him to think about what day it was.

The landlady frowned and thought about it. After thinking about it for a while, she said, "Oh, I don't have a good memory. You want me to tell you which day I heard him cry in the house. I don't think so. I really can't remember."

Li Guo changed the way of questioning: "Is it almost a month?"

The landlady thought again and said, "Well, it's not a month anyway, it's been more than [-] days. It should be within this time frame, comrade police, if I remember this time incorrectly, don't blame me."

Li Guodao: "As long as you don't provide false clues, our police will not blame you."

The landlady swore and said, "I won't lie. I really heard Dong Zhengcai crying while hiding in the house, but I don't remember the exact time."

This case has been investigated so far, from Zhou Dakai, to the car mechanic, to this landlady.

The clues provided by several of them pointed all the points at Dong Zhengcai.

Why did Dong Zhengcai cry alone in the house more than [-] days ago?

There is a great possibility that after he killed Ge Fang and buried the body, he felt both regret and fear. For various reasons, Dong Zhengcai would hide in the house and cry.

Judging from the experience of Zheng Yong, Li Guo and other police officers in handling cases, if so many targets are pointed at one person, then almost [-]% of that person is the murderer.

Undoubtedly, many people present have identified Dong Zhengcai as the murderer who killed Ge Fang.

As for whether the death of Fang Dongshan, the old man in the reservoir, has anything to do with Dong Zhengcai, this is not known for the time being.

On this side, Lin Chen was wearing gloves, checking Dong Zhengcai's fishing gear.

Dong Zhengcai has a total of five fishing rods, two throwing rods, three hand rods, and a special tool box and net bag for fishing.

Dong Zhengcai's fishing equipment is very complete. From these complete equipment, it is not difficult to see that Dong Zhengcai's love for fishing.

If you are just a general hobby of fishing, you will buy one or two fishing rods, and you will not buy such a complete set of tools.

On the fishing rod, nothing was found. When Lin Chen opened the fishing toolbox and checked the contents, something caught Lin Chen's attention.

This is a small plastic box. The plastic box is light blue and translucent. Its shape, size and color are exactly the same as the plastic box dug up in the soil where Ge Fang was buried.

At the request of Lin Chen, the blue plastic box was dug up, and a police officer immediately recognized it as a fish hook storage box. After the box was brought back, the forensic department inspected the box. .

Originally, Lin Chen and the others had hoped that they could find a little bit of fingerprints inside the box, but under the inspection of the forensic staff, the fish hook storage box dug out of the soil had no fingerprints inside and outside at all.

The dug out box has no fingerprints, and it's not very useful anymore.

Now, in Dong Zhengcai's fishing toolbox, an identical fish hook storage box was found.

· · Flowers · ·

Zheng Yong was standing next to Lin Chen. After he saw the fish hook storage box, he said, "It's exactly the same as the one dug up from the burial site."

Lin Chen nodded: "Well, the same."

With surprise in his eyes, Li Guo said, "The information provided by Zhou Dakai, the car mechanic, and the landlady, combined with the same fish hook storage box in front of me, can almost conclude that Dong Zhengcai is the murderer of Ge Fang."

"That's right." Zheng Yong showed a smile on his face and said, "The landlord said that when he heard Dong Zhengcai crying more than [-] days ago to a month ago, Dong Zhengcai at that time was killed because of the murder of Ge Fang. I cried in fear."

Lin Chen put down the same fish hook storage box, and said, "We need to find this Dong Zhengcai soon, this person is too suspicious."


After Lin Chen finished speaking, he stood up from the corner where the fishing gear was placed and walked elsewhere.

After Li Guo heard Lin Chen's words, he immediately said to the car mechanic behind him: "Give me Dong Zhengcai's mobile phone number, and I will ask the technical department to locate him where he is now."

"Okay..." The car repairman's face was ugly, a little dull, and he seemed to be worried about Dong Zhengcai.

The car mechanic told Li Guo of Dong Zhengcai's mobile phone number. When Li Guozheng was about to contact the staff of the technical department of the county public security bureau to locate and track him, Lin Chen's voice suddenly rang.

Lin Chen said: "No need for positioning."

Li Guo, who was holding the mobile phone, immediately looked at Lin Chen after hearing what Lin Chen said.

Li Guo saw Lin Chen standing beside a table with his back to him.

"Mr. Lin, why don't you use positioning?" Li Guo asked.

Lin Chen took his hand out of the drawer of the table, and in his hand was holding a mobile phone.

Lin Chen pressed the power button of the phone, and the phone screen immediately lit up.

Lin Chendao: "The number that the car mechanic said just now is mobile. The screen of this mobile phone shows Huaxia Mobile. Most people don't use two mobile phones. This mobile phone should belong to Dong Zhengcai. Now, he does not have a mobile phone with him. ."

Li Guo immediately dialed the number given by the car mechanic. After dialing it, the cell phone in Lin Chen's hand rang immediately. .


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