The man pointed at Fang Dongshan's nose and said a few words, then went back to continue fishing. .


1074 Confirm one by one 【Subscription】

After the man returned to the fishing platform, he pointed his finger at Fang Dongshan's nose and scolded something, but this time he scolded in a low voice, and Zhang An on the other side couldn't really hear it.

Zhang An has been to Xiaoshan Reservoir many times for fishing. Knowing that Fang Dongshan, the reservoir administrator, has a bad attitude, he didn't know how he felt when he saw the old man of the reservoir, Fang Dongshan, being deflated.

Zhang An looked at Fang Dongshan at the time. After Fang Dongshan was scolded by the man again, he stood there for a long time.

Due to the distance, Zhang An couldn't see the expression of Uncle Qingku at that time.

After the old man Fang Dongshan of the reservoir stood there for a few minutes, he dragged his wet body and walked towards the shore of the reservoir.

Fang Dongshan didn't quarrel with that tyrannical man again, and didn't give him a second look. He, a bad-tempered old man, could only admit his cowardice and go back in despair after meeting the tyrannical man with an even more bad-tempered man.

Zhang An watched Fang Dongshan's figure disappear from sight. Not long after Fang Dongshan left, Zhang An's cell phone rang.

Zhang An's wife called him this call. Several relatives from other places came to the house and asked him to go back to entertain guests.

Zhang An heard that relatives from other places were coming, so he had to pack up the fishing gear he had laid out, and carried the fishing gear back to the entrance of the reservoir. He rode a motorcycle back.

When returning to the entrance of the reservoir, Zhang An went to see where Fang Dongshan ran, but he didn't see him. There was only a small wooden house standing quietly beside the reservoir. He thought, Fang Dongshan should be back Go inside the cabin.

After Zhang An went back to entertain relatives, he didn't take what he saw in the reservoir to heart. After the police found him and talked about the situation, he told the police everything he knew.

After the police handling the case got this important clue, they immediately notified Li Guo, who was in charge of the case, and Li Guo informed Zheng Yong, and Zheng Yong informed Lin Chen.

After hearing what Zheng Yong said, Lin Chen nodded slightly and said, "This is a major gain."

"Yes." Zheng Yong said a little excitedly: "Fang Dongshan's death time was around 5 o'clock in the evening the day before yesterday. Zhang An saw Fang Dongshan and the man fighting at [-] or [-] o'clock in the afternoon the day before yesterday, and he left after [-] o'clock. Reservoir went back to entertain relatives, the man had the time and ability to commit crimes, Zhang An said that the man was very strong, Fang Dongshan’s strength was in front of him, and he was no match for him.”

"After he went back, Fang Dongshan might not feel angry, so he went to the man to settle the account. After the two had a conflict, he angered the man, and the stubborn old man from Fang Dongshan killed him."

After Zheng Yong said this speculation, he looked at Lin Chen, wanting to hear what Lin Chen said.

In the case in front of him, Fang Dongshan's body floated down from the reservoir to the river where Lin Chen and the others were having a picnic. When they were chasing the suspect, they found Ge Fang's body in the forest. Two lives were lost.

Regarding Ge Fang's death, there is already a major suspect, Dong Zhengcai, the motorcycle repairer, that guy is heavily suspected, and he runs away when he sees the police, and it can almost be concluded that he is the murderer.

The death of Fang Dongshan, the old man in the reservoir, is now the main suspect. It is the man who clashed with Fang Dongshan the day before yesterday afternoon and scolded him fiercely.

These two cases, two lives, the murderer is about to come out. If Dong Zhengcai and the fishing man who had a conflict with Fang Dongshan were caught, the case should be solved.

Before Lin Chen could speak, an old criminal policeman who followed up on the side said with a smile on his face: "Zheng Bureau, the man who had a conflict with Fang Dongshan, whether it is the motive, ability and time for committing the crime, he is suspected of committing the crime. It's very big, I just don't know that Zhang An, so I can deny him."

After Zheng Yong heard the words, there was no expression on his face, and he said: "That Zhang An remembers his approximate size and the color of the motorcycle and the man's fishing toolbox. We are the fishing enthusiasts in Xuanbei County. hard."

After the old criminal policeman heard the words, he nodded his head.

Lin Chendao: "Then try to find as many fishing enthusiasts in Xuanbei County as possible, and let that Zhang An confirm one by one. Now that the police force is sufficient, these things should be easy to do. You go find the man, and I will go in. autopsy."

When it came to the last sentence, Lin Chen pointed to the forensic laboratory inside the transparent glass door.

In the forensic laboratory, the forensic doctor was still examining the corpse, but he was already very tired, and he was holding on with a listless appearance.

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The reason why Lin Chen wanted to go in for an autopsy was that the forensic doctor was in a very bad state at the moment. Even if there were any important clues on the corpse, it might have been ignored by him because of exhaustion.

Zheng Yong also glanced at the forensic laboratory. He said, "Mr. Lin, a forensic doctor is already busy, why don't you take a break? Anyway, this case involving two lives is about to be solved."

Lin Chen twisted his neck, looked at the forensic doctor in the laboratory, and said, "This forensic doctor is already exhausted like that. In this state, it is easy to ignore clues. There are no other forensic doctors in your county, who am I not going to go to? "

After Lin Chen finished speaking, ignoring Zheng Yong's politeness, he pushed open the door and walked into the laboratory.


The forensic doctor in the laboratory knew that Lin Chen and the others were talking outside, but they did not hear what Lin Chen and the others said.

After seeing Lin Chen walk in, he nodded at Lin Chen and said, "Mr. Lin, you're here."

The forensic doctor's voice was weak, and his eyes could not be opened.

Lin Chen asked him, "How is your experience with the two corpses?"

After hearing Lin Chen's words, the forensic doctor coughed and answered in a higher voice, "The cause of death of the two deceased has been determined. The deceased Fang Dongshan had water in his airway and abdomen, and his lungs were swollen. He drowned in water. Symptoms, several cracks were found in Ge Fang's skull, after identification, the cracks were caused by an oval blunt instrument, and the skull crack was severe enough to kill Ge Fang."

"I have conducted a comprehensive inspection of Fang Dongshan's body and clothes. No suspicious fingerprints have been found on Fang Dongshan's body or clothes."

Hearing this, Lin Chen nodded slightly, and the forensic doctor continued: "The second deceased, Ge Fang, her body was severely decomposed, which is not conducive to collecting fingerprints, but I have also checked it again and found no suspicious fingerprints."

"As for some other conditions of the corpse, it is still being tested, and the results have not yet come out..."

Immediately, the forensic doctor told Lin Chen all the other autopsy findings.

After hearing the results of the forensic doctor's examination, Lin Chen looked at him and said to him, "Okay, leave it to me here."


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After the forensic doctor heard Lin Chen's words, he was stunned for a moment, and hesitantly said, "Mr. Lin, come?"

Lin Chen nodded and said, "You are too tired, go and rest, just leave it to me here."

The forensic doctor was still hesitant. He glanced at Director Zheng and the others outside the glass door and said, "Mr. Lin, let's say goodbye. I am the forensic doctor. These are the things I should do."

Lin Chen waved his hand and said, "Don't be polite, your current state is not suitable for autopsy, and it is easy to ignore clues. You go to rest, leave it to me here, and then hand it over to you when you rest."

After the forensic doctor heard Lin Chen's words, he nodded slowly and said good.

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