The counter was made of wood, Shaokang's body smashed the counter directly, and the whole person was embedded in the wooden counter.

"Ah..." The lady hiding behind the counter screamed in fright and ran out of the counter.

Lin Chen walked over, stretched out his hand and took out Shaokang, whose head was covered in blood, and threw Shaokang on the ground, saying, "You gangsters, don't you just like more people to bully others? The number one thug of the Qinghu Gang, listen carefully. Now, you can only beat me, and wherever you resist physically, I will interrupt you!"

Lin Chen's words were cold and ruthless, and when he heard Shaokang's ears, it made his heart a lot colder.

In the past, he bullied others like this. When he saw that others were unhappy, he bullied others, knocked them down, and then told him, now I'm going to start hitting you. If you dare to block it, the consequences will be tragic. Weigh.

After saying this, Shaokang will beat the other party fiercely, and the other party is afraid of Shaokang's skills and men, so he can only bite his teeth and be beaten, daring not to resist in the slightest.

After Lin Chen finished speaking, Qi Hongyuan also stood firm, he ran over with an iron chair, and slammed Shaokang on the body.

The number one thug of the Qinghu Gang, he used to be the only one who bullied others arrogantly, but now, he is lying on the ground, not daring to move, so he can only let Qi Hongyuan smash his chair on top of him.

Qi Hongyuan thought of the scenes when Qian Qinghu was bullied and abused by Shaokang before, and the iron chair in his hand was swung even harder.

Finally, Qi Hongyuan lost his strength, he stopped, and Shaokang on the ground was dying, and only his eyelids were blinking with difficulty.

"How does this feel? You beat me like this back then, that's how you beat my parents!" Qi Hongyuan yelled.

Shaokang didn't say a word, glanced at Lin Chen in horror, and then quickly looked away.

Lin Chen patted Qi Hongyuan on the shoulder, he stepped forward, squatted down, and asked Shaokang, "Tell me, which private room is Qian Qinghu in."

Shaokang trembled - shaking his body, and said, "At... on the fourth floor... 423..."

Lin Chen nodded, stretched out his hand to pick up Shaokang, he carried Shaokang towards the elevator like a dead dog.

Qi Hongyuan threw away the iron chair in his hand and followed behind Lin Chen.

The two walked into the elevator one after the other, Shaokang was carried by Lin Chen, blood all over his body, and he looked extremely embarrassed.

After the elevator door closed, Lin Chen pressed the button on the fourth floor, and the elevator slowly rose. With a ding dong, the elevator door opened, and there were a few people on the fourth floor who had finished singing and were ready to go downstairs.

When they saw Lin Chen and Qi Hongyuan standing in the elevator, as well as Shaokang, who had a lot of blood on his body, was being carried, and was embarrassed, these guests were shocked and quickly backed away...  

Lin Chen ignored the guests who were screaming and hiding in fright. He carried Shaokang and walked out of the elevator. He glanced at each private room, looking for private room No. 423.


In private room No. 423, Qian Qinghu was drinking with Boss Hong while chatting.

Qian Qinghu glanced at the mechanical watch on his hand, thinking that Shaokang has been down for several minutes, why hasn't he come up yet, so he hasn't gotten rid of that kid yet, right?

After thinking that Shaokang still had a gun on his body, Qian Qinghu shook his head, it was impossible, Shaokang had a gun in his hand, and he could still fight like that.

At the door of private room 423, there were ten or so young people standing. They were Qian Qinghu's horse boy and Boss Hong's entourage. Just as they looked around and felt bored.

At the corner of the aisle ahead, two people suddenly walked out.

The young man walking in front had an indifferent and expressionless face. After he came out of the corner, he walked towards the 423 private room step by step.

Although his appearance is handsome, what attracts more attention is the man he is holding in his hand.

The man was covered in blood, like a dead dog being held by his hand. Wherever he walked, a little 2.5 bloodstains were left on the soft carpet.

When a few of the young people standing at the door of private room 423 saw the man being carried, their expressions changed drastically, and they looked like they had seen a ghost.

The person who was being carried was actually Brother Hu's capable subordinate, Brother Shaokang, the number one thug of the Qinghu Gang.

The young people guarding the door were stunned. Didn't Brother Shaokang go down and clean up the young man who came to make trouble?Why is it so miserable now?

After being stunned, these young people all reacted, and two rushed into the private room to report the situation to Qian Qinghu.

The rest stayed at the door, took out switchblade knives of the same model, and looked vigilantly at Lin Chen who was getting closer.


PS: This book is now guaranteed to be updated with 5 chapters every day, and will be updated depending on the situation. Thank you brothers for liking this book. .


090 What kind of grievance [Subscribe]

Lin Chen carried Shaokang and walked forward step by step. The aisles of KTV were covered with a layer of soft-soft cushions, and people would not make a sound when walking on it.

But the dozen or so young people who looked at Lin Chen approached, every step Lin Chen took, they seemed to hear Lin Chen's strong footsteps.

"Stop immediately and let Brother Shaokang go!"

Among the group of young people at the door, a young horse under Shaokang shouted.

At the same time, the other two horses had already rushed into the KTV private room, and their expressions were a little flustered.

Seeing the people under his hands like this, Qian Qinghu frowned suddenly and asked, "What's the matter, what are you doing in such a panic?"

A young man said: "Boss, brother Shaokang is here..."

"Shaokang came up?" Qian Qinghu scolded: "Shaokang came up as soon as he came up. Isn't it normal for him to come up, so he needs to make such a fuss?"

"It's not..." Another horse boy added: "Brother Shaokang, he is covered in blood. He was brought up by a young man. It seems... It seems that the injury is so serious that he can't speak."


After Qian Qinghu heard this, he stood up from the sofa in an instant, the goblet in his hand and the red wine in the glass also spilled on the ground.

707 Qian Qinghu couldn't help but be surprised. Shaokang knew how capable he was of beating him. He didn't say much.

Shaokang was able to fight, and he was still carrying a pistol. He was seriously injured by that young man, and was he brought up?

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