A forensic doctor has to perform various autopsies and analysis checks on two corpses at the same time. This process is very exhausting and laborious.

This forensic doctor has been busy since Lin Chen and the others discovered the body last night. He was so tired last night that he slept on the edge of the dissection table for a few hours, and then continued to work.

At this moment, the forensic doctor is tired and listless, and is exhausted.

Lin Chen was going to go in and ask about the situation. If he couldn't hold it any longer, he would go for the autopsy himself.

But Zheng Yong suddenly ran behind him and said that there was a major gain, which made Lin Chen stop his steps to go in, and turned to look at Zheng Yong.

Lin Chen saw Zheng Yong's smile on his face, and it seemed that the major gains he said must be very useful.

Lin Chen asked, "What's the big gain?"

Zheng Yong then talked to Lin Chen about the major gain he had mentioned.

For Ge Fang's death and the death of Fang Dongshan, the old man in the reservoir, many police officers investigated from different directions.

One team of police officers visited the villages around the reservoir to investigate how many people in 577 villages near the reservoir like fishing and have been to Xiaoshan Reservoir for fishing.

Because the police force is sufficient, the speed of the visit and investigation is also very fast.

In the villages around the Xiaoshan Reservoir, some people in the village like fishing, and they have been found out who have been fishing in the reservoir where the incident occurred.

During the detailed cross-examination of those people, a major clue was obtained from a man's mouth very unexpectedly.

The man who provided clues was named Zhang An, a villager from a village near the reservoir where the incident occurred.

Zhang An is in his forties this year. His hobby is fishing. He has a lot of fishing equipment at home. When he has time, he will go fishing.

After being asked by the police about Fangdongshan, the old man of the reservoir, he said that after having lunch the day before yesterday, he went to Xiaoshan Reservoir to go fishing.

He went to Xiaoshan Reservoir to fish the day before yesterday, the day before Fang Dongshan was killed.

He said that when he went fishing there at noon, the old man of the reservoir, Fang Dongshan, was still in good condition, and he even received the ticket money for the fishing he gave.

After Zhang An paid the money, he took the equipment, chose a spot where he used to fish often, and started fishing.

As soon as (bbdf) started, he was the only one fishing in the entire reservoir. While he was lonely, Zhang An also felt that it was very good. He had a reservoir to himself, and maybe there would be a lot of harvest today.

After he had been fishing for more than half an hour, Zhang An vaguely heard the sound of a motorcycle. A man was riding a motorcycle, driving fast along the shore of the reservoir.

He drove the motorcycle to the opposite side of Zhang An's fishing position, and the two seemed to be about [-] to [-] meters apart.

At this distance, if you say you can't see clearly, you can see a little more clearly, and if you say you can see clearly, it's a little blurry.

Zhang An still remembered the style of the man's motorcycle and his general appearance. The fishing toolbox he took from the back of the motorcycle was red and black.

The man was fishing opposite Zhang An. After he took out all the fishing equipment, Fang Dongshan, the old man of the reservoir, walked along the bank of the reservoir to the man's side.

Zhang An saw that when Fang Dongshan walked in front of the man, he stretched out his hand to him, and then spoke, what he said, he couldn't hear clearly, but his attitude was very bad, like a tone of quarrel.

The man faced Fang Dongshan's bad attitude, and his attitude was also very bad. While saying something in a bad attitude, he took out a piece of money from his pocket and threw it to Fang Dongshan, the old man at the reservoir.

Zhang An couldn't see the money clearly, but the fee for fishing in Xiaoshan Reservoir was 100 yuan for a whole day, and when it was dark in the afternoon, it was only 50 yuan, so what the man threw to Fang Dongshan should be 50 yuan. money.

After the money was thrown out, it did not reach Fang Dongshan's hands, but floated directly to the ground.

When giving money to someone, it is very impolite to throw the money directly on the ground instead of handing it over to others.

The man's behavior also angered Fang Dongshan, and the two quarreled there again.

Fang Dongshan's attitude was bad, and the man's attitude was also very bad. After the two quarreled for a while, Fang Dongshan turned and left.

Zhang An, who was fishing, didn't take their quarrel to heart. After all, many people have a mentality that it's none of their business.

The man sitting opposite the reservoir, after fishing for more than an hour, he seemed to receive a call, and then started to pack up, it seemed that he had something to leave.

After the man packed his fishing gear, he got on a motorcycle and left.

Seeing that he was gone, Zhang An said in his heart that he was left alone in the reservoir.

After the man walked for more than an hour, he rode the motorcycle back again, returned to the previous position, began to unload things, and continued to fish.

The man set up his fishing gear, and after he started fishing, the old man from the reservoir, Fang Dongshan, walked towards him again.

After Fang Dongshan walked over, the two quarreled. This time, although Zhang An still couldn't hear what they were arguing about, judging from their physical appearance, the quarrel was very intense.

There was wind in the reservoir that day, and the whistling wind made Zhang An unable to hear the content of their quarrel.

After arguing for a few minutes, the man sitting on the stool suddenly violently pushed Fang Dongshan who was standing behind him into the water.

The position where Fang Dongshan was pushed was not deep. After struggling in the water twice, he stood up.

At this time, the man shouted: "Don't think that I dare not beat you when you are old. If you appear in front of me again, I will kill you. Believe it or not?"

Zhang An heard this sentence intermittently, but he could still fill in the specific content by himself.

Not to be outdone, the old man in the reservoir shouted, "Hit, beat me to death, come, beat me to death."

After Fang Dongshan finished roaring, the man rushed towards Fang Dongshan, as if he was going to continue beating him.

Zhang An, who was fishing across the reservoir, was hesitant after seeing this scene, wondering if he should go over to help.

Don't go, there is a fight on the opposite side, and Fang Dongshan is obviously not the man's opponent, and he will be beaten up.

Let's go, Zhang Anyi doesn't want to meddle in his own business, and secondly, although the fishing position between him and the man is only [-] to [-] meters, it is a straight-line distance. To get to him, you have to make a big circle.

When he was hesitating, Fang Dongshan, the old man of the reservoir, confessed, and the man rushed towards him, and he backed away, panicked and scared.

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