Once the safety is closed, the trigger cannot be pulled.

Shaokang motioned to open the insurance, but Lin Chen would not give him this chance.

The mobile phone that was caught in Lin Chen's hand was thrown out by Lin Chen, leaving an afterimage in the air, slamming into the back of Shaokang's hand.

The power contained in the flying of the mobile phone was very strong. Shaokang's hand was numb the moment he was smashed, and the pistol in his hand almost fell to the ground.

"Damn." Shaokang scolded secretly, clenching the gun in his hand again, and going to open the insurance with the other hand.

But at this time, with his lowered eyes, he realized that a figure had come to him.

After seeing this figure, Shaokang was startled, he quickly raised his head and saw Lin Chen's expressionless face.

"Grass." Shaokang roared after reacting, raised his foot and kicked Lin Chen's crotch.

Shaokang's explosiveness is very strong, and at such a close distance, he can kick Lin Chen's egg-egg with one kick.

It's just that in the eyes of everyone's astonishment, Shaokang's extremely explosive kick with all his strength was caught by Lin Chen's casual hand.

With just one hand, Lin Chen tightly clasped Shaokang's ankle, making him unable to move.


Shaokang shouted and wanted to break free, but he was shocked to find that no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't break free from the shackles of Lin Chen's hand.

"You like burying people in the mud, don't you?" Lin Chen said, with a weird smile on his face.

As soon as Shaokang gritted his teeth, his body jumped up slightly, and his other foot slammed towards Lin Chen's head.

"Yes, the next one buried in the soil is you." Shaokang roared while sweeping out his second foot.

When his second foot was still half a meter away from Lin Chen's head, Lin Chen moved, he raised his fist, and smashed the leg he was holding.

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A seemingly ordinary punch, but it caused Shaokang's leg to make a click, and the leg bone was bent. Through the protruding skin, it seemed that the shape of the broken bone stubble could be seen inside. .


Shaokang roared in pain. He had broken many people's bones before, but this was the first time someone had broken bones. The pain was unbearable for him, and he was lifted into the air, only a short distance from Lin Chen's head. The half-meter leg also fell to the ground weakly.

"Crack it!"

Lin Chen stretched out his hand and pinched Shaokang's hand holding the gun. Shaokang only felt that his entire arm was numb, and the [-]-style pistol in his hand came out of his hand and fell on the grass.

When the pistol was about to touch the ground, Lin Chen reached out and caught it.


Like a dead dog, Lin Chen kicked Shaokang's [-]-meter tall body out, and Shaokang rolled several meters away from the ground before he stopped.


Lin Chen's movements were smooth, and it wasn't until then that the men behind Shaokang reacted.

They didn't have guns on them, they took out the switchblade from their trouser pockets, the blade of the switchblade reflected light and attacked Lin Chen.

Lin Chen put away the pistol and walked towards these men. Under the horrified eyes of Qi Hongyuan and the female staff in the hall, these people were quickly resolved by Lin Chen. He also fell to the ground, unable to stand up again.

One of his legs was broken, and Shaokang was screaming miserably on the ground. It was only at this time that he looked at Lin Chen's eyes, and he was terrified.

In the past, when dealing with others and bullying others, he always brought a lot of people and acted in the attitude of controlling the overall situation.

But now, when they faced that young man, they had no power to fight back.

Lin Chen looked at Shaokang on the ground, he tilted his head slightly, glanced at Qi Hongyuan, and said, "What are you still doing, what did he do to you before, go back."

Qi Hongyuan's body was shaking with excitement. He nodded again and again, and said a few good words in his mouth. Then he looked left and right, and sat on a folding chair. .


089 In which private room [3 more for subscription]

Qi Hongyuan grabbed the folding chair and quickly rushed towards Shaokang on the ground.


Qi Hongyuan raised the folding chair in his hand high and slammed it down on Shaokang's body.


The folding chair fell on Shaokang's body, but for his strong physique, being smashed twice by the chair was no big deal at all.

Qi Hongyuan smashed his back continuously, and Lin Chen on the side saw this and reminded him, "Don't hit his back, hit his broken leg."

Qi Hongyuan has no experience in fighting. After hearing Lin Chen's words, his eyes immediately fell on Shaokang's leg that was broken by Lin Chen's punch.

Shaokang was startled and reached out to protect the leg, but the iron chair in Qi Hongyuan's hand had already fallen.

The iron chair slammed "nine eight three" onto Shaokang's broken leg, and Shaokang rolled on the ground in pain, his forehead covered with cold sweat.

"It was you who interrupted my mother's hand, you interrupted..." Qi Hongyuan was like going crazy, the iron chair in his hand fell on Shaokang's lap one by one, and he screamed. again and again.

Shaokang was not good at it either. After being beaten a lot by Qi Hongyuan, he found an opportunity and kicked Qi Hongyuan's leg with his uninjured foot, kicking Qi Hongyuan to a stagger, and one of them was not able to stand firm. on the ground.

Shaokang struggled to support his body with his hands and wanted to get up and run away, but a voice sounded in his ear: "I asked him to hit you, but I didn't ask you to fight back!"

After hearing this sentence, Shaokang was about to look back, but he felt that the collar was being picked up by someone. Then, his body of [-] meters and more than [-] pounds was vacated.

Lin Chen carried Shaokang, turned around, and slammed Shaokang's sturdy body down on the counter.

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