When Li Guo saw the phone ringing in Lin Chen's hand, he hung up the phone that was dialing.

As Li Guo hung up the phone, the phone also stopped ringing.

Li Guo frowned and said, "Dong Zhengcai doesn't carry his mobile phone when he goes out. Is he anti-reconnaissance?"

Zheng Yong said: "I don't know if Dong Zheng hasn't been home for a few days, or he went out today and hasn't come home yet."

Shen Yue, who had been following Lin Chen and did not speak directly, said at this time: "Ge Fang's body was dug up, and a large number of police officers went to Xiaoshan Reservoir, so Dong Zheng would not have realized that his crime was exposed. , so you have absconded?"

As soon as Shen Yue's remarks came out, many police officers present showed a dull look.

Indeed, if Dong Zhengcai had been paying attention to the situation on the "eight and ninety" side of the Xiaoshan Reservoir after killing someone, and seeing a large number of police entering and leaving the Xiaoshan Reservoir, he would have been aware of it and reacted.

When the murderer realizes that he is in danger, the first thing he will do is to run away.

"It makes sense." Li Guochong nodded to Shen Yue and said, "Maybe, Dong Zhengcai has already absconded in fear of the crime. Most people will keep their mobile phones in their pockets when they go out, but he doesn't."

"Well." Zheng Yong also nodded.

Seeing that her views were recognized by many people, Shen Yue couldn't help but feel happy, and a smile appeared on her face.

Lin Chen turned around, looked at Shen Yue, Li Guo, Zheng Yong and the others, and said, "A lot of dust has accumulated on the pile of fishing gear in the corner. Judging from the dust, Dong Zhengcai has not touched it for a long time. They are."

"The table, stool, floor, and edge of the bed are all clean and free of dust, and the clothes in the closet have no signs of being tampered with. The dusty suitcase at the top of the closet is also there, and everything in the room is still there. It's relatively neat, and it doesn't look like a hasty escape."

After Li Guo heard Lin Chen's words, he said: "If it is to escape, then apply for a warrant. If Dong Zhengcai did not escape, it would be the best."

Lin Chen glanced at the room and said, "There is still a wallet and a lot of cash in the drawer. It's possible that Dong Zhengcai just went out and wasn't at home. Let's take control, maybe Dong Zhengcai will appear in a while, if he really He ran away with nothing, and he's not running very far now."

After Lin Chen said this, he continued to check in the room.

According to Lin Chen's instructions, Li Guo carried out a simple control of the roads around Dong Zhengcai's residence, and also asked the staff of the technical department of the county public security bureau to investigate the use of Dong Zhengcai's ID card. If Dong Zhengcai escaped, he would use the ID card to buy the ticket is not necessarily.

Lin Chen walked to the front of the wardrobe, opened the drawer in the wardrobe, opened the drawer, and checked the drawer.

The contents in the drawer, which other police officers have checked just now, are some paper invoices, some sundries, and a small black box.

Lin Chen reached out and picked up the small black box, and found that there was still a lot of weight, so he opened the paper box.

After the box was opened, Lin Chen saw that there were a lot of coins in this paper box, some of which were [-] piece, [-] cents, and [-] cents.

It seems that this small box is used to store coins, and it is convenient to take when you need it.

While Lin Chen was checking the cabinet, other police officers were also checking other places.

When Lin Chen put the small paper box containing the coins back in the drawer, the voice of a police officer lying beside the bed rang: "There is a discovery here."

After hearing the police officer's voice, Lin Chen and the others immediately turned their attention to the police officer.

After Lin Chen and the others paid attention, the police officer lying under the bed took out a bag from among the many debris under the bed.

This is a lady's red handbag, the handbag is not big, it is quite small, the workmanship is very good, and the style is also very beautiful.

After seeing the red handbag found under Dong Zhengcai's bed, Li Guo and Zheng Yong looked at each other immediately.

"Ge Fang's handbag?" Li Guo said uncertainly.

This kind of thing usually doesn't appear in a single man's home. Now Dong Zhengcai is very suspicious. He thinks that he is the murderer of Ge Fang, and he found a women's handbag under his bed. It's Ge Fang's.

A police officer beside Li Guo looked at the handbag and said, "In the testimony of Ge Fang's family, it doesn't seem to say that Ge Fang went out with a red handbag, but that Ge Fang left the house with a backpack. . . "

Zheng Yong heard the words and said, "It's not necessarily that Ge Fang's family forgot, or that Ge Fang put her handbag in her backpack when she went out."

Lin Chen said to the police officer who found the red handbag, "Open it and see what's inside."

"Okay." The police officer with the handbag agreed, and immediately opened the zipper of the handbag.

As the zipper opened, Lin Chen and the others also saw the contents of the handbag.

A few sanitary napkins, a pack of napkins, and a red string woven around the wrist.

Apart from these, there is nothing else in the handbag.

The policeman placed the contents of the handbag on the ground, and said, "Sanitary napkins, napkins, red strings, that's all, nothing else."

Li Guo squatted next to those things and said, "I'll take this bag to the Public Security Bureau in a moment, and let Ge Fang's family identify it to see if this bag belongs to Ge Fang."

The policeman agreed, said okay, and put those things back into the purse.

There is nothing in the bag that can determine the identity of the owner of the bag, but the value is not small.

If after going back and inquiring, it is determined that the bag belongs to the deceased Ge Fang, then there is no need to think about it, and it can be determined that Dong Zhengcai is the murderer who killed Ge Fang in 3.2.

Lin Chen and the others turned around Dong Zhengcai's house. After finding nothing, they walked to the landlady and asked her something.

Facing Lin Chen's inquiries, the landlady knew everything and said everything, and answered very enthusiastically and quickly.

After asking the car mechanic a few more questions, Lin Chen and Zheng Yong Li Guo walked downstairs.

After the group came to the parking place downstairs, Zheng Yong said, "Mr. Lin, now that Dong Zhengcai is suspected of being the murderer, it is almost certain that he is the murderer. Now the weather is hot, let's go back to the county public security bureau first."

"Yeah." There was no need for Lin Chen to investigate other matters, so Lin Chen nodded and agreed.

But just when Lin Chen was about to get into the car, Lin Chen's eyes suddenly froze. .


1071 There are some truths [2 more for subscription]

Lin Chen's eyes were condensed, not for other reasons, but from the position where Lin Chen was standing, looking forward, in the small alley in front, a person came out of the alley.

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